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Chapter one


1.1. Background of the Study

The globe is currently celebrating advancements in communication technology that have expanded the reach of communication via Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Modern communication technology has undoubtedly transformed the entire world into a “Global village”.

However, technology, like a coin, has both positive and negative sides. It helps people become more aware, enlightened, and up to date on global issues. Technology introduces humans to a better method of doing things.

Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Blackberry Messenger (BBM), Whatsapp Messenger, 2go Messenger, Skype, Google Talk, Google Messenger, iPhone, and Androids are some examples of social networking sites.

Most people utilise these networking sites to connect with old and new acquaintances, whether they are physical or online (Asemah et al., 2012). The rapid evolution of technology has revolutionised the world, leading to the use of technology as the ideal medium for exploring a wide range of information.

The growth of internet technology has resulted in its use as the most effective channel of communication. Two-thirds of the world’s internet users use social networking or blogging sites, which serve as a communication and connection tool.

Social networking sites (SNSs) are online communities of Internet users that seek to engage with one another about topics of common interest, whether personal, professional, or academic (William et al., 2009).

Millions of social networking sites have transformed the concept of a global village into a reality, with billions of people communicating via social networking sites. Using social networking sites for distant communication has yielded numerous benefits.

Academic excellence or achievement is vital in determining an individual’s placement, whether in academic institutions or in the workplace. As a result, many people are concerned about how they might improve their academic performance.

The emphasis on academic excellence, which is also prominent internationally, has prompted several investigations into the factors that foster it. Academic achievement is an unavoidable predictor of one’s life success, as well as academic placement in schools to higher institutions and employability in one’s job (Kyoshaba, 2009).

One of a school’s primary goals is academic success, as assessed by exam scores. Hoyle (2006, p.45) claimed that schools are formed with the intention of transmitting knowledge and skills to people who attend them, with the ultimate goal of improving academic performance.

Academic performance or achievement is the consequence of education, indicating how well a student, instructor, or institution met their educational objectives.

Academic performance is usually measured through examinations or continuous assessment, but there is no universal agreement on how to best test it or whether components are more important, procedural knowledge such as skills or declarative information such as facts (Annie et al., 2006). They use stuff like 4 instead of for, U instead of you, D instead of the, and so on, which may have an impact on their class assessment.

Social networking websites Despite being seen as a significant resource for education today, studies reveal that students use social networking sites like Facebook for pleasure, to pass the time, to meet current friends, or to make new ones (Ellison et al., 2007).

Although it has been suggested that students spend a significant amount of time participating in social networking activities, with many students blaming the various social networking sites for their consistent drop in grade point averages (Kimberly, 2009), it is also clear that only a small number of students are aware of the academic and professional networking opportunities provided by the sites.

According to Kuppuswamy (2010, p.76), social networking sites capture students’ attention and then divert it to non-educational and unsuitable activities such as meaningless chatting.

In contrast, (Liccardi et al., 2007) found that students are socially engaged with one another in order to share their everyday learning experiences and engage in discourse on a variety of themes.

Tinto (2007, p.9) suggested that extracurricular and academic activities are insufficient to satisfy some students who are suffering from social networking isolation. This demonstrates that social networks benefit students by enhancing both their learning experiences and their academic lives.

Trusov et al. (2009, p.17) stated that while the Internet is undoubtedly a progression of technology, social networks, in particular, are particularly dangerous for youngsters. Social networks have been extremely popular and well-known in recent years.

According to Cain (2009, p.77), social networking websites make it easy to connect people; they are free and include movies, images, and other content. Wiley and Sisson (2006, p.54) contended that earlier research has revealed that more than 90% of tertiary school students utilise social media.

Similarly, Ellison et al. (2007, p.11) claimed that students spend roughly 30 minutes each day on social networking websites as part of their regular routines. This statement demonstrates the relevance of social networking websites in students’ lives.

According to a survey conducted by Lenhart and Madden (2007, p.49), students strongly endorse using social networking websites to remain in touch with friends and to stay updated.

Social information processing theory is an interpersonal communication theory that proposes that while online interpersonal interactions may take longer to create than face-to-face relationships, once developed, they have the same impact as in-person communication.

This indicates that the more students use social media, the more they impact their study habits, since friends on social media begin to influence one another.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

Since the introduction of social media platforms in the 1990s, it has been assumed in some circumstances that students’ academic performance is under constant neglect and challenge. There is a divergence, distraction, and division of focus between social networking activity and academic work.

It has been found that students pay more attention to social media than to their education. Instead of reading their books, kids waste their time conversing and establishing friends on social media, which may have an impact on their academic performance, because without reading, you cannot achieve well academically.

Some people get so carried away that they continue to converse while strolling along the highway. In recent years, social media has become a big presence in the minds of students and the society at large, prompting a number of severe measures by students, teachers, and even educational authorities.

It is therefore extremely important to investigate some of the current difficulties affecting students’ academic performance as a result of social media. As a result of the availability of social media, students at all levels of learning are now devoting less time to their academics. As a result, the purpose of this study is to look at the academic implications of Auchi polytechnic students’ reckless usage of social media.

1.3. Objectives Of The Study

The study’s aims are:

i. To investigate the amount of student addiction to social media and the impact on academic performance.

ii. Determine which social media network students are more exposed to and how this influences their academic achievement.

iii. Determine how the use of social media affects the academic performance of students at Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi.

iv. Determine the difference in students’ use of social media networks by gender.

v. To determine how age influences students’ use of social media networks.

1.4.Research Questions.

The following research questions have been raised:

i. To what extent does student addiction to social networks affect their academic performance?

ii. How does the social media network to which pupils are increasingly exposed affect their academic performance?

iii. How has the use of social media affected the academic achievement of students at Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi?

iv. Is there a gender difference in students’ use of social media networks?

V. How do younger and older students impact their use of social media?

1.5 Research Hypotheses.

The researcher generated the following hypotheses, which were tested in this study:

i. Students’ addiction to social networks has no substantial effect on their academic performance.

ii. Students’ exposure to social media networks has no meaningful effect on their academic achievement.

iii. The use of social media has no substantial impact on the academic performance of students at Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi.

iv. There is no substantial difference in how male and female students use social media networks.

v. Age has no substantial impact on the use of social media.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study is crucial for lecturers, parents, and students. This study will assist professors in understanding the impact of social media on their students, in order to enlighten and raise awareness among students about the potential impact it may have on them.

The study is essential for parents because it will inform them of the potential impacts of social media usage on their children, allowing them to function as watchdogs over their children’s use of social networking sites.

The study will inform students that, in addition to the social benefits of this social networking site, excessive use may entail health risks. It will be useful in helping pupils understand the breadth of social media.

It will provide relevant information to students and other researchers conducting comparable study. The project will provide academics with additional information about the influence of social media on student academic achievement.

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