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1. Introduction.
The primary goal of this research is to gain an understanding of the various forms of farmers unions in Cameroon and to highlight some of the practical challenges that farmers and farmers’ unions confront.

In the course of this thesis, I will look at what farmers unions do and what limitations they face as they strive to improve cocoa cultivation through various activities.

Better cocoa farming entails assisting farmers in making their jobs easier and more enjoyable, increasing the profitability of cocoa sales, and improving farmers’ access to funds and farm resources.

As a child who grew up in the agricultural community, I witnessed the tremendous and massive efforts made by farmers to make the best of what they do, but it all ends up benefiting only a mechanism, system, or political figure who, in the end, does nothing to add value to cocoa production.

Despite the fact that multiple farmers’ unions exist from various sectors, it remains difficult to determine whether members of such unions comprehend the obligations, duties, and responsibilities of one union to another, as well as between unions and some cooperative societies.

For the purposes of this study, it will be necessary to limit the scope to the co-coa workers farmers union. The constraint is intended to make the research more specific, as well as to allow for the trail and management of information from a specific operation with a greater focus on the specific player.

The goal here is to be able to spot specific trends in problems and offer a more useful contribution to the solution. Contributions will cover topics such as how farmers unions operate and the issues encountered by cocoa farmers.

iii. How farmers’ unions improve services for cocoa growers in Cameroon.

iv. Finally, recommendations for implementation.

This means that by the end of the study, we will have a better understanding of how workers unions operate in the context of cocoa producers in Cameroon.

It will also be crucial to identify the most important unions and be able to see particular issues that impede economic viability in agriculture.

2. Background and past research on major ideas.

2.1 Major ideas.

2.1.1 Economic Sustainability in the Agriculture Sector

Sustainability in agriculture combines three primary goals: environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equality. Regardless of the various approaches tried to defining sustainable agriculture, themes such as stewardship of people and environmental resources have always appeared in popular definitions.

At a certain level of sustainability, we adopt a system approach, which looks at the entire ecosystem, from individual farms to huge towns affected by agriculture. This strategy will also require interdisciplinary efforts in research and education.

It is very essential to remark that the family economy and individual aspirations of all those participating in the system have a big influence on the step-by-step progress into sustainable agriculture.

Economic sustainability is a word commonly used to describe the productivity and upkeep of specific trades or activities. It would be more suitable to manage the definition by sliding the words apart.

The term “sustainability” refers to the management of the environment and economy in such a way that their worth is not diminished in the future.

Typically, since the 1980s, the term has been used to describe environmental sustainability. However, with the multiple effects of other activities on the environment, the phrase has been adapted to a variety of areas.

The primary premise is that an activity can maintain and help future generations (Agricultural sustainability). Vic Barnett, Roger Payne (1995)

Economic has a broad connotation from various perspectives and ramifications. According to this thesis, economics will be considered not as a mechanism, but as a stance for the enjoyment of living quality.

Here, we indicate that the term quality refers to an appraisal of the standard of living that a group of people enjoys as a result of their actions, and that there is a guarantee that a higher standard is achievable in the future.

The term “economic sustainability” refers to an activity’s ability to sustain and secure a good quality of living for individuals who engage in it both now and in the future. What is vital here is that we can make a livelihood from this activity, and that the trade’s future is secure. Cameroon’s agricultural sector (proportional segmentation)

According to the Encyclopaedia of Nations, agriculture was the largest contributor to Cameroon’s national GDP until 1978; after extraction began, the focus shifted to oil and gas.


In this country with enormous agricultural potential, it is critical to shed light on the various types of goods that are grown, as well as to illustrate their contribution to the national GDP.

Between 1990 and 2001, agriculture in most developing countries saw a drop in its contribution to the national GDP. The examples of China and Congo are instructive, as they saw a transition from 27% and 12.3% to 16.3% and 7.2%, respectively.

The situation in these countries demonstrates that as industrialization progresses, the impact of other sectors grows stronger, and they tend to bring more value to GDP than the agricultural sector.

Cameroon’s numbers show a contrasting trend, with agriculture increasing from 24.2% to 53.5% between 1990 and 2001. According to these numbers, agriculture was the primary source of revenue for most governments until 2001. Since this time, there has been an increase in the number of individuals.

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