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Chapter 1

1. 1 Introduction

Although all consumers buy and consume things on a regular basis, it is well acknowledged that there are specific elements that influence consumer purchasing and consumption decisions. This effect helps to form or decide what is known as consumer behaviour.

Consumers’ decisions to purchase a specific product are frequently influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural groups’ varied living patterns, as well as ethnic, religious, and racial backgrounds. Consumption of food goods such as the one under survey (egg) may be impacted by numerous factors including as

(a) Food properties.

(b) Personal and environmental elements

Consumers’ awareness of food nutrition is also a critical factor influencing egg purchasing and consumption in current society. Because our food consumption pattern is regarded poor, most people seek supplements to supplement what they consume, particularly protein, which leads to the use of eggs by both adults and children.

It is evident that no single diet contains all of the elements required by the body in adequate proportions to sustain life and support optimal growth. Nonetheless, the majority of what we eat is carbohydrates,

and we cannot afford alternative expensive methods or foods to obtain protein. This is obvious in how frequently families and individuals include eggs in their diets.

However, eggs appear to be gaining popularity among bakers and hoteliers. The requirement to make their products delicious and nutritious has resulted in all of them becoming egg-based.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Consumers’ response and increased egg consumption piqued our interest, prompting us to conduct this study. This contradicts our traditional practice and perspective of egg eating in our homes and communities.

Some factors that influence consumers’ purchasing and consumption patterns contribute to greater egg consumption. Consumers can make frivolous purchases due to their illogical behaviour.

Consumers, on the other hand, use eggs to supplement their household’s nutritious intake due to our meal pattern and nutritional values. Consumers use it as a protein source for both children and adults.

The primary goal of this research study is to identify and evaluate the factors that influence consumers’ purchases and consumption of eggs, as well as to determine how customers react to those aspects.

1.3 Study Objectives

The following are the study’s objectives:

i. To investigate the relative importance of nutritional parameters in egg buying and consumption.

ii. Determine whether egg customers are influenced by their income level during purchase.

iii. Investigate how cultural, societal, and income determinants influence egg purchasing and consumption among Enugu consumers.

iii. Determine the extent to which cultural and financial factors influence consumer egg purchases and consumption.

1.4 Study’s Significance

This study provides an in-depth look of consumer consumption and purchase habits. The study identifies the elements that influence consumers’ egg purchases and consumption. As a result, by understanding their aspects, the supplier/producer will be able to better deal with customers.

This study is especially significant because of its addition to this expanding field of knowledge as a result of people’s misconceptions about consumer behaviour. This project will provide an opportunity for producers and suppliers to learn more about how consumers act.


The following hypothesis will be tested during this investigation.

H0: The consumer’s income level has no influence on his or her egg buy and consumption.

H1: A consumer’s income level effects his or her purchase and consumption of eggs.

H0: Mothers’/housewives’ educational level has no influence on their egg buying or consumption.

H2: Mothers’/housewives’ educational levels influence their egg buying and consumption.

H0: Consumers’ purchase and consumption of eggs is not influenced by cultural values.

H3: That cultural value also influences egg purchasing and consumption.

H0: The age distribution of a household has no affect on consumer egg purchases and consumption.

H4: A household’s age distribution effects egg purchases and consumption.

1.6 The scope of the study

This study examines the factors that influence Enugu consumers’ egg purchases and consumption. It examines the issues involved in consumer behaviour in order to provide a complete analysis for better understanding.

Enugu was chosen as a specific reference because the city consumes a lot of eggs. This is reflected in the significant number of students in Enugu for whom eggs constitute an important part of their diet.

1.7 The limitations of the study

Many constraints and limitations were encountered during the course of this investigation. Some of these limits were typical of those faced during such academic exercises, while others were novel and tedious.

This study’s research technique has several shortcomings. Concerns have been voiced concerning a technique that relies on a small number of case studies for data, as well as the study’s conclusions’ generalizability.

However, the study’s goal was to gain a thorough understanding of customer behaviour, therefore individual consumers were chosen to be investigated.

There was also the risk of subjective errors in the data due to hindsight bias, inaccurate perceptions of respondents, or insufficient recording by the researcher.

Another constraint encountered during the investigation is time. Secondary data was not always reliable, thus it was rejected. The study’s secondary data selection and inspection required a significant amount of time.

Term Definitions

Purchase Decision: The step of the buyers’ decision process in which the consumer actually purchases the product.

Cognitive Dissonance: Buyer discomfort caused by post-purchase disagreement.

Adoption refers to an individual’s decision to become a frequent user of a product.

Consumer Buying Behaviour: This relates to the purchasing habits of end users – individuals and households who purchase products and services for personal use.

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