How to Schedule Your Way to Success in College
Given the pressures resulting from studies and internships, it is very common to feel lost and even hopeless at times. If you identify with this situation, don’t worry! Continue reading and check out tips to better manage your time:
Stop self-sabotaging
The first step you can take to have better time management is to change your posture. “What do you mean?” You must be wondering. But it is simple.
Many people who face difficulties in having a more organized and productive routine begin to view this problem as something without resolution, definitively. With that, they make the phrase “I don’t have time for anything,” a real mantra, which is repeated over and over the days.
They soon stop enjoying life, practice a hobby, and even give up investing in their professional future, entering a cycle of self-sabotage and continuous demotivation. So, if that’s your case, stop it! Starting today, you will deal with this issue differently. For example:
You should think that the possibility of changing your daily life is in your hands;
You should leave negativity aside and appreciate the positive things you have already achieved (and will still achieve);
Always keep in mind that it’s never too late to achieve your dreams.
When you least expect it, you will realize that no difficulty cannot be overcome!
Establish what your goals are
When stopping self-sabotage, it is also essential that you set aside a free day, such as a Saturday or Sunday, to make a kind of “goals wall,” leaving it visible in your room or in another room where you spend a lot of time.
In it, you must outline two scenarios. In the first, which will be called “now”, write down how your life is at that moment – where you are, your background, how you have helped your family, etc.
In the second, which will be the “future,” point out the short, medium and long-term objectives that you want to achieve or improve, to have more quality of life and a better financial return. Having a different curriculum, doing an internship, taking a professional course, or cleaning the house are just a few possibilities.
Anyway, this chart will serve as a daily incentive that you will look at and remain optimistic about, determined to achieve each of your goals! It’s worth mentioning that it’s important to mark each new achievement with an “X”!
Use a calendar
In addition to organizing your appointments, the schedule makes them more visible. The chores inside a university are many and relying only on your memory is very risky. You can forget about a project or some test – which is normal since the head of a university student is very busy.
Be a friend of your schedule: write down everything you have to do in college, the delivery dates, instructions on how the work should be done, etc. Be detailed, because the more you write down in your diary, the more you will save your head.
Set a time to study
Paying attention in class is not enough: it is necessary to reinforce the subjects by studying daily. There is a balance for everything – so don’t let your studies take up all your free time, but don’t stop studying.
Set some hours per day to reinforce what was seen in class. We also advise you to set a fixed time for this, studying from eight to ten at night.
This measure brings a sense of obligation to comply with schedules. Thus, you are less likely to procrastinate. Guidance is also valid for the dedicated: having a limited study schedule prevents you from spending hours studying and forgetting to dedicate time for your leisure.
Learn to prioritize
For those who have a ruled life and hardly have time to spare, prioritizing is essential. Because the time you spend doing something unnecessary could be well spent doing a relevant task.
Do whatever is most important first, or what has the shortest delivery time. This way, when you finish these tasks, you can use the rest of your time calmly because the essentials will already be done.
It is also good to remember that it is normal not to live up to all your commitments – after all, you are not a machine. But, if you have to stop doing some work, know how to choose very well. Avoid absences in the disciplines in which you have the most difficulty or those in which you need to get a higher grade, as you may suffer even more in the future.
Try to do everything in advance
Procrastination is the villain in many college students’ lives and leaving everything to the last minute is a terrible mistake. Unforeseen events can happen all the time, and your teachers may not be flexible. But those who do their chores in advance have plenty of time to readjust their plans and schedule.
In addition to flexibility, starting a project a month before your delivery date, for example, allows you to do everything more smoothly. You won’t have to spend days without sleeping well or sacrificing your leisure hours.
It is not easy to manage time in college, but simple practices will make your day to day (and much) easier. Once your academic life is organized, you will have more time to dedicate yourself. And, of course, don’t forget that having your leisure time and taking care of your health are points that should not be overlooked.
Adopt concentration techniques
Another important step towards better time management – and closely connected with the previous one – is to adopt concentration techniques that help you focus more on what you need.
After all, you often set up a very detailed and efficient weekly schedule, but, for some last-minute unforeseen event, a simple distraction or even the old laziness, you end up procrastinating and delaying everything. As you can imagine, the result is that their chores and obligations become a snowball, which only increases in size until it is no longer possible to keep pace.
Identify and eliminate distractions
Finally, it is essential to identify what your sources of distraction are and eliminate them to waste less time.
Imagine, for example, that you plan to organize the house on Saturday morning. However, instead of doing what was proposed, you spend hours with your cell phone in hand, checking notifications from social networks.
Because of this, you end up postponing this task for the night and thus lead to canceling an appointment you had made with your friends. In a domino effect, distractions delay not only the performance of your tasks, but also affect your plans.
So, sit down, grab a pen and paper, and do a self-assessment to recognize those things that don’t add but still can disrupt your schedule.
Anyway, did you see how it is possible to organize and have time management that works and allows you to balance your professional and personal life? Start putting these five steps that we list here and see your routine being modified for the better!
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