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A marketing information system (MIS) is a systematic process for collecting raw data on a regular basis, both internally and externally, and converting that data into information for marketing decisions.

This study project investigates the impact of a marketing information system on the sales performance of Peugeot Automobile Nigeria (PAN) Limited Kaduna.

The study consists of five chapters. The study’s problem is to measure the effectiveness of Peugeot’s marketing information system in terms of sales performance. The survey research design was used for the investigation. A sample size of 150 people was picked from a population of 1,185 using simple random selection procedures.

Relevant research questions were developed and used to collect data through a qualitative instrument questionnaire. The survey for the study question yielded a lot of interesting insights. One of the key conclusions is that Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN) Kaduna used internal records as one of the primary sources of information.

The stock control unit provides information. The study concluded that enough attention should be given to their marketing mix (pricing, promotion, place, and product), and that effective distribution of quality products is highly important in Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN) Kaduna marketing.

As a result, it is advised that the sales department, marketing information department, and production department increase their interaction significantly.Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Marketing Managers require fast and reliable information on customers, competitors, dealers, and other market forces while conducting marketing analysis, evaluation, and distribution.

According to Marion Herper (2000, p. 203), “to manage a business well is to manage its future, and to manage the future is to manage information”. (Kolter and Armstrong (2000, p. 114), An Introduction to Marketing.

During the last century, most businesses were tiny and knew their clients firsthand; managers learned about marketing by observing and questioning individuals.

In this century, various factors have increased the demand for more and better information management. As businesses expand into national and international marketplaces, they require more information about larger and more distant markets.

As incomes rise and customers grow more choosy, managers require more information about how customers react to various offerings. Marketing managers require information regarding the efficiency of their marketing tools. In today’s quickly changing contexts, managers must considerably more up-to-date information to make informed decisions.

The Marketing Information System (MIS) begins and concludes with marketing managers assessing their information needs and developing the necessary information from internal company records, marketing intelligence operations,

and marketing research processes. Furthermore, the marketing information system provides managers with accurate and timely information to aid in marketing planning, implementation, and management.

A strong marketing information system balances the information managers would want to have against what they actually need and what is realistic to supply. Sometimes MIS is unable to provide all of the information requested by managers.

MIS must therefore monitor the marketing environment and provide decision-makers with the information they require to make crucial marketing decisions.

Furthermore, generating information is necessary for making day-to-day planning, implementation, and control decisions. The development of information is divided into three (3) categories: internal records (reports), marketing intelligence, and market research.

Most companies nowadays are dealing with a decline in sales. As a result, the marketing information system for Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN), Kaduna is designed to increase overall sales in the company and other current companies in the country.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The primary cause of the drop in sales levels in most Nigerian organisations is a lack of marketing information systems. This scenario prompted the researcher to conduct research to determine how to improve the quality of the marketing information system and the roles that the marketing information system may play in increasing sales at Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN) Kaduna. The problem to be solved is to establish how sales may be sustained using a marketing information system.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The study aims to increase the effectiveness of marketing information systems as well as the sales margins of Nigerian enterprises. Other objectives include:

i. Determine the objectives of the Marketing information system in the organisation.

ii. To investigate the operations of the marketing information system at Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Plc.

iii. To investigate the limitations of the organisation’s marketing information system.

iii. Examine the contribution of marketing information systems in the organisation.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The purpose of this research (Research Work) is to assist Peugeot Automobile Nigerian Limited (PAN) in implementing a marketing information system in order to develop a well-rooted company through increased sales.

It is also very important for other companies since, at the end of the study, they will attentively refer to this work and take the necessary steps to achieve an efficient and successful marketing information system that will increase their sales levels.


i. What are the organisation’s marketing information system objectives?

ii. What are the functions of the Marketing Information System at Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Plc?

iv. What are the constraints of the organisation’s Marketing Information System?

iv. What is the contribution of the Marketing Information System to the organisation?

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study will take place at the head office of Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN) in Kaduna. This project work is primarily concerned with how marketing information systems are implemented in an organisation,

with a focus on Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN). It also examines the management information system’s objectives and procedures.

As a result, the study only looks at Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN), which includes the geographical, social, economic, and cultural makeup of the area, as well as the forms of marketing information and methods for gathering information to aid marketing managers in their dealings.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

This research effort is hampered by a lack of funds; during the course of the investigation, the researcher found it difficult to collect enough funds to complete this project work.

Another constraint of this project work is that no relevant information on this topic is now available for investigation, preventing the researcher from expanding this project work to other companies. As a result, the study only included Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (PAN), Kaduna.

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