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The need to introduce effect programmes in sensitising the electorate as a requirement for the authoring of this project task. It has been observed that the majority of broadcasting stations engage in extracurricular activities such as the introduction of interactive shows that require an immediate reaction when an election occurs. That is the electorate being sensitised through a phone-in programme.

Osun State Broadcasting Corporation Channel 32 UHF [OSBC] is a state government-owned broadcasting station. It is a station that uses innovative methods to educate voters without regard for the current government.

The control room, where all studio activities take place, is equipped with an avoid console, control panel, character generator, preview monitor, and telephone, whereas the VTR room is outfitted with a video tape player and recorders for playing recorded programmes.

In light of this, I’ve chosen to conduct comprehensive research on the impact of phone-in programmes on voter sensitization.

Historical Background
Osun State Broadcasting Corporation [OSBC] was created on the 27th.

August 1991, following the formation of Osun State from the former Oyo State. As of now, the OSBC family operates four channels, two each on radio and television, with distinct appeal and independent programming. This project, along with others, focuses on OSBC channel 32 UHF.


Initially, OSBC channel 32 UHF was run individually by a managing director with sub-directors until being amalgamated with the other three channels and consolidated under a single Director General. Currently, each channel has its own Director of Services.

The director of television service at OSBC channel 32 UHF manages all operations or staffs that work under him, including the director of news and current affairs, his deputy, editor, chief reporter, and reporters. In addition, the Director of Proms works with his Deputy, other producers, and the production crew.

The fact that the four channels that comprise OSBC are governed by a single body of administration prevents me from mentioning other departments that are vital in television house settings. The management team consists of departments such as administration, finance, engineering, and marketing.

The station has both A.m. and P.m. transmissions as part of its strategy to gain a large audience. Since its inception, the station has taken on the order task of revolutionising television in Nigeria

which has been marked by divines and a lack of entertainment, and with its removal of popularly watched foreign and programmes, no-morning Nigeria, Data loner, lets discuss, sports, and so on, it has become the darling of viewers in Osun and its surroundings.

In 2007, the station received the National Broadcasting Commission’s Station South West Award for excellence.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Following the nation’s quest for timely knowledge or sensitization, particularly when electrons are about to occur in the country. The number of transmitting stations in Nigeria has increased, resulting in


Competition among stations. Hence, each proprietor or ownership has been working relentlessly to ensure that their stations becomes the preference of people.

This project work investigate into an important area of broadcasting which examine television as a major that interest everybody of its ability to match virtual and avoid, thereby authenticating the genuine message of an important seasonal programme in relation to the programmer that is design to educate the audient on election.

A phone-in-programme is a programme set up to elicit response from the target audience of that particular programme which may be this time around be to give a clear consent to what the electorate and the general public is to do on electron the use fullness and relevance of telephone or the introduction of phone- in- programme to modern broadcasting. How it has expanded the study.


Does the mainstream media impact the people on choosing candidate during electron period?

How often do individuals listen to election information action programme through the media?

What is the popular degree of devotion to the mass media during election?

Is the programme inside a programme capable of educating and entertaining the general public?

What effect does the programme-in-programme have on Nigerian youth?


The objectives of this effort include the following:


To explain the relevance of phone-in programmes in modern broadcasting.

To determine the benefit received by the station and its viewers.

To identify the value of a phone-in programme to the modern journalist.

To emphasise the importance of broadcasting stations in raising voter awareness.

To identify the procedures that must be taken to keep the programme [phone-in-programme] running at the station, particularly during peak hours.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The determination to achieve efficiency in broadcasting, combined with the desire of OSBC cha 32 UHF to maintain its position as the best broadcasting station in Nigeria’s south-west, has necessitated an empirical study of the station’s activities in terms of schedule programming for electorates or voters.

This project study is designed to document the impact of phones on broadcasting and the public audience.

Furthermore, the research would make recommendations on how a broadcasting house’s aims might be met by producing or organising a distinctive programme.

It will thoroughly examine people’s reactions to such a programme, the components of a phone in the programme, and its usefulness as a source of information for the general public.

This project work will thus be useful for both students of mass communication in higher education and the general public at large to be aware of and follow in the footsteps of the broadcasting station, specifically OSBC chan2 UHF, in learning more about how to contribute to a programme that is on air, particularly the phone-in programme in which the audience will contribute, resulting in a credible election at the end.

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