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Chapter one


Background of the study.
To attract and keep the best employees, companies must invest in their development. They must take training and development very seriously.

Human resources are a significant yet costly resource, thus in order to maintain economic and effective performance, it is critical to maximise their contribution to the attainment of the organization’s goals and objectives through training and development.

Training is thus required to provide an appropriate supply of technically and socially competent individuals for both departmental and managerial positions. Mullins (2007).

According to Heathfield (2012), providing the correct staff training, development, and education at the right time has significant benefits for the organisation in terms of increased productivity, knowledge, loyalty, and contribution.

Human resource management is now regarded as a strategic partner to the other functional areas of a corporate organisation, which include marketing, finance, production, purchasing, management information systems, and administration.

The human resource of any organisation is anticipated to create a competitive advantage, as an organization’s success or failure is determined by the quality and orientation of this resource. This is predicated on the idea that a company’s competitive edge comes from its people resources.

Training is a critical component of human resource development (HRD) in human resource management practices. Employees must have the necessary skills, knowledge, values, attitudes, and competences to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently, as well as an understanding of their organization’s culture.

Employees must be trained and developed while on the job in order to gain competencies that they did not have at the time of appointment. This is why an organisation may require a training and development department, commonly known as Human Resource Development (HRD).

When qualified job candidates are found and appointed, they must be given proper orientation, as well as training and development to satisfy the organization’s career needs.

Global competitiveness has compelled organisations to examine every area of their operations, wondering how each function and procedure may contribute to strategic objectives. Training departments are similarly under pressure to justify their organisational value in similar terms.

According to Steed (2000), this is because organisations invest a significant amount of time, effort, and money in staff training, yet the rewards of these efforts are not immediately obvious in terms of enhanced performance. To make training and development useful, it must be adequately planned and systematically implemented. Rao & Nair (1990).

The capacity of a firm’s staff determines its ability to meet desired targets, especially in performance-driven organisations. Human resources are recognised as an important resource for success.

To sustain organisational effectiveness, it is critical to maximise employees’ contributions to achieving the organization’s aims and goals (Armstrong, 1999).

Training and development services assist businesses in developing a staff that possesses the necessary knowledge and skills to achieve their business objectives. A marketing programme is required to raise awareness of the benefits of training and increase participation.

However, a 2008 survey conducted by training supplier Expertus discovered that only 15% of internal training departments had a structured training plan, while 62% had no training budget (

Every organisation, regardless of size, needs specific goals in order to grow. These well-planned goals will assist the company in maintaining its position in an ever-increasing competitive industry while also increasing sales. Marketing strategy is simply the framework for defining your objectives and directing your efforts in the appropriate way.

A well-defined strategy should assist you not only achieve your goals, but also meet the aims and expectations of your customers. Marketing typically includes certain default points for its establishment. The most essential of these are the organization’s immediate and long-term goals.

This is followed by an analysis of the market into which the organisation intends to expand its operations. Targeting the right customers and broadening the client base are critical in the service industry. In addition, conducting a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) study of given services or sold products will assist the organisation in analysing itself.

A successful marketing plan generates a win-win situation for both the customer and the organisation. Needless to mention, customer happiness will boost the organization’s brand value and provide an advantage over competitors.

It aids in the development of a realistic strategy that outlines the strategies for achieving the stated objectives. Once the strategy and plans are ready, the organisation can look for ways to implement the plans, making the process more efficient (

Most successful businesses make full use of marketing strategies to increase earnings. The beverage business accounts for a significant portion of overall revenues, both domestic and foreign, worldwide.

With the constant and dynamic demand for various beverages, having an accurate marketing plan is critical for beverage firms. Coca Cola is an example of a marketing strategy that has been used successfully.

1.1.1 History of Coca-Cola Co.

The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational firm that manufactures, retails, and markets nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. Coca-Cola is a significant company in the soft drink and beverage business. It adds to the highest soft drink sales worldwide.

Dr John S. Pemberton, an Atlanta chemist, founded Coca Cola in 1886 after attempting to make a distinctive syrup for sale at soda fountains. Initially, the syrup was combined with carbonated water and then drank.

Dr. Pemberton’s partner and bookkeeper, Frank M. Robinson, coined the name “Coca Cola” with the idea that the two “Cs” would sound good in advertising. He also created the characteristic script for the brand, which is still used today.

Coca-Cola was sold to several parties prior to Dr. Pemberton’s death in 1888, with Asa G. Chandler, an Atlanta merchant, receiving the controlling shareholding. Mr. Chandler is credited with creating the layout for Coca-Cola’s empire. Coca-Cola was served in soda fountains outside of Atlanta during his tenure.

In 1894, Joseph Biedenharn installed bottling machinery and became the first to bottle Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has successfully increased its sales to 1.9 billion servings per day. Today, roughly 94% of the world’s population is aware of Coca-Cola’s red and white logo (

Coca-Cola came in Nigeria in 1951, and it has remained a popular beverage among Nigerians ever since.

Based on this backdrop, the researcher want to look into the impact of training and development in a marketing company. Using Coca-Cola as a case study.

Statement of the Problem
Staff training and development are recognised as critical components in achieving organisational goals and objectives. To maintain economic and effective performance, it is vital to maximise the contribution of employees to the aims and goals of an organisation.

Armstrong (1999). Training and development activities have ramifications for efforts to encourage and engage employees in order to improve performance. One of the fundamental goals of human resource management is to create conditions in which employees’ latent potential can be realised and their commitment to the organization’s success secured.

As a result, training and development are largely unstructured and unplanned. The majority of staff do not appear to have received training (orientation) upon their assignment.

Does training and development at Coca-Cola effect employee performance and the attainment of organisational goals and objectives? What are the reasons for the necessity for training and development?

How are the training and development requirements determined? What steps must be taken to guarantee that skills and competences acquired during training are transferred to the workplace? What role do performance appraisals and job descriptions have in determining employee training needs?

Research Objective
The primary goal of this research is to explore the impact of training and development in a marketing organisation.

The precise aims include:

To investigate the effectiveness of employee training and development for the organisation.

To discuss the current approaches in organisations for training and development that are supposed to contribute to the improvement of employees’ skills and employee performance.

To assess management personnel’s views on effective employee training and development programmes for improving employee performance.

To discuss the various training approaches employed by the organisation.

To assess the various approaches used by the organisation to choose employees for training.

Research Question
The researchers were guided by the following specific questions:

What training and development techniques does Coca-Cola provide to its employees?

What criteria are utilised to choose employees for training and development programmes?

How does training and development affect employee job performance in the Coca-Cola company?

How can Coca-Cola’s employee training and development programmes be improved?

What are some of the challenges in implementing employment training and development programmes in the Coca-Cola Company?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study will benefit Coca-Cola company management by encouraging them to embrace training and development in order to increase competitiveness.

It will also aid in determining how training has impacted employee performance and what improvements can be made to further equip the agents while also motivating them to work harder for better results. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope and limitations of the study
The study’s focus includes the impact of training and development in a marketing organisation. The investigation would be limited to the Coca-Cola firm in Lagos state. The researcher faces certain constraints that limit the scope of the investigation, including:

Availability of research material: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

Time: Because the researcher must mix other academic activities and tests with the study, the time range assigned to it does not allow for broader coverage.

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

Training is any learning activity oriented towards acquiring certain skills, knowledge, or attitude for the objectives of an employment or a task.

Development is the enhancement of an employee’s intellectual and human abilities in preparation for future positions.

Performance is the level of an individual’s work achievement that results from just exerting efforts.

Employees: These are the workers of the organisation.

Organisation: Any structured group of people joined together to pursue specific goals that individuals could not obtain alone.


1.8 Organisation of Study

The study is organised into five chapters. The first chapter of the study provides background information, a statement of the problem, study objectives, a research question, a hypothesis, the scope of the study, and an original component of the research.

Chapter two examines connected and pertinent literature. The research technique is presented in Chapter 3, and the data analysis and interpretation are presented in Chapter 4. The study closes with Chapter 5, which discusses the summary, conclusion, and recommendations.

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