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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Motivational problems are complex in management because individuals have various attitudes and aspirations, as do organisational aims. To that end, what motivates one person may not motivate another, and what motivates an employee now may not motivate him or her tomorrow.

As a result, motivational issues are among the most challenging jobs that an organisation or management will face over an extended period of time.

By implication, motivation begins with unsatisfied human needs and tends to affect and shape the achievement of organisational goals and objectives. Unsatisfied needs, on the other hand, cause stress and encourage a variety of behaviours in individuals.

As a result, psychologists believed that all behaviours are motivated, and people have reasons for doing what they do in order to behave. The many forms of behaviour and attitudinal dispositions that an organisation requires of its employees in order to achieve defined goals are determined by the type of rewards or incentives provided to employees.

These often differ from one organisation to the next and include employment stability, a good salary/wage, medical health facilities, incentive systems, and effective physical working conditions, among others.


Essentially, the aforementioned motivational elements may have a favourable or bad influence or impact on a staff’s performance, and hence have a tendency to motivate employees to perform voluntarily.

Finally, it may lead to improved performance, work satisfaction, increased productivity, and organisational efficiency. According to Olowo (2004.16), the first stage in motivating employees to achieve the required results is to establish effective compensation procedures such that the awards supplied are generally desired.

1.2 Historical Background of Cadbury Industries Nigeria PLC

The Cadbury Industries Plc was founded in 1956. It was once located in Apapa before moving to its current location in Ikeja. As a respectable organisation, it was known for its firm trust in its people resources’ ability to harness and combine other variables of production over time.

In fact, it has spent a significant amount of money on its motivational productivity package, which includes:

(a) Remuneration: The salary scale and wage rate are the top priorities in the company’s incentive system.

(b) Monthly pack scales: The organization’s junior and senior personnel are offered the opportunity to purchase their items at a subsidised price every month.

(c) Christmas Bonus: At the end of the year, each employee receives a percentage of their salary as a means of sharing profits.

(d) Promotion and salary increase: Salary increases are made at the conclusion of each year based on established criteria.

As a result, the company is well-known for its diverse product line, which includes Bourvita, Dairy chocolate, Richoco, Eclaris, Tom-Tom, and other brands. The company also specialises in wholesale distribution of commodities and general merchandise.

As a result of its efforts to motivate its staff, the business is now seen as one of the pillars of the Nigerian economy. In-depth analysis of the impacts on organisational productivity is required.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Because human behaviour is unpredictable, it is difficult to forecast how a staff member would react to a specific motivating factor. Perhaps some employees, particularly senior employees, place a higher importance on opportunities for social growth than others, particularly junior employees, who prioritise earnings and salaries or job stability over other factors.

Therefore, the problem of this study is to determine the problems of employees motivational factors to organisational development. For instance, strong motives such as pleasures in success, fear of failures, and desire to be organisation may hinder the attainment of organisational goals.

Most importantly, excessive low personal work standards, lack of job security, and poor locestives make goal-setting and achievement as well as general development very difficult in an organisation.

As a result, organisational growth and development are dependent on effective and efficient management that understands the importance of employee motivation towards organisational goals. Our purpose here is to determine the impact of employee motivation on Cadbury Nigeria Plc.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The goal of this study is to identify and assess the impact of motivational elements at Cadbury Industries Nigeria Plc.

It is also interesting to investigate the effects of employee motivation on Cadbury Nigeria Plc and provide recommendations based on the study’s findings.


The research questions that will guide this project are as follows.

(1) What are the motivational aspects at Cadbury Industries Nigeria Plc?

(2) What are the requirements for an effective motivational system?

(3) Do effective motivational methods result in high levels of product organisational productivity?

1.6 Research Hypothesis

(1) There is no substantial association between existing motivational elements at Cadbury Nigeria Plc and employee satisfaction or performance.

(2) There is no significant link between competent management and successful motivational strategies.

(3) There is no significant association between employee motivation and organisational performance.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study is relevant in several ways. First and foremost, the data will assist organisations in determining the best way to recognise their hardworking staff.

Second, it will uncover and determine numerous motivational elements that influence employee performance.

Third, it will assess the effectiveness and impact of Cadbury Nigeria Plc’s current motivating strategy.

Finally, it may supplement the current literature on the subject and in the field of administration.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The scope of this research is the impact of employee motivation on the organisation. A case study on Cadbury Industries Nigeria Plc.

1.9 Limitations to the Study

Several limitations are predicted to arise during the course of doing this investigation. This includes anything from a lack of access to knowledge to the predictability of human behaviour.

1.10 Definition of Terms

Motivational Factors

These are the variables that influence, direct, and sustain people’s behaviour. Stoner and Freeman (1989) identified motivational elements as those concerned with why managers motivate their subordinates.


This is the ratio of what is produced to what is required for production. According to Cambell (2002), productivity is the average total output of a production system divided by the total labour and other factors of production.


This is the act of successfully carrying out prescribed activities or obligations. In this study, performance shall refer to the performance of labour input as assessed by the rate of change in labour productivity over time.


Nwamanam (1991) defined reward as a work outcome with positive value.

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