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Impact of Guidance Services on Students’ Attitude Towards Schooling Among Secondary School Students

Impact of Guidance Services on Students’ Attitude Towards Schooling Among Secondary School Students

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Impact of Guidance Services on Students’ Attitude Towards Schooling Among Secondary School Students


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of advisory services on secondary school students’ attitudes towards schooling. Three objectives were proposed, which included: 1. Determine the extent to which advisory services are offered and accessible for secondary school students in Nigeria.

Investigate how secondary school students view the effectiveness and relevance of the guidance services given by their schools, as well as the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards education.

A total of 77 responses were received and authenticated from enrolled participants, with all coming from chosen secondary schools in Ibadan. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical program (SPSS).


Chapter one




Background of the study.


Guidance services play an important role in the educational system, particularly in shaping students’ attitudes towards school. These programs include a variety of activities meant to help students make sound educational, vocational, and personal decisions.

The impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards studying is an important subject of study in Nigerian secondary schools because of the consequences for educational outcomes and general student well-being.


help services, which include counselling, career help, and academic advising, are critical components of the educational experience. These services assist students in navigating the intricacies of academic life, addressing personal and social issues, and making strategic career decisions (Arowolo 2013).

Effective guidance programs have been related to improved academic performance, student behaviour, and emotional well-being (Lapan, Gysbers, & Petroski, 2001).



In Nigeria, the adoption of advisory services in secondary schools is relatively new, having gained popularity in recent decades. Overcrowded classrooms, poor resources, and a scarcity of skilled counsellors have historically plagued Nigeria’s educational system (Egbochuku, 2008).

Despite these problems, there is an increasing understanding of the value of advice and counselling in promoting students’ academic and personal growth (Eyo, Joshua, & Esuong, 2010).


Students’ attitudes towards school have a substantial impact on their academic performance and overall school experience. Positive attitudes are related with increased motivation, engagement, and achievement, whereas negative attitudes can contribute to absenteeism, poor academic performance, and school dropout (Fredricks, Blumenfeld, & Paris, 2004).

In Nigeria, socioeconomic level, parental participation, and school environment all influence pupils’ attitudes towards schooling (Ajayi & Ekundayo, 2011).


Guidance services can improve students’ attitudes towards school by providing them with the help and tools they need to overcome academic and personal obstacles. Counsellors assist students create realistic academic goals, develop effective study habits, and manage stress (Omotosho, 2010).

Furthermore, career coaching helps students realise how their education relates to their future goals, enhancing motivation and involvement in school activities (Salami, 2008).


According to research, pupils who receive regular advice and counselling services have a more positive attitude towards school. For example, Chireshe (2006) discovered that secondary school students who participated in guidance programs had higher levels of academic accomplishment and a more positive attitude towards their education.

Similarly, Akos and Galassi (2004) found that advisory services helped to enhance student behaviour and reduce disciplinary problems.


The impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards learning is an important field of study, particularly in Nigeria, where educational problems are common. Understanding how these services affect students can help educators and legislators create more effective programs that promote academic and personal growth.

Given the favourable consequences of guidance services, it is critical to continue studying their impact in changing students’ attitudes and overall educational experiences.


Statement of the Problem


Despite the widely acknowledged value of advice services in improving students’ academic and personal development, many secondary schools in Nigeria continue to encounter substantial problems in implementing effective guidance programs.

These issues include insufficient money, a scarcity of experienced counsellors, and a lack of understanding among students and parents about the benefits of guidance programs.

As a result, many students in Nigerian secondary schools have unfavourable attitudes towards education, which can contribute to low academic performance, increased absenteeism, and greater dropout rates.


In the Nigerian educational system, where students frequently face numerous socioeconomic and personal issues, the role of advisory services is even more important. However, there is a scarcity of empirical study especially looking into how these services affect students’ views towards schooling.

Without a firm grasp of this relationship, efforts to improve educational achievements and assist kids’ overall development may be hampered.


The study’s objectives


The purpose of this study is to look at how advisory services affect students’ attitudes towards schooling in Nigerian secondary schools. To fulfil this general purpose, the study will complete the following specific objectives:


Determine the availability and accessibility of advisory services for Nigerian secondary school pupils.

Investigate how secondary school students view the effectiveness and relevance of the advice services offered by their schools.

Examine the impact of advisory services on students’ attitudes towards schooling.

Research Hypotheses


H1: There is no extent to which advisory services are available to secondary school pupils in Nigeria.


H2: guidance services have no influence on pupils’ attitudes towards schooling.


Significance of the Study


The significance of this study stems from its potential to improve educational practices and regulations governing advisory services in Nigerian secondary schools. The outcomes of this study can help policymakers and educational administrators understand the existing situation of guidance services in secondary schools.

By emphasising the availability, accessibility, and effectiveness of these services, the study can help to shape policies targeted at strengthening guidance programs, ensuring that they are sufficiently funded, staffed, and incorporated into the educational system.

Understanding the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards school is critical for creating a healthy learning environment. The study’s findings can assist educators and counsellors create focused interventions that address kids’ academic, personal, and social needs, improving motivation, engagement, and overall school experience.

The study lays the groundwork for resolving the issues that prevent effective guide service implementation. This can lead to the development of solutions to overcome difficulties such as insufficient resources, a shortage of skilled counsellors, and a lack of knowledge among students and parents about the benefits of guidance services.

Guidance services play an important role in promoting students’ emotional and psychological wellbeing. The study’s findings underline the relevance of these programs in assisting students in managing stress, building resilience, and developing good attitudes towards education, all of which contribute to their overall mental health and well-being.

Scope of the Study

The study’s scope includes the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling among secondary school students. The study would be limited to chosen secondary schools in Ibadan, Oyo state.


Limitations of the study


While the purpose of this study is to provide significant insights into the impact of guidance services on students’ attitudes about studying among secondary school students in Nigeria, certain limitations must be acknowledged that may affect the generalisability and interpretation of the findings:


Sample Size and Selection:

The study’s results may be limited by the sample size and selection criteria. If the sample size or diversity is insufficient, the findings may not be applicable to the larger population of Nigerian secondary school pupils. Additionally, any biases in sample selection may have an impact on the study’s conclusions.


Temporal constraints:

The study’s duration may limit its capacity to detect long-term effects of guidance services on students’ attitudes towards schooling. Attitude changes can take time to show, and a cross-sectional study design may not adequately capture these dynamics.


Resource constraints:

Limited financial and logistical resources may limit the extent and depth of the investigation. Funding constraints, access to schools, and the availability of research professionals may impact the comprehensiveness of data collection and analysis.


Definition of Terms


Guidance services:


A variety of activities and support systems offered within schools to help students with their academic, vocational, and personal development. Counselling, career help, academic advising, and personal-social support are among the services provided.


Attitude towards schooling:


Students’ general perceptions, sentiments, and attitudes about their educational experience. This includes their motivation, engagement, enjoyment, and perceived worth of schooling.


Secondary Schools:


An educational institution that offers secondary education to students aged 12 to 18, following primary school and before tertiary or higher education.




A qualified educational professional who advises and supports students on academic success, career preparation, personal development, and social relations.


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