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impact of parental education on the academic performance of students.

 impact of parental education on the academic performance of students.

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 impact of parental education on the academic performance of students.



This study seeks to determine the impact of parental education on the academic performance of students. In order to reach a sound conclusion, the following research queries were formulated: Does the fulfilment of educational requirements affect students’ performance? Does the use of audiovisual aid affect student performance? Does the appreciation of instructors improve students’ performance? The researcher designed and administers approximately one hundred questionnaires to primary school students in the Egor Local Government Area, and promptly collects their responses.

The method employed is a random sampling procedure. Authorities were given answers to their parental concerns. The ministry of education should educate the public on how parents can contribute to their children’s education by taking the necessary steps to meet their educational requirements. Unsophisticated parents should be given the opportunity to attend adult education in order to influence their children’s academic performance at home.


Initial chapter


Statement of difficulties

Object of the investigation

Importance of the research

Research inquiry

The range of the investigation

A glossary of terms

a second chapter

Literature critique

home’s effect on students’ academic performance

Academic background of parents and academic achievement of offspring

Other factors that can affect the academic performance of students

There are other educational institutions besides schools.

Section three

Research methodological design

Design of the research

Sample and sampling methodology

Research apparatus

Validity of the research tool

Management of research instrument

Data illustration

Section four

Analysis and interpretation of data


Discussion of results

Section five

Summary, recommendation, further research suggestion, and conclusion



Suggestion for additional research






Numerous explanations have been offered for the poor academic performance of students in schools, but instructor and parent indifference stands out. Parents appear to rely solely on teachers with the belief that they can overnight transform their children into academic experts, and anything that falls short of this expectation constitutes unethical teacher conduct. IMPACT OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH

Few individuals consider alternative causes for students’ low academic performance. Unfortunately, these factors are so significant that they render the instructors’ significant efforts towards the academic success of their students futile. It is widely recognised that a child’s academic achievement is influenced not only by the school he attends, but also by the education and educational preparation he received outside of school. It might come from the family, the community, or the peer group.

According to Peter Gorski (2004), what should parents do during their child’s early years? “It has been observed that a child’s foundational background must be properly established; otherwise, that child will encounter many difficulties in the future. Some exceptionally intelligent students were negatively affected by their parents’ neglect to provide them with the essential school and home materials.

Evidently, it is now widely acknowledged that students whose parents support and provide for their education always achieve outstanding results. It was discovered that many parents are unaware of the significance of retaining their children in school past a certain grade level.

They preferred to have their children labour alongside them in their trade, and those who are interested in keeping their children in school never followed up with a note check. This medium causes children’s school performance to be below average.


Numerous factors have contributed to the effect of parents’ academic heritage on students’ performance in Egor Local Government Area, Edo State. The educational heritage of parents can either raise or lower students’ performance expectations.

The provision of learning-supporting materials and resources is one example. Some families are able to maintain their cultural values, which may have an impact on their offspring. For instance, the assumption parents make when selecting a career path for their offspring.

According to Adefemiwa (1995), when students are given an academic assignment to complete at home, some respond affirmatively and return with shoddy work, while others make no effort. In addition, when asked to bring learning materials from home, some pupils respond positively while others respond negatively.

Therefore, the researcher intends to investigate the factors influencing the academic performance of students. In order to accomplish this, the investigation aims to provide answers to the following questions:

1) A dysfunctional family can result in poor academic performance in school.

2) Academic heritage of parents can result in poor academic performance

3) The failure to meet students’ educational requirements can also result in poor academic performance.

4) The environment can also result in poor student performance.


This study’s objective is to investigate the impact of parental education on students’ academic performance. The difficulties that parents encountered during their education or the nature of their jobs, which caused them to deviate from their family responsibilities, have deprived their children of solid academic performances. Students’ subpar performance will be mitigated by the proposed solution.


This project would demonstrate the significance of parents with a solid academic background and how it can positively or negatively influence their children’s academic performance. There are some children in the population sample who are older than their chronological age or have above-average intelligence and adequate sensory acuity, whose parents have a solid academic background and have access to all available opportunities, but achieve less than expected. This could be considered an indication of educational disparity.


These research queries are constructed:

1) Does meeting students’ educational requirements affect their performance?

2) Does the use of audiovisual aid affect student performance?

3) Does teacher appreciation improve the academic performance of students?


This research is limited to elementary schools in the Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between the academic performance of parents and that of their children.


Certain terms utilised in this study have connotations unique to this study. Academic, educational disparity, academic background, parents, student performance, education, and instructors are among the terms included.

Academic: This pertains to the teaching or study of those skills-producing subjects.

Educational disparity: individuals with a solid academic background and adequate opportunities who achieve significantly less than anticipated.

Academic history is the specifics of a person’s education.

Father or mother of an individual

A student is a person who is being instructed, typically a minor in school.

Education is the process of teaching, training, and learning, particularly in schools and colleges, in order to increase knowledge and develop abilities.

A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to another.

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