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Influence of Innovative Teaching Methods on Biology Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State

Influence of Innovative Teaching Methods on Biology Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State

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Influence of Innovative Teaching Methods on Biology Students’ Performance in Secondary Schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State


This study looked at how innovative teaching strategies affected the academic performance and engagement of biology students in secondary schools in the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

A quantitative survey research design was used to collect and analyse the data. A structured questionnaire was prepared and administered to a sample of 120 biology students from various secondary schools in the study area.

The survey results were presented and analysed using SPSS27 software. The study’s hypotheses were tested using the t-test. The study found that creative teaching strategies greatly enhanced students’ academic performance in biology. The majority of students thought that these strategies improved their grasp of biology subjects and helped them retain knowledge.

The study found that when new teaching methods were used, pupils felt more motivated and engaged. Specifically, 45.4% strongly agreed, whereas 22.2% thought that new teaching approaches had greatly enhanced their academic performance in biology.

Furthermore, 52.8% of respondents strongly agreed that these strategies improved their grasp of biology ideas, with 20.4% agreeing. However, the study highlighted a number of problems in using novel teaching approaches.

Significant challenges were a lack of effective teacher preparation, insufficient resources, and limited support from the school administration. Despite these limitations, facilitators such as teacher collaboration and educational authority assistance were found to be critical in overcoming them.

The hypotheses were tested, and the results showed that creative teaching approaches had a statistically significant impact on student academic performance and engagement. In conclusion, the study found that creative teaching strategies improve the academic performance and engagement of biology students in secondary schools.

The positive results indicate the potential advantages of implementing these strategies more widely in the school system. To address the identified issues, the study suggested additional investment in teacher training, adequate resource allocation, and stronger support from school administrations and educational authorities.

The proposals indicated that schools and policymakers prioritise teacher professional development in order to equip them with the skills needed to effectively employ new teaching approaches.

Furthermore, the availability of resources such as technology and teaching materials is critical to the successful implementation of these strategies.

Finally, building a collaborative environment among educators and encouraging the sharing of best practices can aid in the effective implementation of innovative teaching tactics, resulting in better educational outcomes for students.

Overall, this study added to the expanding body of knowledge about the efficacy of novel teaching approaches in biology education and made concrete recommendations for improving their application in secondary schools.

By addressing the highlighted issues and utilising facilitators, educators and policymakers may create a more engaging and successful learning environment for biology students in Okitipupa Local Government Area and beyond.


Chapter one


Background Of the Study

Education is the foundation of societal growth, and teaching methods have a significant impact on pupils’ learning results (Hornby, 2020). In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in new teaching approaches, particularly in biology, because of their potential to improve student performance and engagement (Ajaja, 2023).

Okitipupa Local Government Area, in Ondo State, Nigeria, is no exception to this tendency. The region, like many others, presents issues in delivering effective biology education, prompting a closer look at the impact of novel teaching approaches on students’ academic achievement (Ofeimu and Kolawole, 2017).

Innovative teaching methods show promise in tackling these problems and enhancing biology education outcomes. Aniaku (2022) evaluated the impact of guided and unguided inquiry teaching approaches on secondary school students, providing insights on prospective strategies for improving student learning experiences.

Similarly, Gbadamosi (2023) investigated numerous teaching tactics in the Oyo South Senatorial District of Nigeria, providing significant insights on the efficacy of various approaches. These findings highlight the need of using creative teaching strategies to improve student performance in biology education.

One important component of new teaching approaches is their capacity to increase student involvement and participation in biology classes (Jacinta 2017). Educators can develop dynamic learning environments that encourage active student participation by combining interactive and experiential learning activities like cooperative learning or idea mapping (Tynjala, 2022). This not only improves students’ grasp of biological ideas, but it also fosters their interest and excitement in the topic.

However, successfully implementing innovative teaching methods is not without hurdles. Oyelekan et al. (2017) emphasised the relevance of science instructors using innovative tactics in senior school science instruction, emphasising the necessity for proper educator training and support.

Furthermore, Hightower (2021) emphasised the importance of supporting quality teaching in enhancing student learning outcomes, arguing that strong professional development programs for teachers are required for successful implementation.

In Okitipupa Local Government Area, like in other places, adopting new teaching methods necessitates careful evaluation of contextual circumstances and resources.

For example, Ogide (2017) investigated the impact of computer simulation education on students’ academic performance in basic technology classes, emphasising the potential benefits of incorporating technology into teaching techniques.

Tebabal and Kahssay (2023) also explored the role of teacher initiation in online pedagogy, emphasising the need of using digital tools and resources to improve teaching efficacy.

Despite these obstacles, the potential benefits of novel teaching approaches in biology education cannot be overestimated. Mundi (2022) gave insights into the level of students’ academic attainment in secondary school agricultural science in Kogi level, providing useful data for building evidence-based instructional plans.

Furthermore, Zakaria et al. (2020) evaluated the effects of cooperative learning on student mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics, finding that collaborative learning approaches improve student outcomes.

In essence, education is the foundation of societal progress, and innovative teaching approaches have a significant impact on students’ learning outcomes, particularly in the subject of biology.

Okitipupa Local Government Area, like many other regions, confronts issues in delivering quality biology education, emphasising the need for novel approaches to improve student performance and participation.

By using evidence-based techniques and addressing contextual issues, educators can maximise the potential of innovative teaching methods to improve biology education outcomes while also contributing to societal development.

Statement of the Problem

In the field of education, specifically in biology instruction, there is a lack of awareness about the specific influence of innovative teaching approaches on students’ academic performance and participation in secondary schools, notably in Okitipupa Local Government Area, Ondo State.

While previous research (Ajaja, 2023; Aniaku, 2022; Gbadamosi, 2023) has looked into the effectiveness of various teaching strategies, such as guided and unguided inquiry methods or cooperative learning, there is still a lack of comprehensive research on the impact of innovative teaching methods on biology education outcomes in this specific geographic region.

Despite the increased interest in new teaching approaches, there is little empirical evidence on their application and effectiveness in biology education in the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

While Ogide (2017) and Tebabal and Kahssay (2023) investigated the integration of technology and online pedagogy in different educational settings, their findings may not immediately apply to the particular problems and opportunities present in Okitipupa’s biology classrooms.

Furthermore, while some research (Jacinta, 2017; Tynjala, 2022) has emphasised the importance of student engagement in biology classes and the role of interactive teaching methods such as concept mapping or problem-based learning, there is still a need for localised investigations that consider Okitipupa’s specific educational context and student demographics.

Because of the region’s diverse student backgrounds and learning needs, instructional design and delivery methodologies may need to be adjusted.

Furthermore, while Mundi (2022) and Zakaria et al. (2020) conducted studies on students’ academic achievement and attitudes in related subjects such as agricultural science or mathematics, there is a lack of research focussing specifically on Okitipupa’s biology curriculum.

This vacuum in the literature prevents educators and policymakers from gaining critical insights into the most effective ways for enhancing biology education results and addressing the unique problems faced by students in this region.

Overall, the present research provides useful information about new teaching strategies and their potential impact on student learning outcomes. However, there is still an urgent need for localised research that explicitly addresses the knowledge gaps about the impact of these methodologies on biology teaching in the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

Filling this gap would allow researchers to provide evidence-based suggestions to educators and politicians for improving biology education and, as a result, student academic performance and engagement in the region.

Objectives of the Study

The study’s particular aims are as follows:

The purpose of this study was to see how innovative teaching approaches affected the academic performance of biology students in secondary schools in the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

To investigate the link between creative teaching strategies and student participation in biology classes.

To explore the difficulties and opportunities for implementing innovative teaching approaches in biology education in Okitipupa Local Government Area.

Research Questions

To guide this investigation, the following research questions were developed:

What effect do innovative teaching approaches have on the academic achievement of secondary biology students in Okitipupa Local Government Area?

How do new teaching strategies affect student involvement in biology classes?

What are the difficulties and facilitators encountered while applying innovative teaching approaches in biology education in Okitipupa Local Government Area?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were proposed:

There is no significant difference in academic performance between biology students taught using innovative teaching methods and those taught using traditional methods in secondary schools in the Okitipupa Local Government Area.

There is no significant link between the adoption of innovative teaching approaches and student involvement in biology classes in secondary schools in Okitipupa Local Government Area.

There is no substantial difference in the hurdles encountered and facilitators identified while applying innovative teaching approaches across different secondary schools in Okitipupa LGA.

Significance of the Study


The importance of this study stems from its ability to enlighten and enhance biology education practices in Okitipupa Local Government Area, Ondo State, Nigeria.

This study addresses a major gap in the existing literature by studying the impact of innovative teaching approaches on students’ academic performance and engagement, while also contributing valuable insights to the area of education.

First and foremost, this study has consequences for educators and policymakers, as it provides evidence-based recommendations for improving biology instruction. Educators can improve their instructional practices by developing successful teaching strategies adapted to the specific setting of Okitipupa in order to better fulfil students’ different learning needs. As a result, biology students in the region may do better academically and become more engaged.

Furthermore, the outcomes of this study can contribute to the ongoing discussion on educational reform and curriculum improvement. This study emphasises the significance of upgrading traditional teaching approaches to line with current educational goals by highlighting the potential benefits of innovative teaching methods such as cooperative learning or inquiry-based learning.

Policymakers can utilise these findings to push for policies that encourage the use of innovative pedagogies and improve biology education in Okitipupa and elsewhere.

Furthermore, this study has relevance for educational research since it expands our understanding of the elements that influence student learning outcomes in Biology.

By investigating the link between teaching approaches and academic success, researchers can get significant insights into the mechanisms that underpin effective instruction. This, in turn, can inform future research efforts and help to establish evidence-based teaching strategies in biology education.

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