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The purpose of this study is to better understand how advertising affects rural consumers’ purchasing habits. Other study objectives include learning how people in rural areas, notably the Igarra population, respond to advertising messages and determining the extent to which advertising can impact their purchasing habits.

Information was acquired through questionnaires and personal interviews. According to the data, Igarra residents are very aware of what advertising is all about and acknowledge its influence on their purchasing habits on MacLean. They also claimed that the television medium of advertising is superior to other media since it displays messages more clearly and precisely.

They believe that advertising messages can only have a favourable impact on them if the product in issue meets certain standards. The researcher concluded that advertising facilitates the allocation of consumers’ limited means among multiple market choices, and that good products make advertisements more likely to succeed, whereas inferior products cause even successful advertisements to fail.

The study proposed that more focus be placed on television advertising because the majority of people cannot buy daily newspapers and periodicals.

Because the research was limited to the Igarra community in the Akoko-Edo Local Government Area of Edo state, the researcher suggests that more research on this topic be conducted in other states’ local governments.

Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

Historically, there has been a lack of information communication between vendors and purchasers.
This was caused by multiple producers producing large quantities of various products. Advertising is an unavoidable requirement for publicising such products.

Advertising is an important tool in a capitalist system where customer behaviour influences what vendors sell. On the contrary, advertising is useless in a market where the sellers have complete control over what, where, when, and how to price their products or services.

Typically, a market is made up of people with diverse requirements. Some of these folks are sellers (producers), and others are buyers (market). Each of these organisations faces the challenge of acquiring accurate information.

To solve the problem, the buyer seeks for vendors, while sellers look for buyers. It is often the seller’s responsibility to comprehend product features in order to package and convey relevant information to the target audience.

Advertising is a promotional activity that is a key component of the marketing mix. As a result, for any promotional effort to be successful, advertising abilities must be used to tempt the reader, viewer, listener, or passer-by to stop, look, listen, read, become interested in the product through persuasion, and eventually take action.

Promotion is a component used to inform and persecute the market about a company’s goods. The subject of this project, advertising, is concerned with getting the product or service to the target market via the marketing channel.

In truth, promotion refers to the marketer’s efforts to communicate with members of the target market as well as middlemen in order to maximise the likelihood that the intended sequence of sales will occur smoothly and efficiently.

1.2 Statement of the Research Problem

Advertising, one of the promotional aspects that a firm can employ to spread appealing product information, is almost essential in this day and age if a company wants to succeed in the market.

The idea that a good product would sell itself is no longer valid. The market has gotten so competitive that the company must explain to potential customers what it has to offer that other products do not.

Finally, some people believe that advertising is only relevant in cities, not rural places. Their claim is that people in rural areas are mostly illiterate and so cannot be swayed by advertising to buy a specific product. Is this truly true?

In order to answer the above question, the researcher began this research project. As a result, the problem of this work is expressed in the form of a question: “What effect does advertising have on the purchasing habits of rural dwellers?”

1.3 Research Questions.

1. How does advertising influence customer buying habits?

2. To what extent does advertising influence the purchasing habits of Igarra people?

3.Does exposure to advertising messaging effect consumers’ toothpaste choices?

4. How does advertising influence the residents of the Igarra community to choose MacLean over other similar products?

5. Do television (TV) advertisements have a greater impact on Igarra people than radio ads?

6. Is there a preference for MacLean toothpaste among rural dwellers as a result of their exposure to advertisements?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis I

HO: Advertising has little impact on the purchasing habits of rural inhabitants.

HI: Advertising influences the purchasing habits of rural populations.

Hypothesis II.

HO: As a result of their exposure to advertising, rural inhabitants have no preference for MacLeans toothpaste over other toothpaste brands.

HI: As a result of their exposure to advertising, rural inhabitants favour MacLeans toothpaste over other toothpaste brands.

1.5 Study Purpose

This study is justified by the following purpose.

1. To find out whether Igarra residents favour MacLean toothpaste over other brands.

2. Determine the extent to which Igarra people understand advertising messaging.

3.To determine the impact of advertising messages on the Igarra people.

4.To determine the impact of price changes on toothpaste demand among Igarra people.

5. To forecast future preference for a specific brand of toothpaste among Igarra people.

6. To investigate the impact of advertising on the purchasing habits of the Igarra community.

7. To assess the suitability of a specific advertising medium for the public.

1.6 Scope of Study

The study is limited to the impact of advertising on the Igarra community’s choice of toothpaste brand. The emphasis will be on advertising methods, procedures, and assessment in the Igarra community of Akoko-Edo Local Government in Edo State.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The study will aid advertising practitioners who want to assess the influence of advertising on rural areas, as well as scholars studying advertising as a course.

The study will also be useful for individuals who need to be familiar with the goals of advertising in rural areas (Igarra), particularly MacLeans, which appears to have been overlooked as a result of new products such as close-up, maxam, etc.

The research will also benefit media advertising firms that need to know the evaluation or replies of the advertising message on rural dwellers and how the advertising message will influence MacLeans’ buying habits to either continue or cease.

Finally, this study, particularly the recommendations, will be valuable to students and other professional researchers who wish to conduct additional research on this or a similar topic.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

During the research process, the researcher encountered a multitude of restrictions, including;

1. Some respondents were hesitant to comply amicably, preventing the researcher from gathering the necessary information for the study.

2. As a result, some of the responders are illiterate and cannot answer basic questions.

3. The research was conducted during an environmental disaster in the Igarra village, resulting in incomplete coverage of certain locations.

4. The researcher’s budgetary limitations impacted the study’s overall efficiency.

5. Due to prohibitively high transportation costs, the researcher was unable to cover the entire Igarra community in order to collect the necessary data for the study.

1.9 Operational Definitions of Terms

1. Advertisements are effective communication and marketing tools for selling goods, services, and ideas through information and persuasion.

2. Advertising medium: Any method of conveying a sales message to potential customers.

3. Advertising Theme: Sellers utilise slogans or compliments to promote their products and increase consumer interest. This is a technical method of promoting products via numerous media.

4. Buying Habit: Refers to consumer behaviour during the purchasing process.

5. Consumer: Individuals who purchase advertised products or services for immediate consumption.

6. Case Study: A social research method that examines a specific topic in depth, with the goal of generalising the findings to comparable or related areas. The subject might refer to phenomena such as industries or communities. Igarra serves as a case study for rural residents of Edo State’s Akoko Edo Local Government Area.

7. Influence: This refers to the ability to shape character, beliefs, or actions. Thus, it would take the shape of a change or reaction.

8. Media Planning: This entails selecting relevant media to transmit the advertiser’s message to the target market, deciding what to buy and how much to spend in each medium, and scheduling when the advertising will run.

9. Packaging: This covers the design and production of a product’s container or wrapping.

10. Precaution: This is the process of attempting to induce changes in attitudes and conduct by involving a person’s cognitive and effective processes.

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