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Impact Of Guidance Service On The Secondary School Students

Impact Of Guidance Service On The Secondary School Students

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Impact Of Guidance Service On The Secondary School Students


The goal of this study was to determine the influence of guidance services on secondary school pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area, Ondo State. The research study also sought to determine whether the selected secondary schools’ career advising services were inadequate.

The study was carried out using a questionnaire created by the researcher to collect information from one hundred (100) respondents who were students at the specified schools. The data gathered from students was analysed and evaluated.
Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The new secondary educational programme’s distinctive component is the emphasis on guidance services. Every day, we all face life events that need us to think, form opinions, make decisions, and take action. others of our encounters are familiar, others are new, some are casual, and some are quite important.

Everything we do, every decision we make, and every course of action we take is founded on our core beliefs, attitudes, and values. Students ponder what and how to thin, believe, and behave, so what happens in the classroom is often irrelevant to the red things that are going on in students’ lives, such as their daily encounters with friends, strangers, peers, authority figures, and social and academic tasks that display their egos.

The primary goals of guidance and counselling at this level of education are to provide a psychological process for individuals to attain self-realization, self-decision, comprehension, and mental equilibrium in order to make the best possible transition in school. Without a doubt, intelligent application of coaching and counselling will boost educational decisions, potentially leading to a better future job.

The dilemma with pupils’ curriculum or option is like to a tourist heating for a predefined destination. When he arrives at a crossroads, he becomes bewildered, but happily, he meets a good Samaritan (helper) who tells him the way.

According to him, the Samaritan has completed the role of guiding; if the helper goes farther on the traveler’s wishes and enumerates the likely challenges, hurdles, or obstacles to be met along the way, as well as alternative solutions, he has fulfilled the job of a counsellor.

The student should be viewed as a traveler at a crossroads who requires the assistance of a guide. If he is fortunate, he finds a solution to his difficulty; otherwise, he becomes further confused and dissatisfied. Although school guidance and counselling are an important aspect of the education system in the Western world.

It’s still quite fresh in Nigeria. It has just lately gained popularity in Nigeria due to a variety of circumstances. Education and social systems underwent changes as a result of urbanisation and industrialisation. Then, many of our educators began to emphasise the importance of guiding services as an integral element of our educational system.

In Nigeria, students choose their subject of study during their senior high school years. In preparation for the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination.

Students choose their topics on their own, with little knowledge of Flanayan culture. If secondary education is to be relevant to the requirements of students, they must be aided in selecting curriculum at an early stage.

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