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Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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This experiment focusses on the isolation and characterisation of harmful bacteria from hawked suya meat, which was purchased in bulk from the sellers and collected in aluminium foil wrappers. It was then brought to the laboratory for analysis. The samples were homogenised, and serial dilution was performed with a 5 ml sterile pipette and test tube. The dilutions were then cultivated on various medium, including macconkey agar, nutrition agar, and blood agar, and then incubated at 370 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. Discrete bacterial colonies were identified, and each colomy was gramme stained and inspected under a microscope. Biochemical tests were performed to identify the specific bacteria present. Bacteria isolated included Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli. The majority of these bacteria isolated are pathogenic and harmful when consumed in infected suya meat. They are possible to cause sickness. For example, staphylococcus aureus produces air exotizcin and can withstand a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. When eaten, it causes intoxication within 4-5 hours, followed by acute diarrhoea, vomiting, and gastroenteritis that lasts 6-8 hours.


Chapter one



Meat is an animal product. It is this animal component that provides the majority of the protein in West African cuisine. There are several varieties of meat from different animals, such as pork meat (pig), multon (goat), and beef (cow). Meat can be served as a prepared meat product, such as corn beef, fried meat, grilled meat or suya (smoked meat).

Meat is a perishable product, and its composition promotes the growth of a wide variety of spoilage microorganisms. Public concern has arisen as a result of various food scandals, including those involving bovine spongiform encephalopathy, roof and mouth disease epidemics, and foodborne disease, which continue to be a significant burden.

We can solve these issues by improving and implementing a global food safety control system. A rapid and precise microbial deterioration detection system is one potential enhancement.

This technology should ideally be non-destructive and provide results in real time for use in a highly automated food processing system.

Suya meat is made by smoking raw beets with various spices, salt, oil, groundnut cake, and flavours. The meat is initially chopped into smaller pieces and coated with spices before being oven dried or cooked over a local source of heat. This permits the meat to be properly dried with the desired flavour before it is sold to consumers.

This is gold at a specific joint or howked. When gold is at a joint, it is constantly maintained warm by a fire source. The hawked saya meat is transported from one location to another in an open basin, exposing it to dust and other environmental factors, allowing hazardous organisms to enter the meat and cause sickness.

Food poisoning is an ailment characterised by acute gastroenteritis as a prominent symptom induced by the consumption of dangerous microorganisms or chemicals. Tomatari (1983).

Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium butilinum, Clostridium preferring Bacillus cereces, and Streptococcus progenies are some of the microorganisms found in suya that cause food poisoning when consumed.

Some of these microorganisms in meat cause off flavours, rendering the meat unfit for consumption and reducing its taste value.

Aims of Objectives

This project research is meant to isolate and identify the prevalent rotting organisms of suya meat often manufacturing, therefore ensuring the safety of the population at risk in eating contained suya meat.


HO: Hawked suya meat marketed near ESBS metropolises contains dangerous germs.

H1 Hawked Suya Meat sold near ESBS metropolises does not contain pathogenic microorganisms.

HI Hawked suya meat marketed around ESBS and metropolies contains microorganisms, but the concentration is insufficient to cause disease.


The significance of this work is to enable those producers to improve the hygiene of the food (suya meat) and have a good knowledge of safe food handling practices, suitable protective clothing to be worm end.

It will also enable us to be aware of various pathogenic organic and infectious diseases that are transmitted through food (suya meat).

As a result, food contamination prevention measures must be implemented. This can be accomplished by keeping high-risk foods at a temperature that limits the growth of germs.

– Making sure that food is only in the danger zone for a short period of time during preparation. – Using appropriate preservation methods such as salt and sugar. – Using a variety of packaging methods, such as glassware.


Pathogenic organisms are organisations that are regarded to be distinct health dangers linked with gastro intestinal disturbance, which includes foxiness.

The victim suffering from obdouninal discomfort and diarrhea with more vomiting thus diarrhea commonly manifest the illness, which when unitreat individual in case where it does not result to death it had to unneeded expenses in seeking medical counsel. This has sparked curiosity in how we may enhance our food hygiene to avoid contamination.


The project work is limited to the isolation and identification of bacteria associated with hawked Suya meat marketed near ESBS Enugu. This will help to raise public health awareness about the dangers of consuming hawked Suya meat.

The project would have covered the entire Enugu urban area, however due to budgetary and scheduling restrictions, this was not possible. Throughout the project, there were frequent power outages, which hampered media preparation and incubation.


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