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Chapter one

• Introduction

Television is a visual and auditory method of communication that distributes sound and images from a broadcasting studio to millions of homes every day via electromagnetic radiation using radio technologies.

The verb means “Television is a combination of both Greek and Latin words” . Television is derived from the Greek term tele (meaning far) and the Latin word Vidre (to see). Thus, television denotes vision and sound at a distance.

It is a visual medium that conveys the sense of engagement and intimacy. Every day, television broadcasts a range of programs such as live and recorded dramas, sporting events, cartoons, quizzes, discussion shows, and variety shows.

Television newscasts and programs have a bigger impact on forming opinions and socialising viewers and listeners, for better or worse. It’s an extremely effective means of communication since it can integrate voice and image, giving it an advantage over radio and other print media.

It has an influence on its audience by communicating messages effectively and merging certain aesthetic aspects to build synergy. Such aspects include light, music, time-motion, space audio-video gestalt, voice/diction, pronunciation, personal appearance, and make-up.

Aside from communication media, aesthetic aspects deal with sensation and consciousness; such aesthetic reality can be reflected in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, facial expression, warmth, good voice, and so on.

As a result, television is frequently viewed as a predictor of violence, criminality, juvenile delinquency, and other forms of antisocial behaviour. TV is a visual medium. It conveys the sense of engagement and intimacy. When a viewer sees himself or a loved one on television, he feels compelled to return to that channel repeatedly.

One can observe a stage governor, administrator, or president on the screen and notice the look on his face when he makes a commitment to determine whether or not he is being truthful with his promises.

Television allows viewers to evaluate whether a suspect presented on TV is innocent or guilty. Television’s ability to combine sound, action, and colour to produce realism makes it a favourite among media consumers.

In terms of news presentation on NTA channel 12 Uyo, most of the research will focus on how the newsreaders and production team might use these aesthetic components to generate synergetic results. All forms of communication contain intrinsically aesthetic components; television has image and sound as its principal aesthetic features, whereas radio has sound.

Sound as an aesthetic element of communication can be defined as the human voice, sound effects, and music. They are the primary factors that bring broadcast programmes to life in terms of aural attractiveness.

Both should and usually work together to create a balanced, clarified, and amplified complete screen event, also known as an audiovisual gestalt. When music and visual “unite,” they create aesthetic energy.

Light is the initial aesthetic element of television since it enables seeing. Television relies on both internal and exterior light to make images visible on the screen. It is also required for controlling, articulating, clarifying, and intensifying our internal emotional environment.

Light can be seen of as a language in television production, used in conjunction with other aspects to create a synergistic experience. Because shadows are considered noise in communication, proper lighting can be used to make the listener see the spatial aspect of the newsreader. A television news programme has a set running duration in order to create room for other programs.

In accordance with the viewer’s objective feelings, television artists and newsreaders must be familiar with time and understand how to manipulate viewers’ emotions in specific ways. Motion on screen is an organised experience created by a television artist to make viewers feel a certain way.

Psychological closure relies on the careful management of two processes. That includes sharpening, supplementing, levelling, and omission. Sharpening is the process of adding additional information to clarify facts, whereas levelling is the process of removing information that does not fit the desired pattern.

Many authors have attempted to define news in a single sentence or paragraph, such as Editor San Francisco Examiner, Author McEwan, who stated that “news is anything that makes a reader say” “Cree, whiz” or anything you can learn today that you did not know before. George Hough 3rd (1984:19) defines news as both a community and a state of mind.

Joseph Pulter’s 19th-century St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the New York World defended it as original and distinctive stories. Romantic, exhilarating, unique, fascinating, quaint, hilarious, weird, and likely to be added on.

According to Bruce Westly (1968:384), news is anything timely that is interesting and significant to readers in terms of their personal affairs or their relationship to society, and the best news is that which posed the greatest interest and significance for the greatest number.

Such definitions are ineffective because they imply that news is a statistic object rather than a complex project with many parts, that is, it does not simply affect a “objective” world in the same way that a minor reflects someone who stands in front of it. News, in addition to being truthful, factual, and accurate, must also interest the viewers.

Listeners and readers interact both in context and during presentation. A variety of factors influence news coverage, including aesthetic features such as sound, time/motion, space, and video-audio gestalt. Whereas the newsreader must have composure, warmth, a decent voice, and proper word pronunciation.

These are critical for the programme’s ability to excite and sustain the audience’s interest; thus, it is crucial to assess these aesthetic components in television news production and presentation to understand how they are controlled for effective meaning sharing with viewers.

1.1 Background of the Study:

The study demonstrates broadcasting as a communication art that extends beyond the basic dissemination of information. It is concerned with eliciting emotions and sharing personal experiences. Light, music, time-motion, space, and colour are examples of aesthetic or ‘feeling’ components found in television.

The role of an effective newsreader and producer is to understand how to manage these aspects to get the desired effect and meaning in news presentation programming. The success of the production crew and newsreader is assessed by how well they draw the viewer’s attention to and enjoy what is on the screen.

It is their obligation to properly use aesthetic components to make the experience more engaging by bringing it to life. The efficacy of news presentation as a communication art is judged in part by how viewers’ tactical, gustatory, visual, olfactory, and aural senses become disclosures of what is sensible and palpable, rather than signals to action.

· Statement of the problem:

The level of performance of the artists greatly influences the success of any broadcasting station. To evaluate the artist’s performance on NTA channel 12 Uyo, the following questions must be answered:

to what extent have aesthetic elements such as sound, time-motion, space, proper pronunciation, voice/diction, personality/make-up, and synergistic structures such as the video-audio gestalt been used in news production and presentation on NTA channel 12 Uyo?

• Research questions

The research tends to find answers to the following questions.

1. How have the station’s artists utilised aesthetic elements like as blight, sound, space, time-motion, and any synergistic factors such as video-audio gestalt into their news presentation on NTA Channel 12, Uyo in May?

1. How well were those factors employed to create synergy in the audience’s overall understanding of the news stories?

2. How does the newsreader use voice/diction, accurate pronunciation, personality/make-up, and poise in news presentation?

· Purpose of the Study:

1. To evaluate the artist’s performance in merging aesthetic elements like as light, space, time-motion, sound, and synergistic structures such as video-audio gestalt into news presentations on NTA channel 12 Uyo.

2. To see if these were effective in creating synergy for the audience’s overall understanding of the news articles.

3. To evaluate a newscaster’s performance in terms of effective voice/diction, accurate pronunciation, and personality/make-up in the news.

The Significance of the Study

The study’s goal is to identify the issues with NTA Channel 12 Uyo’s news presentation in terms of performance by its artist (newsreader) and production staff, and to discover remedies to these issues in order to increase the station’s audience.

A communicator who is concerned with his audience must discover means to measure or assess his progress in achieving his goals and improving his performances.

This is accomplished through feedback, which allows the communicator to determine whether he was able to effectively communicate with his audience.

Because direct feedback is not possible on television, content analysis of the news programme is required to determine whether aesthetic elements such as light, sound, space, time-motion, voice/diction, resonance, poise, proper pronunciation, and audio-visual gestalt are properly utilised in creating synergy for the overall production and presentation of news on NTA channel 12 Uyo.

The study will therefore allow the station to improve its performance in order to cater to the tastes and desires of its viewers while also competing favourably with other stations, thereby increasing and maintaining its audience size.

Where the following conclusions are correctly carried out, as the study plans to do, they may assist station management in determining how to build effective synergy in news presentation to benefit viewers.

It may also assist management in taking actions to correct errors made by the solution’s artists while doing their tasks. This will aid in preserving audience size because improved news production and presentation will boost viewers’ personal, educational, social, economic, and cultural outlooks.

• Limitations of the study

This study is limited to the performance of news program artists on NTA channel 12 Uyo, hence the data obtained and analysed are limited to that. The study is limited to one component of the station’s overall production:

the evaluation of news and problems with artist performance. It attempts to subjectively and critically evaluate the substance of the selected news programs.

However, due to the limited time available for this project, the fact that the news programme is not recorded but is presented ‘live’, and the issue of incessant power fluctuations from the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN), the research period was limited to 7 days.

Despite these limits, the researcher attempted to carry out the investigation, which she believes is legitimate. As a result, it is hoped that the results and discussions that led to this conclusion would serve as the foundation for future improvements and study in this field.

· Definition of terms.

AESTHETIC ELEMENTS. Zettl (1993) defines aesthetic as “a study of certain sense perceptions and how these perceptions can be most effectively classified, intensified, and interpreted through a medium such as television or film for a specific recipient” in Akpan Etuk (1990:29) and Etuk (1990:29).

The aesthetic aspects considered in this study are light, sound, time-motion, space, voice/diction, good pronunciation, personality, and make-up.

APPRAISAL: evaluating the value of anything; a judgement or opinion about something or someone, particularly one that reveals efficacy or usefulness.

NEWS: According to Bruce Westly (1986:384), news is anything timely that readers find interesting and significant in terms of their personal issues. In addition to being truthful and accurate, news must be interesting to viewers.

NEWS PROGRAMME: News programmes are primarily informative and educational. The audience stands to profit from higher quality news, which will improve their personal educational, social, economic, and cultural outlooks.

A presentation is an act, performance, exhibition, or demonstration held in front of an audience. It is a method of displaying, expressing, or arranging something for the benefit of others.

NTA UYO: Nigerian Television Authority, a federal broadcasting corporation based on Aka Etinan Road in Uyo. It was originally formed in 1987 in accordance with a federal government strategy of establishing one NTA station in each state capital.

The objective is to inform, entertain, and enlighten Nigerian television viewers while preserving its leadership position in television broadcasting.

SYNERGY: Young blood (1970-1999) in Akpan (1987:71) defines synergy as “the behaviour of a system unpredicted by the behaviour of any of its parts or subassemblies of its parts”. In this study, synergy is defined as the skilful utilisation of aesthetic/artistic components to produce beauty in a programme.

AUDIO-VIDEO GESTALT: The combining of sound and image to create artistic vitality. The broadcaster’s responsibility is to combine sound and picture in such a way that an amplified experience is created.

COMMUNICATION: The exchange of information between people, such as by speech, writing, or the use of a common system of signs or behaviour. A Taylor et al (1977:87).

VOICE: Voice is one of the most powerful individual factors. The announcer use voice as a tool or instrument to convey the intellectual and emotional substance of his copy.

Even Nevertheless, a good voice is useless in broadcasting without proper preparation. A good voice can only be acquired via disciplined practice. Tubs S.L. & Moses, S. (1974:60).

BROADCASTING: Broadcasting is a method of mass communication that involves the planned delivery of information, entertainment, and education to a large number of people. The creation and transmission of radio or television programs, as well as other broadcasting operations, are typically governed by law.

Personality: According to S. According to L. Tubbs (1974:56), it is a person’s bundle of qualities, which includes their attitudes, interests, behavioural patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual attributes that persist over time. It is a distinguishing or visible characteristic that makes someone desirable to others.

MOTION: To make a gesture or signal to another person, such as a request or intention. It is a motion, action, or gesture.

VOICE: Something that is audible and can be heard. It is the perception of someone or something created by limited but substantial information, particularly information just received.

SPACE: Broadcast time or a section of a magazine reserved for a specific purpose, such as advertising. A duration or interval of time. Myers, G.E. (1973:74).

DICTIONARY: The clarity with which someone pronounces words when speaking; the selection of words to meet one’s context.

PRONOUNCEMENT: The manner in which a sound, word, or language is articulated, particularly in accordance with an established standard; the act of articulating a sound or word; phonetic transcription of sounds.

RIV: Reader’s View

Roll Tape/Video Tape Recorder (RT/VTR)

VOF: Voice-Over Film

JUVENILE DELINQUENCY: Unlawful antisocial or illegal behaviour or act committed by a youth.

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