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This study experimentally investigated the significance of radio broadcasts/programs in Nigeria. The goals of this study were to investigate the nature of radio broadcast/programs in Nigeria and to determine the prospects for radio broadcast/programs in Nigeria.

The study’s scope is FCT in 2020 using its residents, with information theory serving as a foundation. The research design employed in this study is a survey, and the population addressed is all residents of the six LGAs in FCT.

400 residents were chosen as the sample size, and the cluster sampling technique was used. This study’s instrument is a questionnaire.

Data were acquired from original sources. According to the data analysis, the standard of radio broadcast in Nigeria is average; nonetheless, radio broadcasting will assist develop the economy and fulfil critical functions if allowed in an enabling environment.

Following the findings, it was suggested that the standard of radio broadcasts/programs be raised, and radio stations be permitted to practise in a supportive environment. The study concludes that radio broadcasts/programs are extremely essential in Nigeria.

Keywords: radio broadcasting/programs, mass media, Nigeria.


Chapter one


1.1. Background for the Study

The globe is rapidly becoming a global village, and communication, in which mass media plays an important role, is an essential instrument for this process.

The quantum development in the mass media sector around the world is extremely quick, with one innovation replacing another in a matter of weeks. Emerging patterns in socioeconomic growth suggest that information and communication technology (ICT) is highly valued by households, organisations, and nations.

Broadcasting is the broadcast of electromagnetic audio signals (radio) or audio-visual signals (television) to a large population using standard widely available receivers (Ogunmilade, 1998).

Mass media encompasses a wide range of media technologies that reach a large audience through mass communication. Films, radio, recorded music, and television are examples of broadcast media, which transfer information electronically.

Radio broadcasting is the transmission of audio (often with associated metadata) over radio waves in order to reach a large audience. Stations can be linked in radio networks to broadcast a similar radio format, either through broadcast syndication, simulcasting, or both. Signals can be analogue or digital audio.

Broadcast media first arrived in Nigeria in 1932, when the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) radio broadcasting programme launched as an empire service. However, in 1933, after realising the importance of broadcasting in education, the BBC broadcast its first educational programming to her West African foreign station.

Radio broadcasts give real-time information, and some 24-hour broadcasts can present listeners with the most latest changes. Radio has the power to cross borders and can be an important source of information in areas where credible news is limited.

Radio has proven useful in times of need; in small areas, it provides an outlet for regular community messaging and activities such as local sports, community message, and local business advertising. More significantly, radio is user-friendly, live, and human.

Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate the significance of radio broadcasts and programmes in Nigeria.


1.2. Statement of the Research Problem

Radio broadcasts and programmes are regarded significant in any civilization. Radio broadcasting in Nigeria is not without obstacles. Umechukwu (2001) noted that:

Regarding the law, it must be understood that media outlets, whether private or public, are subject to rigorous government rules and are not free to air any news items as they arrive. Private media must contend with the law that allows them to exist.

Aside from the foregoing, Iruene (2003) observed that technological backwardness in African countries such as Nigeria posed a significant problem to the Nigerian media.

This appears to be a problem, which will almost certainly halt the dissemination of knowledge. Thus, there is a need for proper examination and assessment of these issues, as well as an investigation into the significance of radio broadcasts/programs in Nigeria.


1.3. Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance of radio broadcasts/programs in Nigeria. Specific aims are to:

Examine the nature of radio broadcasts and programmes in Nigeria.
Determine the chances for radio broadcasts/programs in Nigeria.

1.4. Research Questions.

This study will be led by the following research questions.

What is the nature of radio broadcasts and programmes in Nigeria?

What are the prospects for radio broadcasting/programs in Nigeria?

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