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Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

The mass media has an important function to play in society. The media, through its programmes, serves as a light of example to its viewers. The media is recognised for setting the agenda for its audience.

Through the normative functions of the media, which are to educate, inform, enlighten, and mobilise its audience towards a shared objective. The audience learnt a lot from television shows. The substance of television programs to which the audience is exposed can teach them how to achieve their potential.

The media, particularly television, plays a significant role in the progression of learning. It has a significant impact on a person’s life. Aside from informing, educating, and entertaining, it also serves as a watchdog in society, setting agendas.

In addition to radio, television is a form of broadcast media. It has the benefit of both audio and visual. It also has a far-reaching impact on the overall audience.

Television is a medium of enlightenment, with one of its purposes being to educate its audience through the acquisition of knowledge. Every individual has the right to education, which was established and recognised in 1948 with the passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

According to the Longman English Dictionary, education is the process of teaching individuals various courses at a school or college, as well as teaching them better ways to do things or live.

The most common reasons for education are to acquire knowledge and to enhance a country’s literacy level, which will greatly aid in its growth (Bittner, 2003).

Women’s education in Nigeria has long been a topic of discussion. Some girls are prevented from obtaining an education, and even when they are allowed to attend school, a significant percentage of women drop out for various reasons.

People are well aware that many parents prioritise male education above female education because they feel that female life ends in the kitchen. The concerns of female education must be properly examined since, as the saying goes, “When you educate a woman, you educate a nation.”

As a result, when women obtain an education, they will play a significant role in the development of their country. Newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and journals all play a significant role in educational communication.

Television programs can have an impact on women’s awareness on how to achieve economic, political, social, and cultural emancipation. Television programs that bestow status can cause women to see a role model and therefore become emancipated. According to Bandura (1977), imitative behaviour and television-based learning are both gratifying and unrewarding.

This means that people tend to copy the characters portrayed by these unknown celebrities, whether good or terrible; they simply want to be connected with them.

According to Bandura’s appraisal of the social learning theory, people have a strong desire to associate with successful people, therefore they are more likely to act like them.

Cultivation theorists, like the theory’s originator, George Gebner, say that television has long-term effects that are tiny, slow, indirect, cumulative, and important.

They emphasise the influence of television viewing on attitudes rather than audience behaviour. Heavy television watching is viewed as creating attitudes that are more congruent with the world of television programs than with the real world (Ekyaheme, 2011).

In awareness of the impact of television on audience learning behaviour, Africa Independent Television (AIT) launches a women-centered program named “Heroes of our Time.” This is a weekly television guest program in which a visitor is invited to share her life and professional experiences with the audience.

Ebony women, women of substance, career women, legendary women, and women who have created a name for themselves in their fields are all invited.

They do welcome female legislators, entrepreneurs, and businesswomen. This is a program designed to imitate an audience and show them how they, too, can make an effect in the world.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The mass media, particularly television, has progressively become a part of our daily lives, with the media’s basic functions being to provide information, education, and entertainment.

According to Lasswell (1948), as cited in Folarin (2005:74), the media serves three functions: environmental surveillance (the news function), editorial correlation of various aspects of the environment, and cultural transmission from one generation to the next.

The depiction of women in all facets of our communities has become a source of concern in recent decades, and the media has not been immune to the debate.

There appears to be broad agreement that women are not treated equally with males in all human civilisations, despite the fact that they account for more than half of the world’s population and play an important part in the survival of any society (Omenugha, 2005).

To ensure that we do not live in a patriarchal culture, television series have been created to teach or enlighten women on how to be emancipated in various fields of society. One such show is AIT’s “Heroes of Our Time.”

This curriculum aims to educate women on how to achieve economic, political, and social emancipation. The program invites women who have had an effect on society to come and share their experiences with other women.

Through this media, role models have been produced. Women learn how to make an effect in society. Against this backdrop, this study will look into the impact of the AIT programme “Heroes of Our Time” on women’s emancipation.

1.3 Research Questions.

1. How often do women watch “Heroes of Our Time” on AIT?

2. How do women interpret the “Heroes of Our Time” messages?

3. Is the “Heroes of Our Time” programme having an impact on women’s emancipation?

4. To what extent does the “Heroes of Our Time” message impact women’s behaviour?

1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to look into the impact of the AIT programme “Heroes of Our Time” on women’s emancipation. To make this happen, the following goals have been defined.

1. Determine the frequency with which women watch the AIT broadcast “Heroes of Our Time.”

2. Determine how women interpret the program’s “Heroes of Our Time” messages.

3. To investigate whether the “Heroes of Our Time” programme had an impact on women’s empowerment.

4. To investigate how the “Heroes of our Time” slogan influences women’s behaviour.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Women’s under-representation in the socioeconomic and political spheres has become a global topic of concern, given their large number in society. This study will look at the role of television in women’s emancipation.

This study will be extremely beneficial to society since it will tell the general public about how women can be emancipated in society, as well as students, parents, teachers, the government, and media practitioners about the necessity of discouraging gender disparities in society.

Similarly, this study will function as:

• A handbook for incoming undergraduate/final year B.Sc. students on how to approach their research project in this discipline.

• It is expected to provide first-hand information/guides for media outlets, feminists, and human rights activists.

• It will be useful for the government to formulate gender policy.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the Kaduna metropolitan because Kaduna state is huge, with approximately 23 local governments and a population.

As a result, the scope of this study is limited in order to make the research location suitable and easy to conduct. The study is also confined to women who viewed and followed the AIT show “Heroes off our Time” in the study area.

1.7 Limitations of the study

It is difficult to claim that the sample employed in the poll, particularly women in Kaduna city, is sufficient and representative of the entire population of women who watch “Heros of our Time” on AIT.

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