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Influence of guidance and counselling on students discipline in public and private secondary schools

Influence of guidance and counselling on students discipline in public and private secondary schools

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Influence of guidance and counselling on students discipline in public and private secondary schools


This study examines the impact of guidance and counselling on student discipline in public and private secondary schools in Keffi, Nasarawa state. The study’s entire population consists of 200 staff from a selected secondary school in Keffi, Nasarawa state.

The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive survey research design was used for this investigation. The survey included 133 respondents who worked as principals, vice principals, senior staff, and junior staff. The acquired data were displayed in tables and analysed with simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


Background of the study.

Guidance and counselling are vital aspects in people’s discipline management in all civilisations, including the most primitive societies, which arose from the need to guide individual behaviour patterns in the interest of the collective.

Guidance and counselling emerged as a movement in America around the turn of the twentieth century in response to the process of change in an industrialised society.

Guidance and counselling services were established under the Department of Education in September 1968, after the advice of Louis, a consultant assigned to Malta by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Summit (1997).

Globally, guidance and counselling services are critical components in the disciplinary management of individuals in all civilisations. Any civilisation that lacks discipline may struggle to function properly.

As a result, school guidance and counselling programs have been implemented to help pupils overcome the numerous obstacles they face both at home and at school.

According to Nziramasanga (1999), due of the enormous strains placed on families, parents have limited time with their children to provide the required advice. Parents expect the school to address indiscipline in secondary schools caused by their children. UNESCO (2002:2) additionally states that “African adults have become more concerned with earning money and are less occupied with many traditional practices that formerly contributed to the upbringing of young people” .

Students are stressed by the rapid sociocultural changes that result from modernisation and urbanisation. A survey of 20 school counsellors in Malawi’s southern and central regions revealed the need for guidance and counselling, as well as the primary challenges.

Taylor and Francis (1998) demonstrated the critical necessity for a clear rationale and principles for Guidance and Counselling programmes. The major purpose is to teach the counselee how to interact more successfully with himself and his surroundings.

Allis and Kame (1999) conducted a cross-sectional study on indiscipline among 2170 preparatory and secondary school students enrolled in mainstream governmental schools in Alexandria, Egypt.

Indiscipline among schoolchildren and its determinants were explored. Few occurrences of indiscipline were tied to familial history, while the vast majority were attributable to the children themselves.

Schools are social systems with multiple goals to attain, and advice and counselling play an important part in shaping student discipline. Counselling is the practice of assisting individuals or groups of people to achieve self-awareness in order to be themselves.

Burks and Steffler (1979) define counselling as a professional connection between a trained counsellor and a client. Olayinka (1972) defined it as a process in which a person is assisted in a face-to-face connection, whilst Makinde (1983) described counselling as an enlightened process in which people serve others by promoting their growth.

Counselling is a process that teaches clients to comprehend and clarify their personal perspectives on their life space, as well as how to achieve their self-determined goals through meaningful, well-informed decisions and the resolution of emotional or interpersonal problems.

It believes that every human being has the capacity for self-growth, development, and self-actualization. Although guiding and counselling were legally introduced in Kenya in 1967 by the Ministry of Education, they had been embedded in African traditional society since time immemorial.

The National Committee on Education Objectives and Policies Gachathi Report (Republic of Kenya 1976) proposed that the Ministry of Education take over the delivery of counselling services. Despite the guidelines, the usage of guidance and counselling services was still insufficient in reducing indiscipline in various schools, which was increasing.

To meet our society’s social developments, we must now borrow the concept of official advice and counselling from the Western world. Gitonga (2007) laments that due to the educational and economic problems they face, parents are unable to positively parent their children. The outcome is a permissive parenting style, which has an impact on the developing child.

The permissive parenting approach has no rules or limitations. Wangai (1994) supports this viewpoint by observing that modernisation in Africa has led to the dissolution of traditional social structures.

He emphasised that clear supporting and progressive policies are required to address the majority of the issues that children face through education. Such rules can be implemented by incorporating guidance and counselling into secondary school curricula.

Discipline is part of a historical tradition that may date back to the origin of human life. School administrators can regulate student conduct by providing advice and counselling. Discipline is a fundamental component of the school system that emphasises sustaining pupils’ moral standards.

It is designed to repress, control, and divert conduct. In a school system, all pupils must be informed of the rules before disciplinary action may be taken. Frankenstein (1998). The concept of harmonising discipline, guidance, and counselling contributes to determining the value of G&C to students in schools. Parents and schools share responsibilities for promoting principles and norms that we hope will assist young people in developing strong behavioural rules for their lives; hence, they promote good discipline among students.

The Ministry of Education makes enormous efforts to provide guidance and counselling services to schools, yet incidences of indiscipline in public secondary schools continue to be reported, and Keffi, Nasarawa state is no exception.

The researcher intended to investigate the influence of guidance and counselling on students’ discipline in secondary schools in Keffi, Nasarawa state.

Statement of the Problem

Despite the adoption of guidance and counselling in public secondary schools, indiscipline issues persist. Wangai (1994) observes that the youth engage in pleasure and luxury.

They have terrible manners, disregard for authority, and disrespect for the elderly. Parents, schools, and church leaders frequently blame one another for failing to teach children good behaviour.

Many parents have abandoned their children’s education, which they have committed to instructors. The Ministry of Education has assured that each school has a teacher-counselor designated by the Teachers Service Commission (T.S.C), however indiscipline instances persist, and Keffi, Nasarwa state is not an exception.

Among them all, Keffi has a history of indiscipline concerns that need to be addressed. Because most schools are day schools and many families are impoverished, many kids engage in drug misuse and unwanted sex. In her paper “Causes and Effects of Students’ Unrest in Keffi,” Ojwang (2012) claims that attempts by education stakeholders, the community, and the government to quell discontent have failed.

Another incident occurred at Keffi Secondary School, where students protested the arrest of two female students who had attended a nighttime disco in a neighbouring shopping mall. These examples, among others, emphasised the importance of conducting study on how to restore good discipline in educational institutions.

So this study attempted to determine the manner in which guidance and counselling influences discipline in public secondary schools in Keffi, Narasawa state.

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