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Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Graphic presentations have a significant impact on a viewer’s mindset, which cannot be achieved by text alone. In a newspaper, the appearance of a photograph has a substantial impact on the consumer’s perception of the framed problem.

Graphic presentation is more than simply drawing whatever you want. Conventions exist, as do varied styles and tactics. Graphic presentation, as the name implies, is communication through graphic elements.

These elements include symbols like glyphs and icons, visuals like drawings and photographs, as well as passive contributions from the substrate, colour, and surrounds. It is the process of generating, producing, and distributing materials that use words and images to transmit information, concepts, and emotions.

The discipline of graphic presentations comprises all phases of the graphic communications processes from the origination of the idea (design, layout, and typography) to replication, completion, and dissemination of two- or three-dimensional products or electronic transmissions.

According to Houston, Childers, and Heckler (1987), little study has been conducted to examine the effects of nonverbal communication aspects on consumer information processing.

They also claimed that because of the nature of pictorial stimuli, photographs can be efficiently used to embed expectations into a message or news story.

If this is accurate, it has far-reaching repercussions for both advertising and news publishers. For example, Singh, Lessig, and Kim (2000) demonstrate that advertisers employ images for a variety of purposes, including attracting attention.

Visuals have shown to be an important connection point in newspapers, with Moses (2002) noting that graphics, images, and headlines attract considerably more reader attention than text.

In a marketing-saturated climate, capturing the consumer’s attention is only half the battle. Furthermore, simply associating a product with a positively valued stimulus, such as an appealing picture, regardless of the picture content, may be enough to shift attitude towards the product “without any rational belief change preceding the effect” (Harris, 1983).

Understanding how consumers react to pictures in commercial contexts can provide insight into how photographs impact news consumers.

Advertisement and news practices tend to be based on the notion that vivid information is more compelling than pallid information, with vividness being perceived as a stimulus feature; hence, photographs are vivid and verbal utterances are pallid (Kisielius & Sternthal, 1984).

Persuasion is typically measured by asking people to form attitudinal judgements about the message promotion. Within the advertising and journalism framework, one might investigate the impact of visuals on customer perception and attitude.

The study of graphic presentation in news and advertising has been divided into two major categories: the impacts of pictorial communications on memory and the impact of graphics on consumer attitudes (Houston et al., 1987).

The attitudinal studies are important because the way visuals influence a consumer’s opinion towards an advertisement or news could accurately describe how a photograph effects a news consumer’s view about an article or the topic covered in the piece.

Petty and Cacioppo (1981) describe attitude as “a general and enduring positive or negative feeling about some person, object, or issue” (Morris, Woo, Geason, & Kim, 2002).

The visual component of ads can influence both the creation of product attribute perceptions and attitudes towards the commercial (Mitchell, 2001). If the visuals in an advertisement or news story have a direct impact on a consumer’s perception and attitude, what is portrayed in those photos is critical.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

According to Mitchell (2001), visual components in news and commercials can influence perception and attitudes in at least two ways. First, customers may generate assumptions about the news or advertisement based on the graphic information offered.

These assumptions could “result in the formation or change of beliefs about the published information” (Mitchell, 2001, p. 21). Second, whether the graphic element is positively or adversely regarded, it may influence a brand attitude based on perceptions of news and information.

In essence, the valence of a photograph can have a huge impact on how a consumer perceives information. Graphic elements are increasingly being used in newspaper creation to provide readers with vibrant information.

This progress has resulted in the provision of accurate and correct information on a variety of sensitive themes. However, the researcher is looking into the impact of graphic display in newspaper production.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The aims of this investigation are as follows:

To investigate the significance of graphic display in newspaper production.

To investigate the characteristics of graphic presentation in newspaper creation.

To understand the benefits of graphic presentation in newspaper production.


What is the significance of graphic presentation in newspaper production?

What are the characteristics of graphic display in newspaper production?

What are the benefits of graphical presentation in newspaper production?

1.6 Significance of the Study

The following are the implications of this study:

The findings of this study will inform managers of newspaper production firms and the general public about the impact, features, and benefits of graphic presentation in newspaper creation.

This study will contribute to the corpus of literature on the effect of personality traits on student academic achievement, thereby serving as the empirical foundation for future research in the field.

1.7 Scope and limitations of the study

This study will look at the impact and aspects of visual display in newspaper creation.

Limitations of the study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the time spent on research work.

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