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Geophysical Investigation Of Groundwater Level Using Vertical Electrical Sounding

Geophysical Investigation Of Groundwater Level Using Vertical Electrical Sounding

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Geophysical Investigation Of Groundwater Level Using Vertical Electrical Sounding


Boreholes and drilled wells are a key source of portable water, which is one of the most commonly consumed minerals in homes, workplaces, and factories today. Since man began to live in communities, the issue of an appropriate and enough water supply, particularly for household and agricultural use, has preoccupied the mind.

However, in most impoverished nations, including Nigeria, clean water is not always available or may not be provided at all. Groundwater is regarded as an extremely valuable natural resource.

In arid, semi-arid, and dry locations, this could be the only source of water. Even in humid places, groundwater is regarded as a superior resource for a variety of economic and hygiene reasons. Groundwater’s importance in supporting human life on this planet cannot be overstated.

Currently, all developed and developing countries prioritise short and long-term strategies for the exploration and exploitation of groundwater deposits in their respective regions. Every day, millions of gallons of groundwater are pumped around the world to suit man’s industrial, agricultural, and domestic requirements.

Most wells in Ewu, Esan Central Local Government Area, Edo State, do not produce a significant amount of portable water due to variations in groundwater properties caused by differences in lithological, structural, and sedimentation features.

The presence of failed boreholes and dry wells has been a major worry. However, this can be traced back to the sitting and drilling of boreholes without doing geophysical studies. As a result, prior to digging boreholes, a reliable geophysical research must be conducted.

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