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This study assessed the impact of employee motivation on workers performance in Nigeria Communications Commission. The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between training and increased competence for staff of Nigeria Communications Commission, examine the relationship between financial incentives and work habits for staff of Nigeria Communications Commission and determine the effects of recognition on successful completion of task. The survey research design was used as the methodology. The sample size of the study consisted of one hundred (100) respondents representing 64% of the population of the study. Data for the study were obtained with the aid of self designed questionnaires. Simple percentage was used in the analyses of data obtained. The hypotheses were tested with the aid of chi – square (x2) statistic. The results obtained revealed that there is a significant relationship between training and increased competence for staff of Nigeria Communications Commission, there is a significant relationship between financial incentives and work habit for staff of Nigeria Communications Commission and recognition of employee performance helps to induce greater performance. In line with these findings, it was recommended that the Nigeria Communications Commission should expand its training programmes and career development opportunities to enable the workers acquire greater skills and perform more effectively, financial incentives should be provided to the staff of Nigeria Communications Commission on regular basis to enhance positive work behaviour and better performance and the management of the Nigeria Communications Commission should always ensure the recognition of good performance through praises, appreciation letters, merit awards and other means to boost the morale of staff and enhance performance.


    TABLE OF CONTENT   Title Page––––––––iDeclaration––––––––iiCertification ––––––––iiiDedication––––––––ivAcknowledgement –––––––vAbstract––––––––vi    CHAPTER ONE       INTRODUCTION   1.1Background to the Study –––––11.2Statement of the Problem––––31.3Research Questions–––––51.4Objectives of the Study–––––51.5Hypotheses –––––––61.6Significance of the Study –––––61.7Scope and Limitations–––––71.8Definition of Concepts–––––8    CHAPTER TWO    LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK2.1Introduction –––––––112.2Review of Related Literature––––112.2.1 Meaning of Motivation–––––112.2.2 Role of Motivation in the Organisation –––152.2.3 Employee Performance–––––182.2.4 Relationship between Motivation and Performance –262.2.5 Motivation and Workers Performance in the Nigerian  Public Sector––––––272.2.6 Theories of Motivation–––––322.3Theoretical Framework–––––41




3.1Introduction –––––––463.2Research Design––––––463.3Sources of Data––––––463.4Population of the Study–––––483.5Sampling Techniques/Sample Size–––483.6Method of Data Presentation and Analysis––493.7Brief History of Nigeria Communications    Commission (NCC) ––––––49  CHAPTER FOUR    DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 4.1Data Presentation–––––564.2Data Analysis––––––584.3Test of Hypotheses–––––734.4Major Findings––––––78



5.1Summary–––––––805.2Conclusion–––––––815.3Recommendations –––––82 Bibliography –––––––83 Appendix–––––––88




1.1      Background to the Study

Human resource is the livewire of any organization. Its effective management is therefore very crucial and central in the achievement of organizational objective. One of the important responsibilities of every organization is making great use of every facility in disposal in order to gain the planned purposes and meanwhile the human resources play an important role (Schll, 2006). In today’s competitive world, human resources guarantee the maintenance and survival every organization (Honari, 2006).

Managers fulfil their organizational goals through the work of employees. Thus, managers need to have highly efficient and productive staff members. Although many factors contribute to productivity, job performance is viewed to be the most influential one. Job performance itself is a function of four variables: ability, understanding of the task, environment, and motivation (Mitchell, 2008). Accordingly, in order to perform well employees need to have the knowledge and tools that are required for the job as well as the will to do what is required from them. Over the years the Nigerian public sector has continued to render poor quality services to the citizens mainly as a result of low performance of workers in the sector. Poor performance in the Nigeria public sector


manifest in poor planning, ineffective implementation of policies, poor public service delivery, abandoned projects, delays in plan implementation, shortage of basic amenities, and lack of accountability (Unanka, 2009). A walk into any government office on any typical day will reveal a largely lethargically slothful public service where workers are lazy, hawk wares, chatter about or sleep and snore on desks (Davidson, 2008)

To curb the problems, various Nigerian governments at different periods introduced different measures including reform programmes aimed at motivating and improving the performance of workers in the public sector. Most of these reforms dwelt on motivational factors such as salary reviews, training, participative management, democratic leadership styles, and clinical approach to supervision and welfare facilities (Ogunna, 1999). Motivation is a by-product of many factors. These factors could either be internally or externally galvanized, depending on the disposition of the individual and prevailing circumstances at any given time. In the present Nigerian situation, the economic rate of activities and the subsequent high inflation rate have made money a relatively high motivating factor (Ubong, 2009).

The limited number of salary reviews in the Nigerian public sector, the inappropriateness of training programmes, as well as the inadequate access to housing and medical facilities cum low prospects of promotion


has brought about a situation where there have been persistent expressions of dissatisfaction among public sector workers. These workers include staffs of the Nigeria communications commission who are also part of the public sector. Low performance in most cases is a by-product of dissatisfaction, which could manifest itself in various ways. Some of these ways include indiscipline and general apathy. To contain these traits it is important to assess the impact of motivation on workers’ performance as what constitute needs and satisfaction varies across individuals and organizations.

1.2      Statement of the Problem

In a bid to motivate and improve the performance of workers in the Nigerian public sector, various Nigerian governments at different periods introduced different measures. Some of these measures include public service reforms, review of salaries and wages, creation of training institutes, housing and health insurance schemes and minimum wage act. These measures notwithstanding, the performance of public sector workers has been very poor and remains a major concern to the Nigerian government and its citizens. The prevailing situation at the work place has been one of low work performance and poor service delivery. It is estimated that Nigeria losses over 44 million US dollars annually due to poor public service delivery (World Bank Report, 2009).


Poor performance in the Nigerian public sector in most cases stem from dissatisfaction among workers. In turn dissatisfaction among workers in the public sector is attributed to many factors of which low motivation is a key factor. At the workplace, low motivation manifest itself in various ways including absenteeism from work stations, low quality work, low productivity, lateness, stealing of government property, corruption, insecurity, laziness, a high rate of complaints by the workers, and high staff turnover among the professional staff (Unanka, 2009).


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