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Impact Of Mother Tongue On Children’s Learning At The Lower Level Of Primary Education

Impact Of Mother Tongue On Children’s Learning At The Lower Level Of Primary Education

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Impact Of Mother Tongue On Children’s Learning At The Lower Level Of Primary Education

Chapter One: Introduction 

Background to the Study.

Mother tongue as the primary language of instruction in schools is a crucial tool in every profession; without it, any meaningful form of intellectual pursuit is hampered.

As we all know, most children who begin their education in their mother tongues make a better start since they have more self-confidence and continue to perform better than those who begin school in a new language (English).

(Cummins,2000) The prospect for education improves when the school builds on the foundation of mother tongue in teaching a second language. As a result, it is critical to understand the functions of the mother tongue, specifically how students learn in school using it as an instructional medium. This has received significant support from both educational authorities and the general public. (Baker 2000).

This support, however, is based on the widely held view that mastery of one’s mother tongue aids comprehension of other courses such as art, social studies, and primary science, among others.

Numerous studies conducted throughout the world suggest that effective usage of one’s mother tongue leads to superior knowledge of a second or foreign language when acquired in a relatively short period of time. (Skutnabh, 2000).

It is well recognised that children who do not know their mother tongue, that is, children who only know how to speak English as their first language and have no knowledge of the language of their immediate surroundings, perform poorly in academics. (Baker 2000).
In Nigeria, practically every parent wants their children to learn a second language as their first language at the detriment of their immediate surroundings. [Modernisation has influenced the acquisition of mother tongue in this aspect. Children’s performance in school is no longer as good as it once was; in fact, it has nearly reached zero.

When children are exposed to the language of their local environment at a young age, their academic performance improves when they attend school. That is why this study is being performed to explore the importance of mother language in child education, specifically at the primary school level. The research focusses on primary levels one through three, including a case study of some selected Model Primary School in Sokoto Metropolis

1.2 Statement of the Problem

It has been discovered that the current rate of low performance among primary school students is highly frightening. This could be related to the fact that mother tongue was not used as the first language of instruction in school, as specified by the National Policy on Education (NPE, 2004).

As a result, students are currently confronting numerous hurdles in terms of educational attainment or growth. Education, as we all know, is unavoidable if one truly wants to succeed in life.

While one can become someone without it, it is widely assumed that if one truly wants to succeed, education cannot be overlooked. Students are now having difficulty getting good grades.

This problem affects not just children in the lower and upper grades of elementary school, but also students in secondary schools. Students’ performance on the S.S.C.E exam now is far lower than in the past.

This is why the researchers decided to look into the roles of mother tongue in education, particularly in relation to child education in primary school (grades one through three), with a focus on some selected Model Primary Schools, in order to address this issue and propose solutions.

1.3 Objectives Of The Study 

The primary goal of this study is to look at the impact of mother tongue on children’s learning at the lower levels of elementary education. Other particular objectives are 1. To develop strategies by which learners could be taught to tackle the challenge they have in learning new things in a different language (English).

2. Determine whether language teachers use the children’s mother tongue when teaching and learning.

3. Determine methods for inspiring students in primary one through three to utilise their mother language while talking with their classmates and teachers.

4. Determine how to assist students in developing their linguistic competency as they progress through life.

1.4 Research Questions.

1. How may students be assisted in overcoming the difficulties they have when learning new things in another language?

2. Do language teachers use the children’s mother tongue during teaching and learning?

3. How can students be encouraged to speak their mother language while communicating with colleagues and teachers?

4. What are some strategies for assisting students in developing their linguistic ability as they get older? 1


This study is officially scheduled to examine the functions of mother tongue in relation to child education in the lower levels of primary school (primary one to three), using a case study of some selected primary schools in Sokoto metropolis.

Due to budgetary and time constraints, as well as the anticipated administrative difficulties connected with particular schools, the research is limited to lower classes at a few primary schools in the Sokoto city. Nonetheless, the findings apply to all lower levels of primary education throughout the country.

It should be highlighted that mother tongue has an impact not only on the learning of students at a specific school, but on all children in lower elementary school throughout the country. In addition, we will look at Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba as mother tongues.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Mother tongue (dialect), being the language of our immediate surroundings, plays an important role in the lives of our students, particularly those in lower grades. It gives kids the necessary skills to learn a second language (English).

English, being Nigeria’s second official language, has become a crucial instrument for acquiring knowledge of other disciplines taught in our educational institutions, both lower and upper.

As a result, we are confident that the study will be extremely beneficial to all educators and language teachers as they grapple with students’ abilities to acquire knowledge in their home tongue.


1.7 Definition of Terms

1.7.1 Mother Tongue: This is the first language one learns as a youngster. It is the language in which the speaker has the most vocabulary, implying that the user can use it with complete ease and competence.

1.7.2 Dialect: A dialect is a language that is spoken in a specific location and has grammatical words and pronunciation that differ from other forms of the language.

1.7.3 Primary School: This is a school for children from the ages of five (5) to eleven (11).

1.7.4 Education: This is the process of individual development in which a person’s abilities are identified and practiced so that they are capable of beneficial behaviour.

1.7.5 Relation: This is how two or more objects are linked.

1.7.6 Child: A young person who has not yet reached adulthood. Consider a three-year-old child. 6

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