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Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

The basic goal of any purposeful organisation is to achieve its business goals. The achievement of this goal is heavily reliant on how the organisation handles its four management pillars: man, machinery, material, and money.

The’man’ who serves as the 4ms’ arm refers to those who will work to achieve the organization’s goals. Among these personnel, a select few should be chosen to manage and lead the others.

A manager is a leader; so, In psychological studies, a leader is typically described in terms of the group he leads; he is the one who supervises, directs, and regulates the group’s activities in order to attain the group’s goals.

Leadership is thus defined in a broader sense as the process of persuading others to work freely towards shared goals.

To lead is to manage, guide, conduct, direct, and precede; in fact, being able to lead effectively is one of the requirements of an effective manager.

Job performance is an important need for any manufacturing company’s survival. If employees are not well-coordinated, motivated, guided, and regulated, they may work at 50-60% capacity, which is only enough to meet the requirements for job retention.

However, in order to attain optimum efficiency in job performance, the manager must elicit committed responses from subordinates by using an effective leadership style.

The significance of management leadership styles cannot be overstated, as their suitability will have a significant impact on the organization’s overall success. Managerial leadership styles have been classified as free-reign, democratic, and authoritarian.

These managerial leadership styles have specific qualities. Thus, the goal of this research is to critically investigate the effects of managerial leadership styles on employee job performance.

1.1 Statement of problems

The human resource of any organisation decides its success or failure to a considerable extent, and as such, its management and efficiency should be a top priority for this management.

However, it is true that most managers in commercial organisations struggle to effectively lead their employees and motivate them to give their all in their job performances.

This problem is primarily caused by the managers’ leadership style. Most managers are unable to determine the suitability of a specific managerial style in reaching organisational productivity goals. Some of these issues are addressed here.

(1) Poor Communication: Communication has been recognised as the most important part of contact in a society; a breakdown in the communication system would result in poor interaction, and it is also the lifeblood of every community.

As a result, communication within an organisation fosters the relationship between the organization’s senior and subordinate. Meanwhile, a manager can only be effective in his leadership tasks if there is an effective flow of communication, as poor communication has been identified as a problem of leadership responsibility, which has an impact on job performance.

(2) Poor Managerial Perception:- Job performance can only be improved if leaders comprehend employee diversity inside the organisation, resulting in a more effective motivation plan.

Failure on the part of a manager to identify employees’ needs in order to know when and how to motivate them for effective job performance reduces such managers’ leadership responsibility

which is a major problem in achieving organisational goals and objectives. It could also result in a high rate of job discontent, absenteeism, tardiness, and excessive labour turnover, among other things.

1.2 Hypothesis Statement

The hypothesis statement shall be as follows.

(1) That the managerial leadership style is likely to influence employees’ job performance.

(2) The extent to which employers are satisfied is most likely determined by the managerial style.

(3) The type of goal setting will most likely influence the managerial style used.

(4) That the managerial style is most likely situation-specific.


The research study’s objective will be the following:

(1) To investigate the managerial leadership style at Acra Contractors Company Lagos and how it has aided the organisation in achieving its goals.

(2) To learn about the other aspects influencing job performance in Aero Contractors Company Lagos.

(3) Investigate the extent to which the managerial leadership style has contributed to industrial peace and harmony at Aero Contractors Company Lagos, as well as how this has served to boost production.

(4) If necessary, recommend a managerial style to the Aero Contractors Company in Lagos. It is envisaged that it will assist the organisation in achieving its objectives.

1.4 The significance of the study

The study’s goal is to determine the impact of managerial styles on employee performance in the Aero Contractors Company.

It will also investigate the land of relationships between leaders and subordinates with the goal of addressing flaws.

The study will also look into measures to maximise the productivity, efficiency, and profitability of the workforce.

Furthermore, the research will look into measures to preserve an acceptable and conducive workplace environment while reducing tension and industrial interest. Employee performance is critical for a company to thrive in today’s global competitive environment, and managerial styles are required to ensure that employees perform to expectations.

Because managerial style is a crucial determinant of specific work behavioural patterns, this study must show its fundamental impact on individuals, organisations, and the whole economy.

The study will contribute to existing knowledge in the field of managerial styles, thereby stimulating further studies or research on these topics, as improvements are made on a daily basis.


This study investigates the impact of management leadership style on the job performance of employees who work for the Aero Contractors Company in Lagos.

The study will attempt to critically assess the impact of different management leadership styles on employee job performance and the overall organisation.


The Nigerian Aero Contractors Company was established in 1959. It is a completely owned subsidiary of Schreiner Airways B.V. in the Netherlands. In 1973, the Nigerian Oteri holding became the exclusive partner with a 40% investment in Aero Contractors of Nigeria, which increased to a 60% ownership stake in 1976, anticipating the requirement of the Nigeria indigenization edict.

Schreiner is currently the managing partner, and particular management responsibilities are outlined in a shareholders agreement contract. Schreiner is therefore in charge of the company’s day-to-day operations.

The company began in 1959 as an air charter operator serving Nigeria’s fledgling oil sector, specifically in the Warri Escravos region.

From the outset, the company was awarded contracts to supply helicopters and air charter services to Nigerian Agip Oil Company, ELF (Nigeria) Ltd, and Texaco Oil Petroleum Company Nigeria Ltd.

The helicopter enabled offshore and swamp communication, while the air plan served as a link between Warri, Port Harcourt, and Lagos. Today, Aero Contractors provides rotar and fixed wing services to major oil and gas firms as well as supporting sectors in Nigeria and West Africa.

Aero Contractors has approximately 945 individuals with specialised talents in several vocations. To stay up with global competitiveness, the corporation has a policy of efficiently training its employees both locally and internationally.

1.7 The Definition of Terms

(1) Control is the power to manage or direct.

(2) Coordinate: The integration of actions from many elements to achieve a shared aim.

(3) Job Performance: The act or state of doing a job.

(4) Leadership:- Leadership is the ability to lead, as well as the position or function of the leader.

(5) Management:- Management is the process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling the work of organisational members, as well as the use of organisational resources to achieve a specified organisational goal.

(6) Motivation: An act or incentive offered to employees to encourage them to operate properly and efficiently.

(7) Organisation: The act of being organised as a group of people grouped in a system to work together and complete tasks.

(8) Subordinate: It is a lower-level rank or position that works under the supervision of another individual.

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