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Knowledge And Attitude Of Female Bankers Toward The Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding

Knowledge And Attitude Of Female Bankers Toward The Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding

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Knowledge And Attitude Of Female Bankers Toward The Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding


The purpose of this study was to investigate female bankers’ knowledge and attitudes on the practice of exclusive breastfeeding in the IkpobaOkha local government area of Benin City, Edo state. The context of the study provided a wide and complete introduction to the study, and the issue statement was identified.

The study’s significance was explained, and operational definitions of words were given for proper understanding. The scope of the investigation was also set out, and current related literature was evaluated, as well as a theoretical framework pertinent to the study being discussed.

Questionnaires containing open and closed ended questions were distributed to 115 respondents; all were collected, and a total of 100 correctly completed questionnaires were examined. The data was analysed using a frequency table, a percentage pie chart, and bar charts. The results of the study were discussed, and the findings were interpreted.

The data in figure IV reveal that 95 (95%) of respondents had strong knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding, however in figure IX, only 15 (15%) practise exclusive breastfeeding.

According to the findings, respondents’ high understanding of exclusive breastfeeding had no impact on their negative attitude towards the practice of exclusive nursing.

Other barriers to efficient Exclusive Breastfeeding practice include early resumption of duty and late closing hours, as shown in figures VII and XIX 98 (98%), as well as a lack of support from colleagues in figure XIX 96 (96%).

The data demonstrated that female bankers have a decent understanding of exclusive breastfeeding, but their attitude towards the practice is quite negative. Recommendations and suggestions for future investigation were provided.

Chapter one


Breastfeeding is regarded as the most complete dietary source for infants, as breast milk contains the vital lipids, carbs, proteins, and immune components required for infants to flourish and resist infection during their formative years.

Cardwell and Barry (2004) and Jones et al. (2003) recognised exclusive breastfeeding from b to u months as the single most effective preventive strategy in lowering child mortality, with the potential to save 1.3 million newborns per year.

Similarly, Leoan-Cava et al. (2003) found that enhanced breast feeding methods are critical for child growth and development. However, advocates for breastfeeding have noted a continuous drop due to the attitude of female bankers. This is especially pronounced in poorer nations like Nigeria.

Wagner et al. (2005) found that, despite all of the professional advice for infants to breastfeed for the first six months of life, a large percentage of moms chose not to breastfeed. Work and family conflicts are key concerns for many, if not all, female bankers around the world.

Most banking institutions continue to spend resources in an attempt to help their employees manage family duties and responsibilities at work; however, work and family boundary (exclusive breastfeeding) has been the most challenging factor associated with female bankers in Ikpoba Hill, Benin City (Cooner 2002).

Some may be due to professional factors, such as female bankers who spend more time in the office.

According to research conducted in underdeveloped countries, nutritional insufficiency and development retardation are widespread among children aged 3 to 15 months old, as a result of suboptimal breastfeeding and inadequate complementary feeding practices (shrimptonetal 2001).

Parts of the efforts to promote improved breastfeeding practices focused on hospital norms and services, legislation and institutional policies, health worker training, mass media campaigns, peer counselling and education, mother-to-mother support, and a combination of these strategies (Green, 1999; Till et al, 2004; Quinn et al, 2005).

Specifically, in 1996, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) awarded a grant to the Academy for International Development to establish and administer the LINKAGES project, a 10-year initiative to enhance breastfeeding practices quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately, this has not yielded an encouraging result.

This is because in African countries, the national percentage of early commencement of breastfeeding was low, with Ghana having the lowest rate (35%) followed by Madagascar (34%).Quin et al, 2005) as it has been ensured that the safety, optimum growth, and health survival of human infants; that the duration of breast feeding may also determine the strength of mother/child born and attachment;

however, exclusive breast feeding is not being practiced in full among female bankers due to the long time they spend in the office, and non-provision of curech by their management due to the risky environment in which they work.

Breastfeeding declined significantly between 1900 and 1960 as a result of a growing negative attitude towards the practice and the development of infant formulas in modern health centres. Human breast milk is considered the healthiest form of milk for babies due to its numerous advantages over artificial formulas (National Health Services 2007).

Although breast feeding is natural, current instant feeding practices are far from optimal due to a lack of updated knowledge and training among medical and paramedical personnel

community misconceptions, misinformation by infant food manufacturers and return to work, illness, breast engorgement, and mastitis, which have resulted in over a million deaths annually worldwide (Ghai, 2008).

Because of the foregoing, WHO and UNICFE developed the baby friendly hospital initiative (BFHI) in 1999 as part of the “innocent declaration of 1991,” which promotes, protects, and supports breast feeding. Baby friendly hospitals follow its ten steps for successful implementation of breastfeeding in the context of HIV and emergencies

as well as expansion into other types of health facilities and the community to discourage the use of breast milk substitutes and water during the first six months of an infant’s life (WHO,2012).

This has demonstrated that exclusive breastfeeding is advantageous to babies, mothers, and the community as a whole. However, it is a very difficult undertaking to engage in, particularly for bankers.

This project seeks to understand the roles and practices of exclusive breast feeding among female bankers in IkpobaOkhaL.G.A, Benin City, Edo State.

At the conclusion of this study, recommendations will be given to bank management to provide a friendly environment for nursing women to keep their newborns while also reducing working hours so that they can exclusively nurse.


Despite WHO and UNICEF’s efforts and tactics to raise awareness of exclusive breastfeeding through baby-friendly hospital activities in order to prevent complications connected with artificial feeding such as respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Researchers have discovered that many are still hesitant to practise exclusive breastfeeding due to workplace and environmental factors.

Hence, the question “What is the knowledge and attitude of female bankers towards the attitude of exclusive breast feeding in Ikpoba Okha L.G.A Benin city?”


1. To determine the amount of knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding among female bankers.

2. To determine the attitudes of female bankers about exclusive breastfeeding.

3. Determine the factors influencing the practice of exclusive breast feeding among female bankers.

4. To determine the measures for improving exclusive breast feeding in the banking business.


1. It will generate data on breastfeeding among female bankers.

2. Encourage the well-being of the children of female bankers.

3. To raise female bankers’ understanding of the benefits of exclusive breast feeding and to provide solutions to overcome the barriers to successful practice of exclusive breastfeeding.

4. To determine the attitudes of female bankers on breastfeeding.


1. What is the level of understanding of female bankers regarding exclusive breastfeeding?

2. What type of attitude do female bankers acquire about the practice of exclusive breast feeding?

3. What factors influence the effective practice of exclusive breastfeeding among female bankers?

4. What are the advantages of exclusive breastfeeding among female bankers?


The scope of the study is limited to female bankers of childbearing age in the IkpobaOkha local government region of Edo state, Nigeria.

Its headquarters are in the town of Idogbo. It has an area of 862 km2 and a population of 371,106 according to the 2006 census. The postal code for the area is 300.

There are approximately ………banks in IkpobaOkha.L.G.A has approximately ……. Number of female bankers.

Limitations of the study

1. Time factor: The entire procedure is time-consuming, and the project must be completed within a specific time range.

2. Insufficient capital due to the country’s economic predicament.

Operational Definition of Terms

Knowledge: A clear perception or comprehension of exclusive breastfeeding.

Attitude: Position that indicates action, feeling, or mood towards exclusive breastfeeding.

Practice: The method of carrying out or doing exclusive breastfeeding.

Exclusive breastfeeding is the practice of feeding a newborn solely breast milk for the first few months of life.

Breast: A mammary gland that secretes milk after giving birth.

Artificial milk is milk synthesised from plants or animals and used to feed babies.

Complementary feeding: Artificial milk is administered to supplement breast milk after 6 months of exclusive feeding.

BFH: Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.

SIDs: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

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