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Influence Of Communication On Marital Stability Among Couples

Influence Of Communication On Marital Stability Among Couples

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Influence Of Communication On Marital Stability Among Couples


The study looked at how communication affects marital stability in couples in Surulere Local Government Area, Lagos Metropolis. In this study, some important and vast literatures were reviewed under appropriate subheading.

The descriptive research survey was utilised to analyse the respondents’ opinions utilising a questionnaire and sample technique. In this study, 100 (one hundred) respondents were chosen and utilised as samples to represent the population under study.

This study proposed and tested three (3) null hypotheses. Furthermore, the t-test and ANOVA statistical techniques were employed to test and assess the null hypotheses at the 0.05 level of significance.

The exercise yielded the following results: Effective communication has a big impact on marital stability. The third hypothesis found that married duration had no significant influence on marital stability.

Finally, evidence demonstrates that partner communication has a major impact on marital stability. The study also suggests that couples should open lines of communication in their marriage, even over seemingly minor issues.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Communication can be described as the glue that holds the world, continents, governments, states, cultures, communities, and people together. Take the example of a group of tourists admiring a beautiful scenery. Although the entire group sees the same scene, each person perceives it differently.

Why? Everyone sees things from a unique perspective. No two people are standing in the same area. Furthermore, not everyone looks at the same part of the scene. Each person finds a separate feature highly interesting (Watchtower August, 1993).

The same may be true for relationships. Even among the best of friends, no two people have the same perspective on issues; brothers, friends, relatives, and so on. Even husbands and wives, the subjects of this research study, do not agree on everything.

Divergent points of view can lead to heated debate. In fact, personality incompatibility, lack of open communication, and negotiation between married couples have been cited as contributing causes to divorce (Carter & McGoldrick, 1998; Gottman, 1994; Kaslow, 1996; Rutter, 1998; Treadway, 1989; Kabali, 2006).

Even the Bible endorses this viewpoint, as evidenced by 1 Corinthians 7:28, which declares unequivocally, “Those who marry will have pain and grief” (The New English Bible).

Monroe (2003) defines marriage as a religious responsibility, which serves as both a moral safeguard and a social need. In truth, when people decide to marry, they hope to live happily ever after. They want a loving, happy, and prosperous marriage. After a while, once the novelty has worn off, people often realise that marriage does not sustain itself (Esere, Yusuf & Omotosho, 2010).

Marriage requires effort from both partners to survive. Marriage is the most hardest maze to become lost in (Angel, 2008), if spouses do not hash out their disagreements. Marriage can be both joy and hell on earth.

It all depends on what you make of it. A successful marriage is like a meal. Its success is dependent on a variety of crucial elements. These components include trust, love, time, friendship, understanding, honesty, loyalty, sincerity, and, most importantly, efficient communication.

Marital stability is described as the continuation of a marriage thanks to the collaboration of both husband and wife. In reality, marriage stability is defined as the difference between one’s best available marital alternative and marital outcome (Lenthal, 2009). A marriage without excellent communication is very prone to fail.

Communication is essential in any meaningful relationship, including marriage (Esere, 2002, 2006). It is the cure for failing marital relationships (Olagunju & Eweniyi, 2002).

With so many marriages ending tragically in divorce (Adegoke & Esere, 1998), it is more crucial than ever to improve husband-wife communication skills.

The way couples deal with the inevitable disputes that arise as a result of cohabitation appears to be a strong predictor of couples’ marital adjustment and stability (Lazarides, Belanger, & Sabourin, 2010).

Marital instability has been associated with more negativity and less positivity, typically as conflicts; negative reciprocity and difficulty breaking free from the negative reciprocity cycle; and, more importantly, for the purposes of this study, nonverbal and verbal communication have been observed in unstable marriages.

Unhappy couples engage in greater criticism, dominance, and withdrawal, as well as less support and problem-solving behaviours, and the demand-withdraw communication pattern has been connected to marital discontent and satisfaction (Lazarides, Belanger, & Sabourin, 2010).

These same people are often unable to function successfully at work because they bring their marital difficulties with them, making their employers unhappy. These and other issues escalate when there is no communication, and they are resolved when there is efficient communication in a marriage.

It is on this basis that any subsequent scholars considered it vital to explore the relationship between communication and marital stability, as well as the influence of communication on marital stability.

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