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Impact of school inspection on the academic achievement of students

Impact of school inspection on the academic achievement of students

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Impact of school inspection on the academic achievement of students





Educational Management in secondary schools is the application of management principles to the planning, development, and implementation of resources for the purpose of achieving educational objectives. Today, the demand for effective school administration is more prevalent than ever before across the globe (Okumbe, 1999).

This efficacy is determined by the extent to which schools acquire the necessary instructional materials and teachers, provide a conducive organisational climate, and meet the expectations of the society in which they are established (Okumbe, 1999).

Education occurs in our institutions, where the success or failure of national educational goals will be determined (Orora, 1997). In order to accomplish this objective, school administrators are expected to utilise appropriate management skills.

The principal of a secondary school has a crucial responsibility to carry out administrative duties. Therefore, the overall management of schools is the responsibility of the principal, who works with and through the teachers to maximise their professional capabilities and achieve the intended educational objectives.

Inspection of schools is an essential service in all schools that can be used to enhance academic achievement. However, the impact of the school inspection depends on how it is conducted and whether the recommendations made by school inspectors are used to drive school performance improvement.

If school inspection observations are not effectively communicated to all stakeholders, if feedback and follow-up are inadequate, and if inspectors’ recommendations are not implemented, then school inspection is a waste of time and resources.


School supervision is the ongoing process of advising and assisting educators in order to enhance the delivery of education. In Nigeria, heads of schools, deputy heads of schools, academic coordinators and heads of departments supervise secondary institutions. In secondary institutions, the zonal inspectorate office conducts school inspections. (Education Ministry, 1978).

Inspection and supervision are sometimes used interchangeably, but their meanings are slightly distinct. According to Colin (2001), inspection entails observing schoolwork, gathering evidence from a variety of other sources, and rendering a verdict. According to him, inspection entails evaluating the significance and value of what is observed, collected, and reported.

However, Aiyepeku (1987) argues that inspection is not so much about condemning teachers as it is about evaluating teaching and identifying educational problems with teachers in order to assist them in finding solutions.

Supervision can also be defined as the exercise of general control over the activities of an organization’s personnel. This entails a system of mobilising staff in the performance of their duties through the provision of guidance, advice, encouragement, and motivation (Whawo, 1995; Institute of Education University of Ibadan, 1981).

Supervision involves an in-house helping relationship in which the supervisor constantly and continuously guides and assists the teachers to meet set targets, whereas school inspection involves a cooperative relationship in which the school inspector enters the school from the outside to ensure that both teachers and in-house supervisors are meeting set targets (Olagboye).

2004). The schools of thought on supervision and inspection espoused by Aiyepeku (1987), (Whawo 1995), and Olagboye (2004) demonstrate that both activities concentrate on the school’s areas of weakness and offer solutions or recommendations for potential remedies for the weaknesses.

Both school inspection and school supervision identify deficiencies in the school environment and either pass judgement or provide stakeholders with remedial guidance and support. All parties involved (school administrators, parents, students, school supervisors, and school inspectors) support quality education.

Inspectors and supervisors of schools endeavour to eliminate deficiencies in the school environment. Academic achievement and performance will be enhanced if deficiencies are kept to a minimum.


Education is a wise investment that is anticipated to boost the economic development of individuals and the entire community. It is a well-known fact that education is a significant factor of social mobility, implying that education has the capacity to affect a person’s future economic standing in society.

Disappointingly, this vital sector faces a multitude of obstacles. The abysmal performance of pupils on the SSCE is a prominent issue that highlights the poor performance of the sector. The poor performance on the WAEC and NECO examinations has alarmed Parents and other stakeholders in the country.

Sector taking into account the resources Parents and the government spend a substantial amount of money on the education of students, but the students’ performance is not commensurate with this investment. Despite the State Government’s financial investment in the education sector, Ogun State is afflicted by this situation.

Society is becoming increasingly concerned about the attainment of secondary education goals as a result of the steady decline in teachers’ instructional task performance and students’ academic performance, which illustrates the lack of quality assurance in secondary schools (Adeniji,2002).

The government of Nigeria spends a portion of taxpayer funds to support school inspection processes due to the roles and expectations of society regarding the significance of school inspection and its impact on academic achievement. Measuring the impact of school inspection is one method for justifying expenditures made with taxpayer funds.

Under these conditions, it was essential to investigate the effect of school inspection on the level of academic achievement, despite the fact that this remains a challenge due to the fact that many government schools continue to operate below minimum standards as measured by student academic performance.


The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of school inspection on the academic achievement of students in the state of Ogun, using Ifo LGA as a case study. Included among the specific objectives are the following:

Determine the inspection practises of secondary institutions in Ogun state.

Determine the effect of inspections on the performance of secondary school instructors in Ogun state.

To compare the academic accomplishment of students in schools before and after routine inspections.

To examine the impact of school inspection on academic Achievement.

Examine the role of the government in enhancing secondary school inspections in the state of Ogun.


The following are the pertinent research questions related to this study:

Does the state of Ogun conduct routine examinations of secondary schools?

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