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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The primary goal of providing education to all Nigerians is to give them with a solid and dependable foundation for a self-sufficient lifestyle. Since independence, education has been seen as the cornerstone of national progress.

The primary goal was to examine the materials and physical facilities situation in Tanzanian community secondary schools in order to determine whether resources for successful teaching are available and that the schools adhere to the framework of quality education provision.

Since independence, Tanzania’s educational system has seen several notable changes. In 1962, the development plan and extension of secondary education were implemented, as well as the removal of racial discrimination and the establishment of a single educational system. The implementation of five-year growth plans in 1964 included aims for the country’s education.

Nigeria has been attempting to promote secondary education since its independence in 1960, guided by changing policy orientations throughout time. However, the expansion techniques have been linked to a variety of educational issues and planning obstacles.

Education is one of the most significant factors to national economic performance and human improvement, and so requires more dedication than other development efforts.

According to Fisman and Roberta (2002), it also requires professional, highly trained, and dedicated staff, a quality curriculum, infrastructure, and enough teaching and learning resources.

In Nigeria, for example, when discussing issues of quality education, it is critical not to overlook the issues of work load, low compensation, and denial of teacher rights.

In this regard, this study seeks to investigate in depth the extension of quality education development in Nigeria, which has been directed by both macroeconomic and sectorial policies.

The education training program was bolstered by two macroeconomic strategies developed in the late 1990s: the poverty reduction document and the Nigeria Development Vision 2025. Aside from such policies, the government has overlooked the future by prioritising education in resource allocation.

The educational sector has issues in ensuring effective utilisation and accountability of increasing utilisation and accountability of increasing financing for the provision of quality education.

Based on the recognition that education is a broad field of study, many studies can be undertaken in its various components, including topic areas, school environments, achievement assessments, and teaching and learning processes.

However, in order to gain a thorough knowledge, it is necessary to research quality from the standpoint of people’s comprehension. Thus, study into how teachers perceive the quality of secondary school education is required to capture their understanding and recommendations for change (Shahzad, 2007; Gvaramadze, 2008).

Teachers were chosen for this inquiry because they are the primary curriculum implementers and must address the majority of the facts and issues outlined above. They face a variety of realities in schools when teaching, which might lead to criticism.

Secondary school teaching, for example, has been criticised for failing to prepare competent students (Bedi and Sharma, 2006; Davidson, 2006). Secondary school pupils are said to graduate as unprepared persons who lack abilities in job and life (Benson, 2005) and hence constitute a burden on their communities (Shahzad, 2007).

Secondary school teaching and learning are also said to provide only transient knowledge and abilities that are only useful for responding exams (Malekela, 2000; Wedgwood, 2006).

Furthermore, teachers are accused of paying less attention in their classrooms to conceptual rather than procedural knowledge, which leads to memorisation of facts rather than concept meaning creation (Wedgewood, 2007).

As a result, students in secondary schools study surface knowledge while neglecting the vital professional and life skills (Sumra and Rajani 2006). The poor examination results of Nigerian secondary school students reflect this superficial and fleeting understanding.

The qualitative study also highlights three other classroom practices: individualisation, collaboration, and honest evaluation. Individualisation means that teachers instruct each student based on their prior knowledge and experience. Collaborative learning is when teachers allow students to work together in groups.

Finally, real assessment occurs as a result of learning activities. This can be accomplished, for example, by continuing individual and group projects rather than one-time events (Golub, 1988; Graves & Sunstein, 1992; McLaughlin & Talbert, 1993).

According to the qualitative research, this set of classroom practices has the potential to improve the academic performance of all students, independent of background. The emphasis on higher-order thinking skills is useful not only for advanced students, but also for those who require more basic skills. Understanding the conceptual underpinning of these talents is beneficial.

Individualisation of instruction does not only imply utilising unique strategies for low-performing students; techniques created to address the difficulties of low-performing students can frequently benefit high-performing students as well.

Regardless of the level of preparation students bring to the classroom, the qualitative research indicates that instructor decisions concerning classroom procedures can either considerably enhance or impede student learning.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Education is intended to develop graduates capable of thriving in a rapidly changing environment, confronting difficulties and solving issues, being entrepreneurial and creating jobs, and being critical and engaged citizens.

The quality of secondary education in Nigeria is improving; important achievements in the education sector include increased enrolment of both girls and boys at all levels of education, as well as increased teacher and educational institution numbers.

However, there are still numerous issues affecting Nigerian secondary education. For example, in Nigerian secondary schools, the curriculum is overloaded, textbooks and other teaching and learning materials are in short supply, teachers’ qualifications and teaching abilities are low, teachers’ utilisation rates are low, physical facilities are poor, students spend fewer hours on task, and the community secondary education sub-sector is underfunded in comparison to others.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The overall goal of this research is to look into the impact of student assessment on educational quality at Iganmode Grammar School in Ota, Ogun State. The precise objectives are as follows:

1. To determine the prevalence of student assessment in Iganmode Grammar School, Ota, Ogun State.

2. To assess the attitude of pupils at Iganmode Grammar School Ota towards class assessment.

3. To investigate the impact of student assessment on academic performance.

4. Investigate the quality education indicators at Iganmode Grammar School in Ota.

5. Determine how Iganmode Grammar School, Ota, has worked to improve educational quality.


The pertinent research questions for this project include the following:

1. Is student assessment prevalent in Iganmode Grammar School in Ota, Ogun State?

2. What is the attitude of pupils at Iganmode Grammar School Ota towards class assessments?

3. What is the impact of student assessment on academic performance?

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