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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

According to Rahim, branding and packaging have changed dramatically over the last decade as a result of liberalisation, which has allowed for simple imports of printing technologies. Made a huge improvement in packaging and branding.

Simple, almost primitive packaging has given place to bright, colourful labels with more graphics. Packaging is no longer just for storage; labels increasingly address concerns about the product, the contents’ shelf life, and so on (Rahim 2002).

According to Rahim, packaging is “now more a component of the brands image than ever” Tins and cartons have made way for elegant pouches, satchels, and plastic containers.

As a result, we can define packaging as all of the processes involved in designing and producing a product’s container, which is referred to as the package.

Branding is a crucial issue in product strategy, and it is likely the most distinguishing competence of professional marketers in terms of brand creation, maintenance, production, and enhancement. Branding is the art and foundation of marketing.

According to the American Marketing Association, a brand is a name, phrase, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, that is used to identify and differentiate the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers from those of competitors. Thus, a brand identifies the seller or manufacturer.

Branding is unrelated to product design, which includes both inherent and extrinsic aspects like as packaging, material, colour, names, tastes, and so on.

Branding is a set of actions that include the establishment of brand names, brand marks, copyright, and so on. Confident marketing is the best way to characterise a marketing situation without branding.

As a result, when branding and packaging were introduced, they were so powerful that now almost nothing goes unbranded. Salt, for example, is packaged in unique manufacturers’ containers or sacks; oranges are branded with producers’ names;

ordinary belts and nuts are packaged in cellophane with distributors’ labels; and automotive firms’ spark plugs and tyres display separate brand names.

Brand names and trade marks provide legal protection for upgrading product features that competitors would otherwise copy. Furthermore, branding allows the seller to attract a loyal and profitable set of customers while also providing some protection from competitors and greater control over their marketing mix.

All of this causes corporations to spend a lot of money on branding and packaging with the express purpose of product distinction and identification, consequently changing the tastes of customers and resulting in a high sales turnover.

1.1 Background of the Study

Branding and packaging have evolved into critical motivators for sales turnover in any organisation, whether it manufactures industrial or consumer items.

The researcher chose the topic matter because he is very interested in sales turnover, particularly packaging and branding, and he wants to determine the extent of customer dependence on this effort and the organisations.

Hence, the impact of branding and packaging on sales turnover of Nestle Foods Nigeria Ltd.

The researcher also discussed the effectiveness, achievement, and results that branding and packaging have provided to the organisation in terms of sales volume and profitability.

Nestle Plc began a basic trade activity in Nigeria in 1961 and has since developed into a significant food manufacturing and marketing corporation. It is a publicly traded corporation that has been listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (now known as the Lagos Stock Exchange) since 1978.

The primary production units were developed in accordance with current manufacturing methods, ensuring efficient manufacture of the following products. NESTLE NUTREND, NESTLE CERELAC MAIZE AND CHOCOLATE, NESTLE GOLDENMORN, NESTLE MILO, CHOCOMILO, MAGGI CUBES, and so on.

Nestle Nigeria Plc has regional sales offices in the Lagos, east, north-west, and northeast regions. It operates depots in Ibadan, Benin, Kaduna, Makurdi, Kano, Aba, and Jos.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The importance of food product branding and packaging in Nigeria cannot be overstated; some believe that food product branding and packaging would cause problems for society as a whole, while others disagree.

To be more specific, we have various types of soft drinks that, when consumed by customers, provide the same level of satisfaction; however, these products must be branded so that each product has its own identity that distinguishes it from others, or rather its competitors.


i. The primary goal of this study is to determine the influence that branding and packaging have in increasing consumer patronage and so influencing sales turnover.

ii. The study will also consider how to market food goods through branding and packaging.

iii. The study will also examine different aspects of branding and packaging.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Similar research may have been conducted in this field of human endeavour; however, because the business world is never static, many changes may have rendered portions of the findings obsolete.

This research work will benefit the organisation under review (Nestle Nig Ltd) because the researcher will investigate various aspects of marketing branded and packaged food products within the organisation to determine whether the large sum of money spent on branding and packaging food products is justified.

The study is also expected to serve as a reference material for future research in this vital area of business administration, as it can be consulted as such, particularly if the study has to be improved.

Others who may profit from the study work include lecturers, students, and other researchers who may refer to the project in the future, just as the researcher will review other authors’ literatures over the course of this research.

1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a declarative statement about the relationship between two or more variables that is used to gain a better understanding of the subject under study. In other words, hypotheses are developed to aid in the conduct of research.

From the start, the researcher proposed several theoretical assumptions to guide the project’s execution. After conducting this investigation, it would be important to evaluate and establish the validity of this assumption against the results. They state the following:

Ho: Product branding and packaging have no influence on the product.

H1: Product branding and packaging influence the product.

1.6 Scope of the Study

Because of the scope of the topic, the “effect of branding and packaging on sales-turnover” has a very broad dimension. As a result, the researcher narrows his focus on Nestle (Nigeria) Ltd.

The researcher also confines his research to books and periodicals. Such limits, according to the researcher, allow him to get precise results while also saving time and money.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

When working on an academic project of this sort, one is certain to run into a number of issues in some form or another. Some of the challenges encountered include:

1. A proportion of respondents are unwilling to cooperate in filling out the questionnaire, and those who do agree to cooperate are dishonest in their responses.

2. The manufacturer (Nestle Nig Ltd), whom the researcher interviewed about the research work, participated, but one issue was their refusal to share monetary terms involved in the branding and packaging of their products, which they referred to as confidential.

3. Another limitation imposed by time constraints was that the researcher did not have enough time to collect critical information for the study.

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