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1.1 Background of the Research

Despite the presence of many oil and gas corporations operating in the region and exploiting the Niger Delta’s oil and gas resources, the Niger Delta has lagged in economic and social development (Ibaba, 2008).

One of the most pressing issues has been how oil and gas firms may contribute to the development of the Niger Delta. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Chevron’s corporate social responsibility activities in the Niger Delta region.

This is an important topic since it leads to the determination of the role of corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta region’s economic and social growth. Chevron’s corporate social responsibility activities have an impact on the environment in the Niger Delta region.

The report assesses how oil and gas corporations have accepted responsibility for critical development initiatives to overcome the deficiencies of the Nigerian government in assessing their corporate social responsibility operations.

Recent related research on challenges in the Niger Delta region has emphasised the region’s lack of development and poor environmental management as a result of the impacts of oil and gas industry enterprises’ operations (Nliam, 2014).

Various efforts have been made to mitigate the implications of oil and gas operations, with the inadequacies in government infrastructure and assistance resulting in increased accountability on the part of oil and gas companies (Phil-Eze & Okoro, 2009).

While this is true, no examination of the duty of oil and gas companies in contributing to the social and economic development of local communities through corporate social responsibility initiatives has been conducted.

This study aims to fill that vacuum by conducting research and laying the groundwork for future studies on the corporate social responsibility of oil and gas companies in the Niger Delta region.

The research contains various aspects that serve as the study’s foundation. The first component is the emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the primary research area. The study assesses the need for corporate social responsibility (CSR) to help social and economic growth in emerging countries.

The second component is a focus on oil and gas firms in Nigeria, with these firms and their actions serving as the foundation for the research’s assessment. Oil and gas operations have a substantial environmental impact and danger,

thus it is critical to understand the trade-off between the need for these enterprises to operate in countries and their contribution to local and national economies.

The third component is Chevron, a significant global oil and firm that serves as a case study for the research and represents oil and gas companies in Nigeria in terms of corporate social responsibility initiatives.

Given Chevron’s extensive operations in the region, it is crucial to focus on Chevron’s effect and involvement in the development of the Niger Delta.

1.2 Objectives of the Research

The study’s main goal is to investigate the corporate social responsibility efforts of oil and gas companies in Nigeria in general, and Chevron in the Niger Delta region in particular. Because of the effects that oil and gas companies’ activities have on local communities and the environment, oil and gas companies have a responsibility to contribute to them.

Oil and gas companies produce enormous revenue from their activities as well. The research evaluates the extent of corporate social responsibility activities carried out by oil and gas corporations with the goal of forming an opinion on how oil and gas firms in Nigeria should conduct corporate social responsibility activities.

1.3 Question and Goals of the Research

The following is the study’s research question: What hurdles has Chevron faced in implementing corporate social responsibility programmes in the Niger Delta? The project has numerous research objectives. These are as follows:

To identify various CSR efforts carried out by oil and gas companies in the Niger Delta region. The study’s goal is to identify the important CSR actions carried out by the region’s oil and gas companies.

To investigate the consequences of corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta region. The study aims to provide a knowledge of the effects of existing CSR initiatives on the region’s social and economic growth.

To make suggestions to Chevron on corporate social responsibility initiatives to take based on the research findings. The research intends to provide Chevron with recommendations on the types of CSR initiatives that would benefit both Chevron and the local populations in the region.

This study investigates a variety of topics and issues. One concern is the extent to which oil and gas companies contribute to local communities and countries through corporate social responsibility programmes.

This is investigated in the study to obtain a better knowledge of the contribution of oil and gas companies in general, and Chevron in particular, to the social and economic development of local people in the Niger Delta region.

Another concern is the impact of oil and gas companies’ corporate social responsibility programmes. Given the significant value extracted by oil and gas firms from the use of local communities’ and countries’ oil and gas resources,

such as Nigeria, this issue needs to be investigated to determine if the oil and gas firms are contributing a proportionate size of benefits to the local communities that are significantly impacted by the oil and gas firms’ activities.

The study’s other research questions will be related to the research objectives. For example, one research question would be: what are the effects of oil and gas companies’ corporate social responsibility in the Niger Delta region? Another study topic is: what is the present suite of corporate social responsibility activities in which oil and gas companies are involved?

In addressing the research questions and objectives, the study hopes to gain insight into why corporate social responsibility is crucial for oil and gas companies. Furthermore, the study provides insights into why corporations embark on corporate social responsibility.

1.4 Justification for Research

There is strong justification for carrying out this research. The research findings are important for oil and gas companies since they continue to operate in conditions similar to the Niger Delta region.

Oil and gas firms are effectively working in an environment designed to lead to the maximum success for the oil and gas firms and the local community by identifying the relevant CSR activities that would have the most significant beneficial impacts in a region.

The research findings also have a substantial impact on academics. The research material adds to scholars’ knowledge and understanding of corporate social responsibility and makes recommendations for measures that oil and gas companies might take as part of their CSR portfolio of operations.

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