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Influence Of Parental Value System On Success Orientation Among Adolescents

Influence Of Parental Value System On Success Orientation Among Adolescents

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Influence Of Parental Value System On Success Orientation Among Adolescents


The study looked at how parents’ value systems influenced children’ success orientation at the secondary level in selected public secondary schools in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area. In addition, this study examined other relevant and related literature under subheadings.

The descriptive research survey was used in this study to analyse the opinions of the selected respondents through the use of a questionnaire and sampling technique.

A total of 120 (one hundred and twenty) respondents were chosen for this investigation. Four null hypotheses were developed and assessed using the t-test and Pearson Product Moment Correlation tools at the 0.05 level of significance.

1. The family value system has a considerable influence on students’ academic performance at school.

2. Negative parental value systems have a substantial influence on students’ social adjustment in society.

3. There is a link between a positive family value system and teenagers’ success orientated in school.

4. The family value system contributes to a considerable gender gap in students’ success orientation.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The child’s parents have the greatest influence on his or her growth in two unquestionable ways. First and foremost, parents supply the child with his or her biological heritage.

Second, they organise his or her life. Parents in this family arrangement serve as socialising agents, offering goals and a value system from which the child develops varied patterns of behaviour.

In some cases, parents adopt a carefree attitude towards their children’s learning, including their social orientation, which has resulted in low academic achievement and maladaptive actions in their immediate society (Hake, 1999).

According to Ndubuisi (2005), there is a favourable relationship between parental attitude and children’s social and intellectual progress. Ndubuisi believes that the dimensions of parental value placing on their children’s well-being have a substantial impact on the child’s favourable or bad adaption to society.

According to Adeleke (2000), parents that set a high value on their children provide excellent care for them by providing required amenities at home that aid in their educational pursuits

as well as medical treatment and moral nurturing. The end consequence is the development of well-behaved children who are well acclimated to their immediate surroundings.

According to Uzomah (2006), if parents have positive values in terms of providing for their children’s education, the children who are well cared for will undoubtedly be high academic achievers, whereas those whose parents place negative values on their education will grow up to be low achievers. This will also manifest in their poor social adjustment to larger populations.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Parents’ opinions influence their children’s social and intellectual lives. For example, parents that place a low value on their children’s academic careers will not give them with the essential books, school clothes, and pocket money for food.

They will not additionally provide the children with healthy and nutritious diets, which would cause them to grow faster and be more intellectual. As a result, the youngsters perform poorly academically.

In terms of their social orientations, children will not act well in society if their parents demonstrate bad values in their manner of raising them in the proper dimension. This study was initiated in response to concerns about the influence of family value systems on achievement orientation among teenagers in society.

1.3 Goal of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to investigate the impact of parental value systems on success orientation among teenagers in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area.

1.4 Research Questions.

This study addressed the following research questions:

1. Will a parent’s negative value system influence their children’s social orientation?

2. To what extent will parents’ academic achievement influence their children’s success orientation in school?

3. To what extent will parents’ positive value system influence their children’s social adjustment?

4. Is there a link between parental care and children’s behaviour?

5. To what extent will gender differences in success orientation result from parental value systems?

1.5 Research Hypotheses.

The following research hypotheses were developed to guide this investigation.

1. There will be no significant effect of family value systems on adolescents’ academic achievement.

2. There will be no substantial impact of a bad family value system on teenagers’ social adjustment in the selected secondary school.

3. There will be no significant link between a favourable parental value system and teenagers’ success orientated.

4. The parental value system will not result in a major gender difference in success orientation among teenagers.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study will be of significant service to the many segments of persons and groups of individuals in society, as listed below:

(1) Students will benefit from this study since its findings and recommendations will help them understand the need of parental care and the instillation of positive values in order for them to succeed in society. It will teach students to be more adaptable to their parents’ control and care.

(2) Parents would also benefit from this study since it would allow them to be more involved in their children’s upbringing if they want them to be successful in both academic and social settings. This study will educate parents on the best way to raise a child at home, among other topics.

(3) Teachers would benefit from this study since it would provide them with more information on how to best raise their children at home and in school, acting as surrogate parents.

(4) The society will surely gain from this study since it will teach them that parental value systems have an impact on a child’s behaviour and academic success in school.

1.7 Scope of the Study

The study looked at how family value systems influenced teenagers’ achievement orientation in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government Area.

1.8 Definition of Terms

This study gave suitable operational definitions of words, as follows:

(1) Parental Value System: According to this study, a parental value system is a circumstance or level at which parents place a high value on their children’s education or future achievement.

Most parents do not care about their children or wards, so they are assumed to place negative values on their children’s success; however, many other parents take proper care of their children, and these parents are regarded as having a positive parental value system for their children and wards.

(2) Adolescent Academic Performance: This refers to the level or rate at which young people or adolescents achieve academically in school. It also demonstrates the extent to which pupils complete their schoolwork over a specific time period, as well as the outcome.

(3) Parental Discipline: This refers to the level of discipline that parents apply to their children or wards at home in order to raise them in a positive manner. Parental discipline enables children to grow up with the correct norms and values in their immediate society or community.

(4) Socioeconomic Status: This is the level of social stratification of persons in a given community. It is the socioeconomic division between members of a society.

(5) High Academic Achievers: These are students who have excelled academically in school.

(6) Low Academic Achievers: These are students who perform poorly in their academic classes at school.

(7) Maladaptive Behaviour: This refers to an individual’s behaviour that is not acceptable in society. Maladaptive behaviours are ones that are antisocial in nature.

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