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Chapter One: 1.0 Introduction
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is intended to monitor all inbound and outbound network traffic and detect any abnormal patterns that could suggest a network or system attack by someone attempting to break into or compromise a system.

IDS is a passive monitoring system that alerts users to unusual behaviour rather than preventing it. An IDS analyses your network traffic and data to detect probes, assaults, exploits, and other vulnerabilities.

IDSs can respond to suspicious events in a variety of methods, including presenting an alert, documenting the occurrence, or even notifying an administrator. In rare situations, the IDS may be requested to alter the network to mitigate the effects of the suspected intrusion.

An intrusion detection system (IDS) primarily searches for strange activity and events that could be caused by a virus, worm, or hacker.

This is accomplished by searching for recognised intrusion signatures or attack signatures that distinguish various worms or viruses, as well as monitoring general deviations from normal system behaviour. The IDS can only notify you of known attacks.


1.1Statement of the Problem

The number of pin codes accessible in the country today is insufficient to support the growing population, and many of the existing lines are faulty due to a lack of maintenance. Our government is not providing adequate funding to MTN management.

MTN complains about a lack of lines on a daily basis, however despite this, some people are assigned many lines.

The MTN cabinet network is no longer useful, and the underground cable infrastructure no longer serves the current population of the community.

MTN is having difficulty maintaining the identities and records of its subscribers, making it impossible for them to know who has a queue and who does not have a pin code number.



1.2 Objectives Of The Study

The primary goal of this research is to computerise the XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks system in order to increase the transaction rate of services provided to their varied clients.


1.3 Aims and Objectives

The current invention is to provide a method and system for generating a number stream that employs the most modern cryptanalytic and statistical techniques available.

To develop a non-deterministic asynchronous pin code number generation technique and system.

The purpose of the current invention is to provide a method and system for ensuring that no particular subsequence of an asynchronous pin code number or derivative value is used twice, while also removing vulnerabilities associated with storing records of created values.

To propose a method and system for producing an asynchronous pin code number that is secure against attack and compromise.
To develop a technique and system for generating an asynchronous pin code number that takes use of the apparent automaticity of ordered systems in general?

XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks has accelerated the assignment of numbers to both individuals. It has assisted numerous organisations in reducing the tremendous strain connected with the manual process of allocating numbers to its clients. It has aided in the creation, processing, and storage of accurate and dependable numbers.


1.4 Scope and Delimitations

The research is for Ad-Hoc Networks, as it is maintained by MTN Nigeria. It critically examines the current system in use, identifying the deficiency, analysing the problem, and developing a redesigned system that effectively solves the current and future problems with little or no modification. This will help a lot.

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