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Influence Of Televised Aggression And Pornography On The Social Adjustment Of Adolescents In Secondary Schools

Influence Of Televised Aggression And Pornography On The Social Adjustment Of Adolescents In Secondary Schools

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Influence Of Televised Aggression And Pornography On The Social Adjustment Of Adolescents In Secondary Schools


This study looked at how broadcast aggressiveness and pornography influenced adolescents in secondary schools in Lagos State’s Agege Local Government Area.

A sample of 120 students drawn at random from four senior secondary school students at public schools was used. They were comprised of 60 boys and 60 girls.

A well-designed instrument, a questionnaire, was utilised to elicit responses from the participants.

Four hypotheses were developed and tested at the 0.05 level of significance with one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA, and an independent t-test.

The data analysis yielded the following findings:

1. Violent television shows have a major impact on students’ social adjustment. Thus, null hypothesis 1 was rejected.

2. There is no substantial influence of violent television programs on aggressive behaviour among students, hence null hypothesis two was accepted.

3. There is a gender difference in aggressive behaviour among students as a result of violent television programs, hence null hypothesis three was rejected.

4. There is a considerable influence of pornographic film viewing on pupils’ social adjustment in schools, hence null hypothesis four is rejected.

According to these findings, it is the responsibility of all stakeholders, particularly parents and the educational sector, to provide proper and adequate guidance and counselling to schoolchildren so that they can spend their time on worthwhile activities rather than watching programmes that could derail and frustrate their existence.

Chapter one


Background on the Problem

The entrance of mass media into children’s daily life, as well as a rise in televised violence, have resulted in quick shifts in their social orientation, both at school and at home.

It is not unexpected that suspicions about violent behaviour have persisted in society since motion pictures depicting violent activities were first transmitted with the introduction of television in the early 1950s.

Violence surrounds us not just in real life, but also in media such as films and movies.

With increased technology, television, both in news broadcasts and entertainment, provides a constant display of violence, such as riots, wars, terrorism, raids, rapes, and so on, which has had an impact on all aspects of our daily lives, particularly adolescents in our schools.

According to Stein and Fredrick (1999), television is a dominating, potent narcotic on children’s minds, acting as a conveyor of cultural values, attitudes, and beliefs while also serving as a socialisation agent alongside the family, school, and peer groups.

However, television has gotten less research attention than other agents of socialisation, particularly in impoverished countries like Nigeria, which is why this study is being conducted.

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