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Influence of Socio Economic Status of Parent on the Performance of Chemistry Student

Influence of Socio Economic Status of Parent on the Performance of Chemistry Student

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Influence of Socio Economic Status of Parent on the Performance of Chemistry Student



This study examined how parents’ socioeconomic position affects the performance of chemistry students. The study’s entire population consists of 200 staff from a selected secondary school in Mbaino.

The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. Descriptive A survey research design was used for this investigation. The survey used 133 respondents who worked as principals, vice principals, administrators, senior staff, and junior staff members. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
Education is the key to developing a dynamic, productive society that provides equal chances and justice to all. Education is the most valuable legacy that parents can leave to their children.

The growth of a nation begins with the family; when families succeed in teaching and instilling excellent values in their children, the country becomes a better place to live.

It is widely assumed that the foundation for any meaningful progress must begin with the development of human resources. Formal education demonstrates such ambitions to effectively and efficiently construct a stable and robust economy.

Education is the process of learning and developing skills for the benefit of both the individual and society as a whole. Education can be official, non-formal, or informal.

Formal education refers to institutionalised teaching based on a curriculum. It is classroom-based knowledge supplied by skilled teachers in a methodical and planned manner.

Thus, schooling is a concept that refers to an institution that delivers education. According to the MDG targets for 2020, education is a major priority of the United Nations for all of its member countries. Similarly, the operation of educational institutions is critical to achieving a nation’s aims and objectives.

In Nigeria, the primary activities of educational institutions are to build and develop human potential to meet the nation’s development needs at all levels.

According to the forewords to the National Policy on Education (2013) edition, education is seen as an investment for economic, social, and political development; an aggregate tool of empowerment for the poor and socially marginalised groups;

an effective means of developing full capacities and potentials of human resources; and the development of competent work force through the acquisition of practical life skills relevant to the world of work as a veritable means of

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