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Impact Of Parents Educational Background On The Academic Performance Of Their Children

Impact Of Parents Educational Background On The Academic Performance Of Their Children

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Impact Of Parents Educational Background On The Academic Performance Of Their Children



This project was created to investigate the impact of parental background on children’s academic performance in selected schools in Kaduna South LGA, Kaduna State. To steer the study, five research objectives, five research questions, and five research hypotheses were developed.

This study was conducted using an ex-post facto design. The study’s population is made up of all primary students from the fifty-three primary schools in the three local government areas of Kaduna South L.G.A.

The zone’s fifty-three primary schools serve a total of seven thousand, nine hundred, and forty-five primary students. Twelve of the fifty-three schools were sampled using the proportionate random sampling technique. The study included all PRI 5 students from the twelve schools, a total of 816.

The researcher created a questionnaire on parental background influence (FBI), which was validated by specialists. The dependability of the instrument was determined using the Crunbach alpha approach. The acquired data was analysed using mean and standard deviation, and the hypotheses were tested using t-test statistics at a significance level of 0.05.

The device was pilot tested in Kaduna North Education Zone with 30 students. The dependability coefficient was 0.69. The study’s findings revealed that: Pupils from educated parents achieve more than those from uneducated parents in academics;

pupils from high-income status parents enjoy a significant advantage in academic performance than pupils from low-income status parents because their parents were able to afford necessary materials and equipment needed for effective learning in the school;

parental level of motivation also influenced pupils’ academic performance because motivated Based on these findings, the study recommended that parents diversify their income sources in order to pay their children’s education. Parents should also recognise the value of utilising rewards and other methods to motivate their children.

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