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Hostel Sanitation Practices And Its Effect On Student’ Health

Hostel Sanitation Practices And Its Effect On Student’ Health

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Hostel Sanitation Practices And Its Effect On Student’ Health

Chapter one


1. Background of Study

Student health has been a major contributing factor to their academic performance over the years because it determines the student’s ability to read and prepare for his examinations; it even defines the student’s ability to write well inside the hall, which is the primary goal of a student attending school.

The World Health Organisation defines health as a live organism’s functional and metabolic efficiency. Humans have the ability to adapt and self-manage when confronted with physical, mental, or social changes.

It is a widely accepted fact that students are known for their laziness and ego; many of them tend to leave their area of residence without taking care of it, only to be waiting for cleaners to clean it for them;

however, the hostels are always very dirty because things are not done appropriately; for example, a student urinating in the front of the hostel where it shouldn’t be is indirectly calling for mosquitoes to breed around the hostel, and this is also the case.

Waste generation is a major cause of dirtiness in the hostel due to the large number of students, and if not properly managed, can cause more harm than good. Wastes are generated on a daily basis through various human activities, and if not disposed of properly, they lead to pollution of the environment, which has serious implications for the health of the students residing in the hostel (Earthwatch, 2007).

Different institutional bodies have been established at various levels for environmental sanitation, and tertiary institutions such as the University of Calabar are no exception. The goal is to ensure that students’ waste is properly disposed of in order for the students residing in the hostel to be healthy.

According to a study conducted by Ogeah and Ikelegbe (2007), students are unconcerned about the cleanliness of their hostels and the overall atmosphere. They also demonstrated that, despite the presence of cleaners, students contribute to poor hostel cleanliness practices, which have a significant impact on their health.

Students contribute to poor dormitory cleanliness standards by failing to use school-provided garbage disposal facilities in the dormitories. Outside of cleaning their hostel rooms, most students find it degrading to tidy their surroundings.

Even though the University system has hired cleaners to clean the hostels, these cleaners are poorly supervised, and with them not doing their jobs properly, the hostel surroundings become a breeding site for all sorts of dangerous insects and pests such as mosquitos, which can expose students to malaria, tsetse flies, which when bitten will cause sleeping sickness, and many other insects with different health complications, even some students go as far as

The World Health Organisation defined sanitation as the means of collecting and disposing of excreta and community liquids, waste in a hygienic manner so as not to endanger the health and welfare of beings, as well as the social and environmental effects that it may have on people;

people have been suffering from one disease to another without knowing the problems of their illness, the situation, and due to distress or a dirty environment (Earthwatch, 2007).

Good sanitation practices occur in clean environments, as defined by the School Sanitation Consultative Meeting Report (1999), which includes personal and universal cleanliness.

According to Burnet (1995), students’ critical thinking, intellectual development, and aesthetic appreciation are all influenced by their living and learning environments in institutions.

In school hostels, one of the biggest issues is overcrowding, which has had a significant impact on students’ health. More than 200 kids share four toilets. Most girls in hostels have inadequate sanitation facilities.

Inadequate sanitation in school hostels has jeopardised students’ health; girls in the dormitory are especially vulnerable in this condition. Given the aforementioned, it is critical to determine the impact of hostel cleanliness procedures resulting from the scenario on student health.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Despite knowing the importance of cleanliness and sanitation and its impact on one’s health, school hostels at Nigerian colleges are extremely unclean. Given the rise in the prevalence of hygiene-related disorders, it is vital to determine the extent to which university students, in particular, are involved in hostel environmental sanitation.

However, the focus of this research will be on the investigation of hostel sanitation procedures utilising the University of Calabar as a case study, as well as their impact on student health.

This study will also look into how to promote hostel sanitary habits among students. This study will seek to determine the mechanisms used by both management and students to ensure the cleanliness of the students’ hostel.

This study will also look at the frequency of student illnesses that can be linked to inadequate sanitary practices in order to determine the impact of hostel sanitation practices on student health.


The basic goal of this study is to examine the notion of hostel cleanliness practices and their impact on student health at the University of Calabar. The specific aims are to:

1. To identify hostel sanitary practices at the University of Calabar.

2. To investigate the impact of dormitory cleaning practices on students’ health at the University of Calabar.

3. To assess the effectiveness of hostel sanitary procedures at the University of Calabar.

4. Identify the difficulties affecting hostel sanitary procedures at the University of Calabar.

5. To investigate the views of students regarding hostel sanitation practices at the University of Calabar.


1. What are the hostel sanitary practices at the University of Calabar?

2. What influence do hostel sanitary procedures have on students’ health at the University of Calabar?

3. How effective are the hostel sanitary practices at the University of Calabar?

4. What are the difficulties to hostel sanitary procedures at the University of Calabar?

5. What are students’ perspectives on hostel sanitary practices at the University of Calabar?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

HO1: There is no substantial effect of hostel cleanliness procedures on the students’ health at the University of Calabar.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The following are the implications of this study:

1. The findings of this study will raise awareness among the general public and students staying in tertiary institution hostels regarding the impact of hostel cleanliness standards on their health.

2. This study will contribute to the body of literature on hostel cleanliness practices and their impact on student health, thereby establishing the empirical literature for future research in the subject area.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited to the student hostel at the University of Calabar. It will also address students’ opinions on dormitory sanitary procedures and their impact on student health.

Limitations of the study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Hostels provide budget-friendly, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and, on occasion, a kitchen.

Sanitation is the hygienic means of promoting health by preventing human contact with waste hazards, as well as treating and properly disposing of sewage or wastewater.

Practice is a theoretical term for human action in society.

Effect is a result or change of something.

Health refers to a living organism’s functional and metabolic efficiency. Humans have the ability to adapt and self-manage when confronted with physical, mental, or social changes.

Student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution.

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