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Identification Of Teaching Topic In Senior Secondary School Biology And English Language.

Identification Of Teaching Topic In Senior Secondary School Biology And English Language.

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Identification Of Teaching Topic In Senior Secondary School Biology And English Language.


Nigeria is made up of various states with different languages. English language and biology continue to play important and complex roles in practically every aspect of our lives.

The mass media, particularly newspaper and news reporting, is a particularly distinctive environment in which diversity and vitality in the usage of English are highly experienced. While Biology assists us in resolving health issues.

Daily reports in English are provided on activity in politics, education, crime and law, sports, art and leisure, medicine, and other fields. Daily English-language newspapers continue to be the largest in Nigeria’s newspaper sector. Against this backdrop, this research investigates the reasons for English and Biology’s dominant influence in Nigeria.

Recalling the history of English and Biology, and linking their functions to Nigeria’s colonial background and utility values, respectively, this writer discovers that English as a second language (ESL) has long continued to exhibit overt and covert lapses in the hands of our reporters and sub-editors, while attempting to evolve an acceptable standard Nigerian English variety.

Three daily newspaper publications are purposefully chosen: the Daily Sun, the Punch, and the Saturday Tribune, and news stories from each are used as data.

The findings show that some Nigerian reporters are gradually adopting understandable English in their writing style, although structural grammar errors may still be seen in the writing of several others. Biology has also made advances in the field of human health.

Chapter one

1.0. Introduction

1.1. Background of the Study

Teachers in secondary school frequently use the phrase identification to discuss topics that are new to their students. Identification of a teaching topic is the process of determining the pronunciation and meaning of an unknown. For topics in readers’ meaning vocabulary, unlocking the pronunciation leads to the topic meaning.

Until now, evaluation studies on the subject have paid insufficient attention to the approach utilised in the creation of biology and English. Biology and English teaching techniques were identified in the methodology curriculum of biology and English education programs in Nigeria, and their relationship to pre-service teacher educators’ instructional strategies was examined.

To meet the aforementioned goals, the teaching topic should be based on the availability of quality teacher education programs. The term “quality teachers’ education” refers to how well biology and English teachers in Nigerian secondary schools adhere to national educational standards.

We should understand that curriculum refers to the set of courses, prospectors, study plans, or syllabuses supplied by a school. As a result, a curriculum contains the variety of topics from which students can select the subject matter to be studied in a certain program, as well as the teaching and evaluation methodologies that will be employed for those topics.

Curriculum can be defined as all actions directed towards the fulfilment of teaching objectives. The curriculum can be broken into three components. The proposed, implemented, and completed curriculum. And all of this was directed towards a successful theme.

For example, while teaching and identifying topics in biology, biology textbooks used in classroom instruction and laboratory work must be studied. The biology curriculum in schools is determined not only by the topics of study, but also by the textbook

which will reflect the current topic to be identified, such as the animal kingdom, plants, bacteria, fungi, plant, cell, ecosystem, living and non-living creatures, skeletons, reproduction, and many others. These themes should be identified by name and classified by senior secondary school students.

Furthermore, teaching English to speakers of other languages can be just as difficult as learning English for nonnative speakers. Both the teacher and the pupils must follow a set protocol for understanding pronunciation, words, concepts, and cultural standards.

There are several subjects that can be identified, with the majority of them falling into four categories: reading skill development, vocabulary acquisition, idea separation and identification, and evaluation.

Without conducting research, identify themes such as parts of speech, pronunciation, writing and reading, vocabulary, grammar, oral English, concord, and many more that will assist senior secondary students in gaining information.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In Nigeria, identification of teaching topics in schools, particularly biology and English, is not taken seriously. We refused to acknowledge that the majority of students are unable to read and write, but some plainly can.

Most of them were unaware that word recognition skills may provide access to a word’s pronunciation but not its meaning. Being able to pronounce a written word constitutes word identification in the most basic sense; but, if the reader is unable to identify a topic and attach meaning to it, he or she has not read the word, because reading must result in meaning building.

Many pupils learn new topics without trouble. Many teachers introduce topics by teaching emerging readers to sing the alphabet and then attaching them to the letter forms.

While knowing letter names appears to aid in the development of word-identification skills, it would be inappropriate to delay introducing other new topics to students who are unfamiliar with them.

In English, pupils identify themes with exceptional speed and precision. Indeed, fluent word recognition appears to be a prerequisite for understanding text. If an English reader needs to analyse a topic slowly. Topic analysis drains much of the words in a text, as well as the memory and attention required for comprehension.

Students in senior secondary school recognise very few words immediately. Repeated exposure to the same words expands one’s immediate identification repertoire. It is critical that students learn to identify subjects that arise frequently during the educational process.

In biology, instructional tactics that have been advocated for science teachers to instill science process skills in their pupils include demonstration, direct observation, field trips, group work, laboratory activities, and manipulations.

Biology should be taught using method approaches in which students are placed in problem-solving situations and given relevant tools to help them process information and solve scientific problems.

This viewpoint is consistent with the federal ministry of education’s current emphasis on the utilisation of field studies, guided discovery, laboratory procedures, and skills, along with conceptual thinking, as important teaching methodologies for implementing the senior high school biology curriculum.

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The study’s objective is to determine the teaching topic in the senior secondary school curriculum in Nigeria, which includes:

_ Focus on functional approaches of teaching biology and English.

_ Identifying challenging topics in biology and English language in Nigeria.

_ Infusion of relevant and functional abilities required for recognising teaching subjects.

_ Bringing and identifying the desired curriculum for teaching biology and English in secondary schools in Nigeria.

_To determine the extent to which students perceive new topics in both subjects.

_To educate and suggest some measures that the government could do to improve the effectiveness of biology and English education.

1.4. Significance of the Study

The report will be valuable to government policymakers and leaders. It will be extremely beneficial to students, researchers on teaching topics, and teachers by providing the reasons why they should identify teaching subject curriculum in senior secondary schools across Nigeria.

The study’s goal is to provide students with a clear vision and comprehension of an important issue that will help them develop employable abilities. It should be noted that this study is relevant not only to any specific country, but also to both developed and developing countries in order to increase academic level and economic cooperation through learning. Finally, writers in Nigeria will find this work quite valuable.


Why does a student fare poorly in biology and English language?

Why does the teacher choose a poor teaching style to teach the topic?

What form of instructional material is used to teach the topic?

What are the necessary stages and approaches for identifying a teaching topic?

What variables work against the study curriculum employed in teaching?

1.6. Limitations of the Study

Treating the problem as a whole will exceed the scope of this effort. Because the teaching topic is broad and includes a variety of subjects, the following topics were chosen. Animal kingdom, plant, fungi, skeleton, reproduction, grammar, understanding, and essay. These are distinguished by several factors that have contributed to the carelessness of instruction. One of these causes is the broad scope of the topic chosen for S.S.2, which confused them.

1.7. Limitations of the Study

The study spans the years 2000 to 2010. This era was chosen not to demonstrate the stages of transition in subject identification, but rather to demonstrate the importance of teaching topic curricula in senior high school.

Above all, the instrument for data collection was one of the primary challenges uncounted by the researcher, who used secondary sources of data collecting that were difficult to obtain due to variables such as insufficient library materials and textbooks that should have been used in the research.

Again, several students were confronted with financial difficulties and insufficient library materials, which presented significant challenges.

S.S.-2 Topics in English and Biology

There are numerous themes in biology and English language to be discovered. However, some of these topics are quite significant and cause complications for the students. Some of these topics include: – English language- noun phrase, pronouns, forms of verb, phrasal verb, introduction to term sequence, adjuncts complicated sentence structure, technical and scientific writing, and letter writing.-

Apologies, appreciation and complaints, argumentative and expository writing, English language registers, word relationships, pronunciation and spelling, increasing tone, speaking abilities, vowels, and consonants.

Biology covers topics such as production, ecology, microorganism roles, virus pollution, and disease principles. All of these topics are likely to satisfy any curriculum that demands identification level.

The scheme’s most challenging themes have received adequate attention, and several teaching approaches have been used. All of the things that appear to be challenging for students assist them develop both mentally and physically. It helps to grow them towards the environment by

1. Teach the pupils about reading and comprehension.

2. Have them grasp the use of the part of speech.

3. Build their vocabulary and word strength.

4. Teach students proper letter writing and composing skills.

5. Familiarised them with the nature and scope of the question.

6. Provide them with up-to-date general knowledge of the world, such as location and times, as well as other content information for the instructor and teaching assistant, such as textbooks, assigned reading books, calculators, lab vouchers, and so on.

In all syllables and curricula, students can identify a theme in any subject. Also, the manner of teaching and ability to learn will assist students and teachers in identifying topic syllables and curriculum, which are dependent on the preceding planning. It is intended to investigate how the educational goals of a subject will be met.

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