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Chapter one


Background of the study
Leadership is a critical aspect of management that plays a vital role in our daily lives. Leadership is defined as the process by which one or more people persuade a group of people to move in a specific direction.

Leadership has been applied in a variety of fields, including politics, business, academia, and social work. Messick and Krammer (2004) contended that the extent to which an individual demonstrates leadership attributes is determined not just by his characteristics and personal abilities, but also by the features of the circumstance and environment in which he finds himself.

As a result, an individual will support the organisation if he believes that it will help him achieve his personal objectives and aims; otherwise, his interest would wane.

Leadership style is a critical factor in the success or failure of any organisation. A leader is someone who encourages, guides, and motivates others to complete specified duties, as well as inspires his subordinates to work efficiently towards the achievement of the stated corporate objectives.

Leadership style is the method and attitude of providing guidance, carrying out objectives, and encouraging others (Audra Bianca, Demand Media).

According to Ngambi et al. (2010) and Ngambi (2011), as referenced in Jeremy et al. (2011), leadership is the process of persuading others to realise their full potential in attaining a value-added, shared vision with passion and integrity.

The nature of this influence is such that team members work together freely to attain the goals that the leader has established for each individual as well as the group. Relationships between leaders and employees.

The leadership style used by the leader has a considerable impact on both the quality of employees’ performance and the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

Leadership style in an organisation is one of the elements that influence whether or not individuals are interested and committed to the organisation (Obiwuru et al., 2011).

According to Lian (2011), leadership style refers to the method and technique used to provide direction, implement plans, and motivate others. After acquiring human resources, it is necessary to retain and keep them together;

however, it should be acknowledged that each worker has personal expectations for working in an organisation. To that end, the leader must use a variety of methods to ensure that the employee stays at work, feels satisfied, is ready to give their all, and that their expectations are met while not jeopardising the organization’s ultimate corporate objectives.

There are numerous leadership styles, but for the purposes of this study, transformational leadership, or transactional leadership, is more effective, productive, innovative, and satisfying to followers because both parties work for the good of the organisation, propelled by shared visions and values, as well as mutual trust and respect (Avolio and Bass, 2010).

According to Burns (1978), transactional leaders seek to motivate subordinates to achieve expected levels of performance by assisting them in recognising task responsibilities, identifying goals, and developing confidence in meeting desired performance levels, whereas laissez-faire leadership is completely passive.

Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegation leadership, is a leadership style in which leaders remain hands-off and enable group members to make decisions. It typically leads to decreased productivity.

Bad leadership is expensive; when weak leaders and managers are in charge, staff morale suffers and employees feel less dedicated to the organisation and its objective

which leads to lower-quality work and slower completion times. Poor leadership can prevent planners from developing fresh ideas and solutions to challenges.

The type of leadership style determines how organisations deal with increasing productivity; transformational leadership plays an important part in increasing productivity through enhanced marketability and the creation of an organization’s strategic vision.

Leadership style influences overall operational success in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, profitability, big market share, and the organization’s dedication to achieving a certain goal.

Behind the wonderment of any organization’s productivity is largely centred on labour productivity; perhaps human labour is the universal key resource required of any organisation, and it is clear that a critical component in all successful productivity efforts to date has been due to good leadership style.

Many organisations in the Nigerian banking industry have recently reported cases of immoral and unethical banking practices, gratifications, high labour turnover, inability to meet basic required obligations, and an ongoing financial distress syndrome, resulting in the merger and acquisition of many banks.

This could be as a result of ineffective leadership. Many organisations’ primary goal is to fulfil their stated objectives, which necessitates the effective coordination and motivation of employees by an effective leader.

Unfortunately, some organisations do not consider the leadership style used by their managers. This research aims to investigate these premises.

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