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Impact of Early Childhood Education on Later Academic Success

Impact of Early Childhood Education on Later Academic Success

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Impact of Early Childhood Education on Later Academic Success


Chapter two.

Literature Review

Conceptual Review

Scope of Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education (ECE) refers to a wide range of educational activities and experiences aimed to promote the holistic development of young children, typically from birth to the age of eight. Early childhood education programs create the groundwork for children’s cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development (Barnett et al., 2017).

These programs frequently involve structured learning environments, such as preschools, childcare centres, and kindergartens, where children participate in a variety of activities designed to meet their developmental needs.


Several major components of early childhood education work together to provide a full learning experience for young children. These components include not just academic education, but also the development of social skills, emotional management, and physical health (Fischer, 2020).

Early childhood education programs frequently include play-based learning, hands-on activities, and opportunities for exploration and discovery, all of which are critical in developing children’s curiosity and creativity (Currie, 2021).


The evolution of early childhood education reflects shifting societal perspectives on the care and education of young children. Throughout history, different cultures have recognised the significance of early childhood experiences in moulding people’s future development (Neuman & Roskos, 2021).

However, formalised early childhood education programs as we know them today evolved in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, fuelled by movements calling for universal access to education for young children (Owens 2018).


Friedrich Fröbel founded the first kindergarten in Germany in 1837, which was a watershed moment in the history of early childhood education (Ojose, 2020). Fröbel’s method emphasised the value of play and hands-on learning in early childhood, laying the groundwork for current ECE practices (Quinton, 2020).

Since then, early childhood education has evolved, with continual research and innovations influencing program design and delivery to suit the changing needs of children and families (Raver, 2023).


Early childhood education has evolved to include a wide range of program models and approaches, reflecting variations in cultural, philosophical, and pedagogical ideas (Renaissance Learning, 2017).

Today, early childhood education programs can differ greatly in terms of content, instructional methods, and organisational structures (Renaissance Learning, n.d.).

However, they all aim to provide young children with supportive and engaging surroundings that promote their growth and development (Renaissance Learning, n.d.b.).


As a result, early childhood education is a diverse area that includes a variety of educational activities and experiences designed to help young children’s complete development. Its focus encompasses academic education, social-emotional learning, and physical development.

The historical development of early childhood education reflects shifting cultural attitudes regarding the care and teaching of young children, with important milestones affecting the field’s evolution.

Today, early childhood education comprises a wide range of program models and methods, reflecting the complex tapestry of cultural and pedagogical values that shape practice in this dynamic sector.


Significance of Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education (ECE) is critical in helping young children develop cognitively, socially, and emotionally. Children’s brains develop quickly during their early years, and they learn core abilities that will serve them well in the future (Bowman, 2019).

ECE programs offer exciting environments in which children can explore, interact, and participate in activities that encourage cognitive growth, such as language development, problem solving, and critical thinking (Chipere, 2023).


Children’s experiences in early childhood education settings have long-term implications on their academic progress. Participation in high-quality early childhood education programs has consistently been linked to improved academic achievements in later years (Bassok et al., 2017).

Children who attend high-quality preschools and kindergarten programs are more likely to begin school with strong literacy, numeracy, and social competence foundations, putting them on track for long-term academic achievement (Brooks-Gunn et al., 2023).


Furthermore, great early childhood education has far-reaching ramifications for children’s long-term development and well-being, in addition to academic accomplishment. Children who get high-quality early education have improved their social skills, emotional regulation, and behaviour management, resulting in better adjustment and performance in school and beyond (Bog et al., 2017).

Furthermore, research has indicated that children who attend high-quality early childhood education programs are more likely to graduate from high school, pursue higher education, and find stable jobs in adulthood (Blair et al., 2022).


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