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Impact Of Problem Solving And Lecture Method In Biology Students Performance In Secondary Schools

Impact Of Problem Solving And Lecture Method In Biology Students Performance In Secondary Schools

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Impact Of Problem Solving And Lecture Method In Biology Students Performance In Secondary Schools



The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of the guided discovery method (GDM) on the academic achievement of senior secondary school biology students. The investigation was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The investigation was conducted in the Otukpo metropolis.

The survey included 120 SS2 pupils from co-educational schools in Otukpo. The sample comprised of 50 biology SSS2 students selected at random from two schools. Data was collected using two tests: pre-test and post-test. An expert validated the instruments. The mean score was utilised to answer the research questions, and the hypothesis was tested using the ANCOVA statistic at the 0.05 level of significance.

The study’s main findings revealed that the use of guided discovery method in teaching had a significant effect on students’ achievement, gender was not a significant factor for students’ achievement in Biology, though female students scored higher than male students, but the difference was insignificant, location had no significant effect on students’ achievement in Biology, and type of school had a significant effect on students’ achievement.

The study recommended that students be allowed to participate actively and freely with their teachers in order to improve their academic achievement gains in their subjects, and that guided discovery approaches be integrated into the Biology curriculum as one of the most effective teaching approaches to use in addition to practical biology.

Chapter one



1.1 Background of the Study

Science is an intellectual activity carried out by humans with the goal of discovering information about the natural world and organising that information to benefit the human race (Gottlieb 2015).

Maikano (2017) also claimed that science is both the methodical observation of natural occurrences and conditions in order to find facts about them, as well as an organised body of knowledge gained from such observations that can be validated or evaluated by additional inquiry.

From the foregoing, science can be defined as actions that result in a testable and verifiable corpus of knowledge. It is necessary for mankind’s survival and progress on Earth. As a result, it requires a firm basis at the grassroots level.

Science is so important because it helps students to explain events in nature and identify superstitious beliefs, teach students to develop their physical skills through the proper handling of objects and equipment

teach students how to solve simple problems they encounter on a daily basis, enable students to develop social skills by establishing friendships while working cooperatively in groups, and help students to satisfy their natural curiosity through op

Biology, as a science-oriented subject, cannot be overstated because of its importance to human life and survival in general. In all aspects of life, the contribution of biological knowledge to living existence must be acknowledged. Biology has evolved as a tool for comprehending the entire process of life growth in living things, beginning with their creation.

Because of the nature and function of living organisms such as plants and animals, the overall operation of the body as an organ system is critical. Biology has exposed and critically investigated the malfunctioning of the body in terms of disease and sickness, making it common knowledge.

Different studies are frequently conducted on biologically connected subjects in order to improve the daily living process at various educational institutions and hospitals (Lakpa, 2011).

The results of biological research and scientific knowledge in the field are so important to life that everyone should be taught components of biology in order to improve their comprehension of life.

The National Policy on Education (NPE, 2013) in Nigeria emphasised the value of science, which incorporates biological knowledge as a seasoning tool. It required that schools help students create a solid basis for scientific and critical thinking.

It went on to say that the relevant knowledge and skills acquired through functional education are geared towards the realisation of Nigeria’s overall philosophy, which is based on building a true and democratic society, a just and egalitarian society, a united, strong, and self-sufficient nation, a great and dynamic economy, and a land full of bright opportunities for all citizens.

Biology has become relevant to attaining some of these goals, including the development of enhanced plant and animal kinds that will serve as raw materials for our businesses, the provision of skills for employment, and improved research for citizens’ health, among others. To improve biology teaching and learning, it is critical to investigate methods of imparting knowledge to students.

According to Afolabi and Adesope (2010), some teaching approaches include lectures, discussions, demonstrations, discovery, assignments/projects, field trips (excursions), individualised instruction, and laboratory methods.

Olutade (2019) emphasised the importance of teaching methods in the transmission of knowledge in teaching-learning processes, and the kind used decides to a large extent what pupils internalise.

In fact, if the right approach is used, knowledge acquisition can be accelerated. Although research has been conducted on several techniques of teaching biology at the secondary school level, nothing has been done to determine which method is most suited for biology instruction.

The study is thus being conducted to investigate the impact of problem solving and the lecture technique, with the lecture teaching method serving as a control, on biology students’ performance.

The lecture technique is one of various teaching methods, albeit it is commonly regarded as the dominant one in schools. The lecture style is deemed more convenient, particularly in larger classroom sizes.

This is why lecturing is the usual for most college courses when there are multiple students in the classroom at the same time; it allows lecturers to transmit material that he or she believes is most relevant, in accordance with the lesson plans.

Lecturing is primarily an oral presentation made by an instructor to a group of students. Many lectures are accompanied by some form of visual assistance, such as a slideshow, word document, photograph, or film.

Some lecturers may even utilise a whiteboard or a blackboard to emphasise significant points in their lectures, although none of these are required to qualify as a lecture. A lecture is defined as an authoritative figure standing in the front of a room making a speech to a throng of listeners.

The lecture method is insufficient because it is one-way, as information is dictated to students who have little to no opportunity to provide their own personal input or protest the information being delivered, it is entirely a passive experience for students rather than an active role that hinders learning, it requires a significant amount of unguided student time outside of the classroom to enable understanding and long-term retention of content, and it requires.

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