Project Materials


Influence of Violent Television Programme on the Aggressive Behaviour of Children in Public Primary School in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State

Influence of Violent Television Programme on the Aggressive Behaviour of Children in Public Primary School in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State

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Influence of Violent Television Programme on the Aggressive Behaviour of Children in Public Primary School in Mushin Local Government Area of Lagos State


Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Many people have expressed concern about children’s social development. It is well acknowledged that youngsters learn better by imitating what they see or hear. Television is one of the most common forms of communication, not only in Nigeria but also around the world. Since its debut to Nigeria in 1959, it has been a popular leisure activity, reorganising our leisure behaviour patterns.

For most Nigerians, television serves as a source of education, information, comfort, and leisure. The television is also viewed as a potent addiction that dominates children’s minds, rather than a communicator of cultural views, attitudes, and values that homogenises our society and serves as a socialiser.

Aside from providing amusement for children, television has an impact on their learning both at school and outside of it. Because television is seen as a potent teaching instrument, the impact of its violent programs on children’s conduct must be researched and reduced.

Television has been accused of presenting foreign films and programs that promote a culture of violence and immorality. Thus brutalising our children’s highly impressionable minds. It has also been observed that local films only feature violence, ritual killings, and murder.

Television has an undeniable influence on behaviour, both directly and indirectly. The impact of broadcast violence on children’s aggressive attitude cannot be overstated. These children are at a vulnerable age, making them especially susceptible to the influence of television violence (Huesmann and Eron, 1986).

Furthermore, because children spend so much time watching television, and because viewing an aggressive model might impact aggression, it stands to reason that watching aggression on television can encourage violent tendencies in youngsters.

Watching broadcast aggression can help a youngster learn aggression skills, become emotionally stimulated, learn that aggression is appropriate, become acclimated to seeing violence, and so on.

It has been stated that violence on all channels of television contributes to the development of violent behaviour and attitudes (Idiaghon, 1984; Levine, 1996; Seawell, 1998).

It can also cause youngsters to develop afraid or negative views towards the non-television world, as well as desensitise them to real-world or imagined violence (Levine, 1996).

The fact that excessive exposure to television violence is one of the leading causes of aggressive conduct, crime, and violence in society. The society has become a hazardous place to live, and people are scared of everything at night.

Statistics suggest that the incidence of spectacular crime presented on television appears to be related to the incidence of similar real crimes (Siegel, 1970); violence on television is made more acceptable to youngsters by the way it is portrayed on television programs. It is portrayed as a magnificent journey in which one achieves one’s aims and the greatest performer wins.

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