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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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The purpose of this study is to determine how personal secretaries at Enugu Urbain’s first Bank Plc contributed to the smooth running of the business. Secretaries and managers were polled via questionnaires to gather information for this research. Based on the data obtained, it was determined that personal secretaries are more productive when given current and suitable equipment. On the other hand, they are less productive when their workplace conditions are bad. Also, secretaries think that if their salaries are higher and their responsibilities are well defined, it will boost their morale and productivity. Lastly, it is recommended that secretaries be equipped with sufficient and up-to-date office equipment to better carry out their duties in our organisation. Additionally, management should offer private offices to secretaries to create a congenial working environment, and secretaries should be fairly compensated for their work.



Personal secretaries have a crucial role in determining the fate of many business organisations, particularly those involving commercial banks. A secretary is an executive assistant who is well-versed in office procedures, shows initiative and judgement, can work independently, and makes decisions within their authority, according to the National Secretaries Association of the USA.

Based on the definition provided, one could claim that a secretary is the foundation upon which every firm is built. Understanding the differences between a typewriter, a secretary, and a stenographer is critical at this point.

On the other hand, according to the Dictionary of Occupation, a stenographer is someone who “trans cribes dictated materials using typewrite and also performs a variety of clerical duties;” a typist, on the other hand, types correspondence and might or might not be able to take shorthand notes. Banks in Enugu Urbain rely on the secretary’s assistance, which is one of the secretary’s many duties, to ensure the smooth running of the business.

Like many other companies, the operational success first bank in Enugu Urbain is fighting for the ability to stay in business effectively. Without competent hands to process mail, maintain records, take dictation, and greet clients and guests for business talks, no goods can be achieved.

Due to the crucial nature of their tasks, secretaries play a pivotal role in the office operations of their respective organisations. The need for keeping records came from the industrial revolution, which in turn gave birth to the secretarial profession. Additional research led to the development of typing, and eventually, the necessity to hire someone to handle these crucial secretarial tasks emerged.

The term “personal secretary” was first used by John Harnson and Marcon Leishman (1989) to describe someone whose primary responsibility is the smooth operation of an office. In the course of any office-based activity, including answering the phone, conversing with clients, and receiving incoming calls.

When her employer isn’t there, she has to rely on her intuition to get things done, among other crucial tasks for survival. Despite the importance of secretaries to the smooth running of the first bank in Enugu, Ubain, this scheme entirely ignores their role.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

People in this region tend to look down on secretaries for a variety of reasons, including the widespread belief that the role is largely performed by people who lack intelligence and the widespread belief that a secretary’s responsibilities do not extend beyond typing and taking dictation.

As a result, secretaries in Enugu, Ubain are often seen as not contributing much, if any, value to the operational success of their respective banks. Second, a personal secretary’s ability to do her job well has been hindered by the absence of a private office; this is particularly true in open general offices where the secretary is constantly interrupted by coworkers’ chatter.

Thirdly, the relative merits of personal secretaries in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the specific responsibilities that differentiate them from clerks capable of transcribing shorthand into a mailable capy, remain unclear.

Therefore, the researcher sought to understand how personal secretaries impacted the operational success of the first banks in Enugu Ubain in this study.

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this research is to identify the role that personal secretaries played in the operational success of First Bank Plc. Enugu.

1.4 The Limitations of the Study

The role of personal secretaries in the success of commercial banks in Enugu Metropolis was the exclusive focus of the study.

1.5 The Significance of the Study

The research that the students perform will help improve secretarial education in Nigeria. The students’ findings would also benefit the secretarial service in Enugu state.

Reason being, it will let them control the functions’ magnitude. The findings of this study will be highly useful for teaching secretaries in their roles as they pertain to school operations.

1.6 Assumption Of The Study

Personal secretaries, according to the researcher’s assumptions, would help commercial banks succeed if given a positive work atmosphere. One would think that secretaries would be more invested in their work if it directly impacts the bank’s operations and performance.


The study was guided by the following research questions.

First Bank Plc secretaries: what are their responsibilities? 1.

2. To what extent are first bank plc’s secretaries competent in carrying out their duties?

Thirdly, how do these responsibilities help first bank plc. enugu run smoothly?

4. When carrying out these duties at First Bank Plc, what challenges do secretaries face?

5. What suggestions do you have on how secretaries could help First Bank Plc run more smoothly?


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