The search for more effective strategies of community development is a continuous one. A number of community development programmes have been enunciated by the Government and, to some extent, by non-governmental organizations, but most of these programmes have failed to improve the living conditions of the people.
Without necessarily undermining the relevance of other causes of the failure of these strategies, this study demonstrates that over-dependence on the Government to spearhead community development is mainly responsible for the poor state of development in Nigeria’s communities.
The study goes further to show that the small-scale industrial sector, which has so far enjoyed little or no attention, has a great potential for community development in Nigeria. It is a widely accepted fact that industrialization promotes the general well being of the people.
The industrialized societies of the world evolved from small-scale industries. Given the volume of entrepreneurial activities and the proliferation of indigenous enterprises today, the emergence of effective entrepreneurs is not utopian. By extension, the productive activities of this crop of entrepreneurs will engender sustainable development of our communities.
By complementing secondary data with information gathered from the records of Gracib Investments Limited, lkot Ekpene, personal observation and the assessment of the people of lkot Ekpene, the study asserts that Gracib has impacted positively on the lives of the people. Relevant information was elicited from 200 respondents in 20 villages sampled from the 47 villages that make up Ikot Ekpene.
Also, 30 out of the 43 regular staff of Gracib were interviewed. From the findings of the study. the most significant areas of impact are in the provision of employment and trading opportunities for the people, building of classroom blocks and provision of water bore-hole.
The growth of small-scale industries in the area is impeded by insufficient capital formation, poor resource management and the flamboyant lifestyle of the people. But the success of Gracib has encouraged other entrepreneurs to venture into viable poultry farming.
The study then makes a case for the encouragement of small-scale industries by inter alia. Foisting a deliberate industrial policy, especially for the small-scale industry sub-sector with a package of incentives, such as loan schemes, land acquisition, procurement of scarce raw materials and provision of risk capital for firms developing a new idea or product.
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Background of the Study
The decision to study the role of small-scale industries in community development derives from my deep interest in the subject of the dynamics of societal maturation. In any way one may define development, whether in the context of developed or developing society, industrialization is usually recognized as one of its integral components.
According to Meier, industrialization tends to be viewed as a superior way of life; rich countries are believed to be rich because they are industrialized; and poor countries are believed to be poor because they are primary producing. He further argues that industrialization is, on many occasions, the most effective and sometimes the only medium of growth, especially when outward-looking development, stimulated by the export sector, is no longer a possibility.
Unsuccessful development in most developing countries of the world has been attributed to several factors. But a number of scholars and policy-makers concerned with the economy of developing countries agree that industrialization is a common denominator without which a country cannot achieve economic development and social transformation. Thus industrial development is given high priority by economists and statesmen in developing countries.
This study is not concerned with industrialization per se, but with the role of small-scale industries in community development. Using the case of Gracib Investments Limited, lkot Ekpene in Akwa lbom State the study examines the scope of small-scale industrial activities in Nigeria, the real impact of such activities on the people and suggests ways to improve on the performance of small-scale industries to enhance their contributions to community development.
Studies have shown that most of the community development programmes enunciated by various levels of government in Nigeria have failed to make the desired impact on the lives of the recipients because such programmes do not reflect their needs.

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