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Influence Of Socio-Cultural Variables On Marital Stability Among Couples

Influence Of Socio-Cultural Variables On Marital Stability Among Couples

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Influence Of Socio-Cultural Variables On Marital Stability Among Couples


The study sought to evaluate the impact of socio-cultural determinants on the marital stability of couples in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Government. The study used a descriptive research survey to analyse respondents’ opinions. The questionnaire was utilised to gather important data for this investigation.

This study chose 160 (one hundred and sixty) respondents to reflect the overall population. Four null hypotheses were evaluated, and the following findings emerged at the conclusion of the data analysis:

Socio-cultural variables have a significant influence on marital stability among couples; ethnicity has a significant influence on couples from the South Eastern Zone and others from the Northern or Southern Zones of the country; religion has no significant influence on couples’ marital stability; and communication has a significant influence on couples’ marital stability.

In the long run, it was shown that socio-cultural variables had a significant impact on the marital bliss of couples in society. In the preceding, the researcher made the following recommendations.

(1) This researcher believes that couples should avoid consulting a third party during their conflict. Rather, couples should try to resolve any marital disagreements individually.

(2) Couples should strive to share one faith. It is not desirable for husband and wife to have distinct religious backgrounds or beliefs.

(3) For couples to sustain marital happiness and unity, love must be a guiding principle in the family. Couples will not be successful in their marriages unless they have love, affection, and trust.

CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction: Background of the Study Culture is broadly defined and acknowledged as people’s way of life, which includes their material lives. Every adult man or woman strives for a secure and happy marital life, compatibility in love, morals, academics, economics, and, of course, social well-being.

This is consistent with Onyema’s (1994) position that marriage is a social institution for the uniting of body and soul. However, certain socio-cultural elements can have an impact on marital stability. The variables’ influence may be negative, resulting in uneasiness and dissatisfaction in marriage, or positive, resulting in a solid and happy partnership.

These characteristics include cultural diversity (in the event of interethnic marriage), as well as educational, social, economic, and religious backgrounds. Even age differences are included in these variables.

For example, a lady once admitted that she could never marry an illiterate, no matter how wealthy he is, because he might one day use her certificate as a toilet tissue.

The open confession implies incompatibility and class imbalance in education, both of which may have an impact on marital stability. The current instability in some marriages in our culture is often the result of social, economic, and cultural changes in people’s lifestyles.

According to Amaonye (1996), these changes occurred and continue to occur at such a quick pace that they have yet to be assimilated into our ways of life. Furthermore, social compatibility among couples is a powerful predictor of marital stability and survival. When couples’ social life diverge, it can pose a significant danger to marital stability since it takes time to understand why some social trips and involvement are vital.

However, recognition of the significant influence of these sociocultural influences on marriage may be a positive step towards marriage stability in our society today. Age difference is one aspect that may drive people to refuse to marry certain personalities.

In any event, age variables can produce disaffection and a lack of love among married couples, which has the potential to cause ill blood and lead to marital strife.

In the case of a much younger lady marrying a much older man, there may not be the same level of husband and wife love and affection that makes marriage thick and stable.

Poverty or riches is another factor that can divide or unite couples. For example, in a low-income marriage, the couple may be unable to live joyfully and peacefully. This is because, according to Uzor (2000), money is one of the unifying forces in marriage.

Another socio-cultural factor that influences the marriage of a husband and wife is language barriers. This is because disintegration can occur when couples do not communicate well in a common language. According to Ulumor (2003), without efficient communication, no marriage can last.

Ulumor believes that couples who share a common language are more united and in love than those who don’t. So, inter-ethnic marriage is a factor that should be carefully studied before people get into marriage. Religion is a significant socio-cultural factor in each marriage union. Religion refers to a people’s way of life.

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