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Impact Of Drug Abuse Among Youth

Impact Of Drug Abuse Among Youth

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Impact Of Drug Abuse Among Youth

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.2 Background of the Study

Drug misuse among youngsters is a major issue that has spread all across the world. In Jamaica, the use of drug misuse by teenagers has increased throughout the decades. Research on the drug usage trends of Jamaican youths revealed that although usage was not dependant on sex.

In 1989, 78 percent of teenagers (males) and percent of females were using one of the four drugs (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, or tobacco). Between 1994 and 1995, 60 percent of youths had tried one or more drugs, including marijuana, and 1.3 percent had used cocaine. (G Learnar, 2010); (Alexander et al, 2001).

Drug misuse is a complex subject that has become a major societal concern in Malaysia. Illicit substance use and drug relapse continue to affect civilisations around the world. According to a 2008 report, there are approximately 250,000 registered drug users, which is predicted to increase to half a million by 2015.

There is also a concerning tendency of a 50 percent relapse rate, which has been observed continuously over the last several decades. According to the National Anti-Drug Agency, the number of new and recurring drug cases in Malaysia decreased by 4053 and 2882, respectively, between January and September 2012.

The leading causes of drug misuse are peer influences and curiosity. Malaysia differs from other parts of the world in that drug misuse is mostly caused by family factors such as parental behaviour, family relationships, home environment, and economic status.

The social pressure to belong, accept, and be a part of a social group, particularly among teens, causes individuals to conform to their peer group and begin using drugs. (Dr Tam, 2010).

With an increase in drug users among professional groups, the tendency to use drugs as a coping mechanism for stress is also increasing. For example, peer and academic pressures frequently lead to drug use among college and university students.

Opiates are the most often abused substances, followed by cannabis and amphetamine-based stimulants like Adderall, a medication designed to treat patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). (Monash University Malaysia, September 2017).

In Zambia, marijuana is the most often abused drug, followed by volatile solvents and hard narcotics like heroin and cocaine (INCB, 1993).

Drug misuse is a global concern. It affects all aspects of society in every country. It has a particular impact on the independence and development of young people, who are the world’s most important resource. (UNODC, 2002).

The severity and characteristics of this problem differ from region to region and country to country. In recent years, drug misuse among young people has reached unprecedented levels.

According to the World Drug Report, 180 million individuals worldwide take drugs, with youngsters accounting for the vast majority. (Lakhampal, Agnihotri, 2007).

In response to the situation, the Drug Enforcement Commission and the Ministry of Education implemented preventive education in schools. The ministry has incorporated anti-drug and alcohol abuse information into the school curriculum. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in drug use among Livingstone district students.

This trend sparked concerns among community members, who thought that it would put many students at risk of poor academic performance, behavioural issues, and potentially HIV infection.

Given the rising prevalence of drug usage, concerns have been raised about whether school-based prevention efforts are effective. As a result, this type of research was required.

It was intended that the study’s findings would contribute to the body of knowledge regarding the impact of school-based prevention interventions for drug misuse among students. Bangert-Drowns, R. L. 1988.

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