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Chapter one

1.0 Background of the Study

Information and communication technology (ICT) advancements have impacted the society we live in today. The importance of ICT in the development of corporations and society as a whole cannot be overstated.

For example, Nigeria has realised that no modern economy can be sustained without integrated ICT and has implemented the technology to drive economic growth.

The adoption of new technologies has resulted in increased productivity, improved communication, and more effective and efficient process management. It has also been shown to improve decision making,

encourage public participation in economic development, support a modern workforce, improve social well-being, and reduce the number of digital gadgets.

However, information is the end result of data processing activity. It is the conversion of a data processing operation into a useable format for its intended purpose. Thus, information is processed data that has been changed from its raw condition into a finished product that others may use.

The database is the heart of all information services. The utilisation of databases allows for access to the same information across several channels, including the internet, online databases, call centres, and print versions.

The most familiar example is the telephone. A vast number of call centres can be reached via phone, and professional organisations offer their information and services in this manner.

Another popular example is the personal computer (PC). The PC enables consumers to access internet services, online databases, and so forth.

Communication, on the other hand, is the process of transmitting information and meaning between or among individuals using a shared set of symbols, singles, and behaviours.

There are several types of communication services and applications that are useful to organisations. In this regard, it is vital to distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous applications.

Synchronous communication refers to the participant’s simultaneous presence in the communication process. These include chatting and computer conferences. Chat is an application that allows two people on the same network to exchange information.

Computer conferencing is similar to teleconferencing in that it allows people to talk at the same time using personal computers (PCs) and network infrastructure.

Asynchronous communication occurs when there is a time lapse between messages and responses to those messages, resulting in delayed communication, such as the exchange of letters. Asynchronous communication applications include email or electronic mail.

According to Encyclopaedia America (1988), technology is a method of making or accomplishing things; it is derived from the Greek word “technique” meaning “art or craft”. When individuals try to connect, exchange information, and collaborate despite time and distance constraints, information and communication technology (ICT) plays a critical role.

There are several types of technology involved in the process, including telecommunication technology, which is used to establish communication across long distances, and information technology, which is used to store, process, and deliver data.

The convergence of telecommunications and computers has resulted in what is known as information and communication technology (ICT), which is a broad word that refers to a variety of technologies and applications.

1.1 Statement of Problem

The adoption of ICT in the Nigerian banking sector is aimed at developing specific skills, knowledge, and retraining of employees on and off the job, as well as increasing productivity and profitability of the organisation in order to achieve organisational efficiency and effectiveness.

However, ICT has not been able to alleviate the complexity associated with manual aspects of organisational processes. This is because some of the system’s stored data can be lost if not manually documented.

Despite the fact that the introduction of ICT has simplified and accelerated the organisation, it has not been able to eliminate fraud and anomalies. Workers’ fear of equipment, information overload, increased job pressure, and other consequences have all resulted from the use of ICT.

Workers’ fear of equipment can sometimes drive people away from their jobs, as the deployment of new technology tends to lower the labour force trend in any organisation.

For example, organisations with a high level of technology use ROBBOTs instead of humans to execute specific tasks. The use of ICT allows organisations to replace workers with inadequate skills and expertise.

Another important issue caused by ICT is information overload, which occurs when an employee receives more information than he or she can handle. For example, the more individuals use email, the stronger the impression that they can’t process it. As a result, our research endeavour focuses on the aforementioned topic in order to add to the existing knowledge.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to determine whether the use of information and communication technology (ICT) has a good or negative impact on organisational performance. Other specific goals include:

(1) To determine whether ICT will contribute to employee job satisfaction.

(2) Investigate how information and communication technology can help to increase productivity.

(3) To determine whether the use of information and communication technology will lower organisational costs and save time.

(4) Determine whether the usage of ICT will reduce the amount of fraud and irregularities in the organisation.

(5) To assess the areas for improvement in information and communication technology as they relate to organisational performance.

(6) To look at how information and communication technologies can aid improve knowledge and skills.


(1) How might information and communication technologies be used more effectively and efficiently to assess employee job satisfaction?

(2) How substantial is information and communication technology’s impact on organisational performance?

(3) How can the cost of training and developing employees on how to use ICT be reduced?

(4) How can information and communication technology be best used to eliminate fraud and irregularities in specific organisational areas?

(5) Does the usage of ICT improve or decrease production, or does it have no effect at all?

(6) What impact does ICT have on the interaction between an organisation and its surroundings, as well as the relationship between the organisation and the broader economic and social context in which the organisation operates?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

There are two types of hypotheses: the “null” hypothesis (Ho) and the “alternative” hypothesis (Hi).

Hypothesis one.

Ho: No meaningful association exists between ICT and employee performance.

H1: There exists a considerable association between ICT and employee performance.

Hypothesis two

Ho: No substantial association exists between ICT and employee job satisfaction.

H1: There exists a considerable association between ICT and employee work satisfaction.

Hypothesis three.

Ho: There is no substantial association between the use of ICT and time savings.

H1: A substantial association exists between the use of ICT and time reduction.

Hypothesis four

Ho: There is no substantial association between the use of ICT and employees’ talents.

H1: There is a considerable association between the use of ICT and employee competencies.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will serve as the foundation for showing the role of ICT in organisational success as well as developing trained labour.

Another important issue to consider is identifying and evaluating the factors that contribute to how an effective and efficient workforce will yield productivity through the management of ICT innovation.

It is also expected that the conclusions of this study will teach workers that the introduction of ICT will provide them with easy and reliable information, hence increasing productivity.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study will primarily focus on the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on organisational performance and the benefits of banking density as experienced by Zenith Bank Plc in Lagos State, Nigeria.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

Carrying out a research project can be difficult, as it may require significant investment in supplies as well as time limitations. In Nigeria today,

the majority of businesses are always reluctant to share information about their operations for fear of intrusion, insecurity, and the harmful impact of competition on their products and services.

The key limits of this study include time and cost restraints in terms of transportation, online browsing, and material photocopying, which may prevent the research from being completely accurate.

1.8 Definition of Terms

A computer is an electronic device that sorts and retrieves data, processes it through a central processing unit (CPU), and then sends it out as information via output devices.

Information: This is knowledge about something, particularly factual news.

Information and communication technology refers to the use of computers and other electronic devices, such as telephones, to process and deliver information.

Database: This allows access to information through several ways.

Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is shared through certain channels over time among members of a social system.

Innovation: An idea, practice, or thing that is seen as novel by an individual or another unit of adoption.

Productivity is used to measure the quantity and quality of work completed while taking into account the cost of resources used.

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