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This experiment examined the impact of promotion on the marketing of detergent products. A case study of PZ Industries Enugu.

The objectives of the study include the following:

To determine if pz industries considered advertising as a variable technique for their product.

To determine the impact of promotion on the marketing of detergent with a special preference for elephant extra detergent by pz industries.

To also analyse whether the marketing communication platform and channel utilised by PZ Industries in the market of elephant extra detergent is generating future benefits.

And to advise upgrading the promotional tools campaign for pz industries to enable them to make successful advertising of their goods and services.

Based on these, the researcher conducted a critical analysis and evaluation of the promotional tools utilised by enterprises in Enugu metropolitan. Also, I reviewed related information and used a research instrument to collect primary and secondary data.

The study’s demographic consists of employees and customers from pz industries in the Enugu metropolitan. The data collected were used in the formulation of findings.

The researcher conducting the study employed direct questioning and observation to obtain information from the respondents. Form to obtain information. The following conclusions and recommendations were reached.

That promotion has a significant impact on the promotion, resulting in increased sales, purchasing, consistent growth, and profit maximisation for any firm.

And no firm can succeed without using advertising as one of its most vital tactics, particularly in the pz industry.

The following recommendations were made.

The corporation should enhance its promotional campaign.

Additionally, expand its marketing strategy.

Clearly outline communication objectives.

Also, get involved in product research and development.

Finally, the impact of promotion on detergent product marketing should be a critical factor in motivating the management of diverse detergent firms to become more committed to the welfare of their customers. Intersections of product dissemination and development that meet client needs and desires.



1.1 Background of Study

Previously, the companion of salesmanship was screamed out because the divide between the productive and consumption segments of society was modest and manageable.

However, a review of the country’s economic history reveals that there were companies in the early 1960s and 1970s that placed aggressive trust in the Nigerian market and as pioneer producers; as a result, producers were primarily concerned with developing a good product and services to meet the needs and desires of the target market.

During the industrial revolution, the globe became more competitive, and high levels of economic and technological progress increased sophistication among both producers and consumers.

This has resulted in a widening of the gap between them, posing a challenge to both parties to devise a more appropriate manner of mending their connection.

According to Kotler 1993, page 12, the product idea states that consumers like products that are widely available and inexpensive in price, hence managers of production-oriented organisations focus on achieving high production efficiency and distribution coverage. This approach, of course, led to the manufacture of other types of products in Nigerian markets.

It was truly an economy of plenty, with both consumers and distributors having enough of money to spend regardless of product condition. As a result, one of the most important communication forces that emerged to assist bridge the gap between the producer and the customer was the act of promotion, which was low-cost and directed by top management.

The early 1980s saw the country’s first decade of economic recession, which resulted in a reduction in production capacity and a decrease in the country’s gross national product. The price of oil plummeted to an all-time low, prompting the imposition of various trade restrictions.

For example, in order to restructure the economy, the federal government of Nigeria implemented a structural adjustment programme (SAP). Companies and individuals alike began to feel the sting of the recession, lower earnings, and increased prices of products and services as a result of tariffs and taxes.

Given the consumer’s declining disposable income and the large amount of goods produced and not produced, manufacturers began to recognise the importance of promoting their products in order to raise awareness of them and persuade consumers and distributor channels that their products are the best in town, capable of meeting the needs and desires of the target market’s consumers.

Promotion has become a vital aspect of our social and economic systems, but it has also risen in importance throughout time as both a corporate activity and a social phenomena.

It has impacted not only business, but also overall security. People learned to demand better products and services in order to care for their health and improve their quality of life as a result of promotional influence.

One might then ask what is promotion in terms of its impact on their decision to use elephant extra as their brand detergent, and to what extent.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The dictionary definition of the term “impact” as used in this study is “power to act” or “have an effect on the mind of / or obtain a result from anything.” The study aims to determine the impact of promotion on the marketing of detergent, with a focus on elephant extra detergent in pz countries as a case study.

v To determine whether pz industries considered promotion as a tool for their product.

v To determine whether the promotion communicates the massage of PZ Industries’ detergent product to the target market.

v Determine the degree and nature of the influence of elephant additional detergent and product awareness and conviction on consumers’ purchasing patterns.

v Determine whether the marketing communication channels used by pz industries in the market of elephant extra detergent generates future benefits.

v To advise upgrading the marketing tools campaign for pz industries so that they may effectively promote their goods and services.


The following are the research questions of the study.

v How efficient is promotion in marketing the Elephant Extra Detergent product?

v Does promotion have any influence on raising the number of sales of elephant extra detergent?

v Does the promotional style and layout of Elephant Extra Detergent influence consumers’ repeat purchases?

v Has proper promotion resulted in consumer loyalty to the Elephant Extra detergent product?

v Is product promotion a key marketing technique for PZ industries?

1.4 Significance of Study

The majority of the reasons that contribute to the necessity and relevance of this study to Nigeria’s current economic reality will be discussed in general. Marketing promotions are variables utilised by businesses to generate or increase sales awareness for a specific product or service.

Person selling, sales promotion, advertising, public relations, and publicity are all aspects of sales marketing. Promotion is combined with product development, pricing, and physical distribution to form the four components of a company’s complete market strategy. However, advertising is viewed as a component of the company’s marketing efforts.

This, however, is incorrect; the necessity of promoting openness positions the established policy. The importance of command in the success or failure of the company’s product,

and hence its existence, is best demonstrated by the fact that it has been alone since 1986, or eighteen billion dollars. Even in Nigeria, millions of naira were spent on detergent by enterprises in 1990.

The very fact of reaching out to promotional agents or companies ensures that marketing communication is not channelled into an ineffective and unprofitable activity.

When determining the effectiveness, certain questions may arise, such as: what are the qualities, and how can the efficacy of promotion be an effective communication tool?

This is consistent with Ameachi’s viewpoint (1991, p. 5). when he observes an effective promotion message delivered to the selected target audience at the appropriate moment.

The most effective cost towards the realisation of the defined marketing aim, and most forms have then marketing objective to increase sales, is further clarified in the words of Femi Adeniyi, Williams in Okigbo, (1990) p.3. That the bottom line for an effective promotion should need action that will result in good sales.

With this concept in mind, most promoters, if not all, believe that the sole important purpose and goal of marketing promotion is to grow market shame and, as a result, share and raise sales.

This achievement of sales objectives may be short-term or long-term before an above-mentioned promotional tool is good and effective if it must supply some information objective to recall in the future in terms of the target market, availability services, qualified pricing, and direction of usage, among other things.

He went on to say that efficient promotion must meet specific characteristics, which he depicted with the AIDCA principles: A = attention, I = interest, D = desire, c = creditability, A + ACTION>

He also mentioned the PAPA formula, which is more popular in the United States, in which visual and oral messages are delivered to a specific audience with the goal of informing and influencing them to buy products or services, act or be inclined to cut favourable towards ideal people or items, trade market on institution featured.

Overall, one of the accepted definitions of promotion appears to be that provided by the American Market Association in 1948, which states that promotion is any paid type of non-personal presentation of goods, services, or ideas for an identified sponsor.

That is, promotional tools are a form of communication that can persuade and convince people to choose one product over another as long as the product is affordable to the target consumer.

All forging determination about a certain goods or services or idea from a sponsor who has paid for such communication and has selected the proper channel that he believes will effectively deliver it to his target audience.

Based on this, it is crucial to emphasise that marketing communication has become a viable aspect in promoting a company’s product offering, regardless of its target market.

Marketing promotion is possibly the most visible of all marketing activities used by businesses to achieve their promotional goals.

Thus, it is a general method of presenting goods, services, and ideas via media sales consultation, sales calls, television, newspapers, billboards, coupon offers, hand bills, electronic media, postal agencies, cable marketing, seminars, and so on.

Furthermore, most promotional tools are intended to imply other tools through interconnected or interwoven functions, such as informing, persuading, reminding and inciting, reassuring, reinforcing, and developing a good attitude and image towards a product or company.

This indicates that promotion increases the possible reaction to firm activity.

The communication function in marketing of an individual company is determined by the type of product, the nature of its market, the competitive marketing environment of numerous detergent companies, and the various applications of marketing variables used by different firms.

Many firms have been involved in promotion for a long time, though most of this promotion is vocal. However, the dynamic nature and expansion of business has modernised its means.

For example, hawker crises, sold various products, made public announcements, and chanted many promotional signs and symbols, which were also used in early communication to identify products and services.

Nonetheless, the basic reason for using communication techniques today as they were in the past was to disseminate information and ideas to a group of people, as well as to influence or reinforce an existing attitude.

Our knowledge of promotion in the past was limited. Archaeology has shown evidence that the Romans, and their ancestors, understood the value of maintaining communication.

This means that marketing communication encompassed the entire firm’s connection with society. Of course, technique has evolved, but the fundamental ideas have stayed mostly unchanged. One of the most notable shifts in emphasis across countries has been the transaction, or unorganised promotion from the artist to the commercial.

Marketing promotion or communication has gone beyond man’s comprehension, in the sense that the period of significant change has provided a deeper and more thorough understanding of promotion. As a result, a large number of consumers and sellers were influenced to purchase elephant additional detergent.

1.5 Statement of the Problem

The problem statement for study work on the impact of promotion on the marketing of detergent products in Enugu metropolitan.

Promotional tools are messages that attempt to position the distinctive features or attributes of a product or service in the consciousness of a consumer / customer.

The reality is that once a company has created the best product, packaged it beautifully, priced it attractively, and made it widely available in the market, it must share its success stories to the target audience (Nnolim 1998 p86).

Furthermore, there appears to be fierce competition in the country’s detergent product industries, with all detergent companies producing various types and brands of detergent such as Win, Ariel Blue Omo, Elephant extra detergent, and so on.

Based on this belief, buyers appear to be perplexed as to which brand of detergent product offers the finest quality. As a result, promotion as a means of communication with its persuasive ability has a tremendous influence on people, and pz industries is no exception in the marketing of its elephant extra detergent.

The problem here is to determine whether the promotional tools message being bombarded on consumers in Enugu metropolis by various detergent product advertisers have that P = promise, A = amplification, P = proof, and A = action PAPA.

Some argue that communication efficacy is measured in terms of sales, making it even more difficult to determine. As such, (1999 387) argues that communication effects and sales results, as well as consumer response and attitudinal shifts, support this claim.

Other topics of inquiry are utilised to assess communication efficacy. They are determining whether the correct audience was reached, which media was most effective in reaching that audience, whether the message was registered, and whether the message had a positive / negative / neutral impact on the customer’s attitudes towards the vendor and his goods.

If the form emphasises communication objectives such as increasing client awareness, comprehensiveness, or perceptions, the evaluation procedure frequently necessitates the collection of data before and after the campaign is executed.

As a result, Nwosu (1992:170) emphatically stated that effective communication research involves pretesting and post-testing advertisements.

Awareness, recollection, attitude, and behaviour intention are challenging concepts to assess for dependability. Naturally, many promoters track the number of sales made over time.

The impact of communication efficacy on branding is illustrated here. Branding is the use of a name, word, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, to identify a product.

It involves the use of brand names, trademarks, and any other method of product identification. A brand name is a word letter, or a group of words or letters used to identify a product, such as Tura, Nature Essence, and so on.

Branding began in the Middle Ages, when craft guides (similar to labour unions) and merchant guides were formed to control the quality and quantity of production.

Each producer was required to mark his goods so that output could reflect unfavourably on other guild products and discourage future trade by tracing back to the produce. Early trademarks also provided protection to buyers, who could then determine the origin of the product.

Recently, brands have been employed mostly for identification and quick purchasing. Good brands expedite the customer’s buying experience, saving the marketer time and effort in selling.

And when customers make recurring purchases by brand, the marketer is protected from competition from other companies. This can boost sales volume while lowering promotion costs.

With the proliferation of products, the role of branding has become increasingly important for consumers. A brand not only provides instance recognition and identification for a desired product, but it also represents the promise of a consistent reliable standard of quality, taste, size, durability, or even emotional satisfaction. This increases product volume for both consumers and manufacturers.

Brand differentiation must be built on the difference in image and association elicited by products and brands. When consumers see a brand on the shelf, their mental files should instantly register comprehensive of a specific brand promise and inspire confidence in what to expect, but this is dependent on their level of familiarity with and acceptance of the brand.

Russ (1991, p. 160) emphasised that, while brand names are very useful marketing tools, they should not be common space or negative in connotation and must infringe or misrepresent,

and that brands should be marketed according to plan, convergence, product research, distribution, and promotional expenditure (Robert East (1993:175)

1.6 Scope of the Study

The study’s scope is limited to investigating the impact of promotion on the marketing of the Elemphant extra detergent product. That marketing for the elephant extra detergent product. The study will focus on employees at the organisation in question, as well as consumers and retailers in the Enugu metropolitan area.

Furthermore, the researcher confined the scope of the study, which would encourage additional research in the subject of marketing.

1.7 Definition of Terms

The following terminology used in this study are defined for ease of understanding and overall grasp of the work.

Impact: this is an effect on the minds of consumers.

Marketing promotion is one of the marketing mix variables employed by marketers when developing marketing strategies.

Marketing is the most essential set of creative human actions focused at understanding and satisfying human needs and wants through exchange as feasible (Adirika 1990: 3).

Strategy refers to an integrated plan or policy by which a commercial organisation achieves its objectives.

Consumers are those who buy or utilise products and services to meet a need or desire.

Detergent refers to a substance that eliminates filth.

Brand loyalty refers to a consumer’s willingness to stick with a specific sort of goods in the face of change.

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