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Impact Of Sexuality Education In Reducing Unprotected Intercourse Among Adolescents

Impact Of Sexuality Education In Reducing Unprotected Intercourse Among Adolescents

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Impact Of Sexuality Education In Reducing Unprotected Intercourse Among Adolescents

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Sex education enlightens people about human sexuality, including emotional relationships and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual behaviour, sexual reproduction, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control, and sexual abstinence.

According to the English Dictionary, unprotected sex is an act of sexual intercourse or sodomy that occurs without the use of a condom, putting the individual at danger of sexually transmitted illnesses.

Teenage girls are 35% more likely than boys to have unprotected sex on their first sexual encounter, regardless of previous sex education teaching. Boys are typically regarded to be more prone to dangerous behaviours, such as unprotected sex.

In Nigeria, challenges related to adolescent sexual health include high rates of teenage pregnancy, an increase in sexually transmitted infections, high rates of abortion mortality, and other issues.

Medical problems related with adolescent sexual conduct pose a significant health burden to Nigerians. Secondary infertility and the development of cervical abnormalities in adolescents are examples of problems that extend after pregnancy.

Early and unprotected sexual engagement has harmful repercussions for youth, particularly teens. Adolescents who become sexually active are often victims of high-risk activity that causes bodily and emotional harm.

Millions of teens ignore those risks every year, motivated by a combination of young arrogance and a lack of advice.Young guys who have intercourse with men are more susceptible to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

It was shown that individuals afflicted with an STD are at least two to five times more likely than uninfected individuals to become HIV if exposed to the virus through sexual contact.

One study discovered that among gay male clinic patients evaluated for STDs, those aged 15 to 20 had the greatest age-related rates of rectal Chlamydia and gonorrhoea.

Sexual activity has effects. Though the teen birth rate has dropped to its lowest point since data gathering began, the United States continues to have the highest teen birth rate in the industrialised world.

By the age of 20, almost one in every four girls will have become pregnant at least once. Teenage moms are less likely than their peers to complete high school, live in poverty, rely on public assistance, and have poor health.

Their children are more likely to face physical and cognitive challenges, interact with the child welfare and criminal systems, live in poverty, drop out of high school, and become adolescent parents themselves. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy believes that teen childbirth costs taxpayers at least $9.4 billion each year.

Comprehensive sex education programs have demonstrated that they can help youth delay the initiation of sexual activity, lower the frequency of sexual activity, reduce the number of sexual partners, and boost condom and contraceptive use.

Importantly, the research indicates that youth who receive comprehensive sex education are not more likely to start sexually active, increase sexual activity, or have bad sexual health consequences.

Statement of the Problem

The problems of the study are as follows:

1. Despite receiving sex education, 35% of young girls engage in unprotected sex for the first time.

2. Young people who do not receive comprehensive sex education are more likely to become sexually active, increase sexual activity, or have unfavourable sexual health consequences.

1.3 Study Objectives

The aims of the study are as follows:

1. Determine if the Sex Education Intervention Programme would reduce at-risk sexual practices among school-aged adolescents.

2. To advocate for effective sex education for young people.

3. Determine whether youth who get comprehensive sex education are more likely to start sexually active, increase sexual activity, or have unfavourable sexual health consequences.

1.4 Research questions.

1. How can the Sex Education Intervention Programme minimise at-risk sexual practices among school-aged adolescents in Edo State’s Ovia Local Government?

1.5 Research hypotheses.





1.6 Significance of the Study

1. This study will encourage young people to tell the truth by conducting computer-based interviews rather than in-person ones.

2. Comprehensive sex education programs have been shown to assist youth postpone the initiation of sexual activity, lower the frequency of sexual activity, decrease the number of sexual partners, and boost condom and contraceptive use.

1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of sexuality education on reducing unprotected intercourse among adolescents in the ovia local government of Edo State.

Limitations of study

1. Financial constraint- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

2. Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this study while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Sex education is the study of human sexuality, which includes emotional relationships and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual behaviour, sexual reproduction, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control, and sexual abstinence.

Education is the process of assisting learning, which involves the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include narrative, conversation, teaching, training, and guided study.

Sexuality refers to our sexual orientation (heterosexual, gay, or bisexual).

Intercourse: the act carried out for procreation or pleasure in which, typically, the insertion of the male’s erect penis into the female’s vagina is followed by rhythmic thrusting, usually culminating in climax; copulation; coitus associated adjective venereal.

Unprotected intercourse: unprotected sex is an act of sexual intercourse or sodomy that occurs without the use of a condom, posing a risk of sexually transmitted illnesses.

Adolescence is the period between the commencement of puberty and the cessation of physical growth, which ranges from 11 to 19 years of age.

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