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The goal of this project is to investigate the “Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchases Decision” using Nestle Nigeria plc (Milo) as a case study, in order to analyse the relationship that exists between advertising and Milo. Advertising is undoubtedly the most visible of all marketing operations, which has resulted in a widespread misconception of its true extent and character.

The primary goal of this study was to assess the impact of advertising on the consumption of “Nestle Milo” and to determine the extent to which advertisements were successful in influencing the purchasing and consumption of Nestle Milo.

The survey method was utilised to collect data, and this method allows the researcher to survey the respondent at their leisure in order to identify solutions to problems. Three (3) hypotheses were developed, and data were collected via questionnaires administered.

Furthermore, the results of the hypothesis test reveal that advertising has an impact on customer buying decisions, specifically Nestle Milo. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Nestle milo Plc strengthen its advertising media in order to have a significant market share in the milo market.

Chapter one


Background to the Study

A normal market is made up of people with different needs; some are buyers, while others are sellers; each participant in the exchange process is frequently presented with search challenges.

Every attempt to meet the requirements and wishes of consumers is typically the seller’s responsibility to bundle their product or service information for dissemination to consumers through such relevant vehicle as promotional activities transmitted and implemented through advertising. Buyers are persuaded to act after receiving this information.

Advertising is a basic marketing tool that conveys much of the message. Advertisements in modern media, such as magazines, radio, billboards, newspapers, and television, are not only used to sell products, but also to entertain and educate, as well as to provide helpful and relevant information to the media and audience.

In a developing country such as Nigeria, the allocation of available goods and services is determined by customers’ purchasing habits. Advertising frequently persuades people against their will, unless they are gullible and naive.

To some, advertising is an art form, while others see it as a science. Given this context, advertising is a unique combination of the two. Advertising is the effective merging of behavioural sciences such as anthropology,

sociology, and psychology, as well as communication arts such as writing, editing, acting, graphic design, animation, and photography, among others.

Nonetheless, for successful promotional efforts, advertising skills must be used, such as words, pictures, slogans, jingles, colours, size, and movement, to compel readers, viewers, listeners, or passersby to stop, look, listen, generate interest, be convinced, and take action.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of advertising on consumer purchase decisions of “Nestle Milo” so this research work is to find out the extent to which those advertisements of Nestle Milo have succeeded in influencing its consumers while making their buying decision.

Statement of the Problem

There are various food drinks available in the country today, which means that competition in the beverage sector is fierce, as it is in all markets. As a result, corporations producing beverages and other products use promotional tactics to outperform their competition. Advertising is one of the possible tolls for this aim.

Following a thorough examination of the beverage market, the researcher discovered that consumers favoured Nestle Milo over any of its near substitutes. The researcher grew inquisitive and decided to find out what was causing this.

When there is a shortage of information on anything, a study of this sort becomes necessary, hence the stud.

As a result, the concern raised by this research is what is responsible for Nestle Milo drink’s consumer performance in the Nigerian beverage market.

Research Objective

The goal of this study is to analyse the impact of advertising on the consumption of “Nestle Milo” and others are as follows:

To determine the extent to which advertisements succeeded in influencing the purchasing and consumption of “Nestle Milo”

To find those other elements that impact consumers in making their purchasing decisions apart from the different advertisements of Nestle Milo.

To determine whether Nestle Milo’s media advertisements have the ability to increase brand loyalty.

Research Hypothesis

The following hypothesis was formulated.

Ho: Media advertising of Nestle food drinks does not promote brand loyalty for Milo among its diverse consumers.

Hello, media advertisements of Nestle Milo feed drink promote brand loyalty for Milo among diverse consumers.

Ho: Media advertising of Nestle Milo food drink does not alter the buying and consumption habits of Nestle Milo consumers.

Hello: media advertisements for Nestle Milo influence the purchase and consumption habits of Nestle Milo consumers.


The study effort is limited to measuring and thoroughly investigating the impact of advertising on consumer purchasing decisions, particularly for Nestle Milo, with a focus on the Nestle Milo Group of Companies.

The study’s scope is limited to customer purchasing habits in order to inform Nestle Milo consumers’ purchasing decisions while deciding between brands. It is only available to consumers in Auchi, Edo State.

Significance of the Study

The researcher believes that the research work is beneficial based on the exposure and management of the Nestle Group of Companies’ advertising professions in the sphere of mass communication on interested members of the public and, of course, posterity, and that they will benefit from this study.

Given the fierce competition among the various Milo industries, as well as the massive amount of money spent on advertising by the Nestle group of companies each year, this study would be extremely beneficial in determining whether the large sum of money spent on advertising by the Nestle group of companies’ Nigeria Plc is worthwhile.

When analysing this research from a scientific and empirical standpoint, professionals in the field of mass communication would benefit from knowing that the majority of advertising critics are also advertisers and purchasers of marketed goods and services.

Definition of Essential Terms

To help us grasp the entire work, it is vital to define some of the terminology used in it. These terms are defined below:

A product is an item or substance that is made to be used or consumed and may satisfy a want or need.

A product can also be described as anything that can be provided to the market to meet a want or demand.

Physical items, services, experiences, events, people, places, and ideas can all be considered products.

Advertising is defined as any paid kind of public promotion intended to enhance sales.

Advertising is non-personal communication through various media by businesses, non-profit organisations, and individuals who are identifiable in the advertising message and aim to interact with members of a certain audience.

Advertising is defined as a sponsor-identified communication about a product or organisation, which can be verbal or visual and is broadcast through one or more media.

Message: can be defined as a sign that an advertiser conveys to an audience for the goal of advantage, incentive, rationale, or identity.

Appeal can be described as the motive used to generate interest in a product or service and encourage a purchase.

Copy: This can be defined as a written document generated by an expert copywriter. It is written or spoken advertising communication materials that comprise the headlines, advertiser’s name and address, and the primary text of the message.

Advertising Medium: Any way by which sales communications can be viewed as a series of channels via which the message is delivered to the intended audience or consumers.

Brand loyalty can be defined as an understanding of the characteristics of a specific product.

Consumer Behaviour: It can be defined as the behaviour that consumers exhibit when looking for purchases, assessing, and disposing of things, services, and ideas that they believe will meet their needs.

Purchase Decision: It can be defined as the process by which an organisation defines its product/needs for goods and services, identifies and compares the suppliers available to them,

negotiates and sources of supply in other ways to arrive at agreed-upon trading terms, makes contracts and places orders, and finally receives the goods and services and plays.

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