Project Materials




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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1. Background to the Study

According to Aniodo (2010), a co-operative is an autonomous association of people who have joined freely to achieve their common economic, social, and cultural needs and goals through a jointly owned and democratic initiative.

Cooperative is a voluntary and democratic association of persons with variable membership and variable capital whose members pooled themselves and their resources together on mutual and self-help basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the social-economic problems of these members by directly providing goods and services to them in their capacity as

Cooperative promotion is the technique of forming a cooperative society from a group of persons in the same area of business or trade who share the same vision.

Leadership is both a study topic and a practical talent that refers to an individual or organization’s ability to “lead” or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organisations.

The literature disputes numerous points of view, including opposing Eastern and Western approaches to leadership, as well as (within the West) US vs. European approaches.

In US academic settings, leadership is defined as “a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task”.

Leadership from a European and non-academic perspective includes a vision of a leader who is motivated not only by communitarian aims, but also by a desire for personal power.

Leadership plays an important part in the development of cooperative societies; for a cooperative to be founded, its leaders must prioritise the interests of its members; otherwise, the cooperative is doomed to fail at the formation stage. As a result, the focus of this research is on the role of leadership and cooperative promotion in Nkanu, located in the west of Enugu.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The government’s failure to see cooperatives as an autonomous tool for economic and social development is the source of their stifling control over cooperatives. This makes it difficult to achieve cooperative autonomy. Government should not recognise cooperative autonomy.

The government should not view cooperatives as parastatals; this does not imply that cooperatives should operate independent of government regulation. This underscores Dr. King’s belief that a proper sort of government must exist to aid cooperatives before they can grow. Ebue, (2011).

As a result, this study will address the issue of analysing the impact of officialization (government over-interference and control of cooperatives), with a focus on the extent to which government assistance and promotion might lead to officialization.

In accordance with the foregoing, the government’s failure to allow co-operatives the necessary autonomy and cease undue involvement with them (co-operatives) will be a step forward in the realisation of the goals for which co-operatives exist.

Furthermore, the government’s inability to enact cooperative laws and principles that grant them the necessary autonomy and officialization is a major issue in the governance and management of the business. The researcher became interested in this area after encountering the problems mentioned above.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate leadership roles and cooperative promotion in Nkanu, west of Enugu state. The precise objectives of this research include the following:

1. To investigate the impact of leadership on cooperative promotion in the Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State.

2. To assess the impact of leadership on cooperative development in Nkanu West Local Government Area, Enugu State.

3. Investigate the function of leadership in cooperative creation in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area.

4. To identify leadership obstacles in cooperative creation in the Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State, as well as to propose potential solutions to the identified concerns.

1.4 Research Question.

1. How does leadership affect cooperative promotion in Enugu state’s Nkanu West Local Government Area?

2. Does leadership influence the establishment of cooperatives in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area?

3. What responsibilities do leaders play in the formation of cooperatives in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area?

4. What are the hurdles that leadership faces when forming a cooperative in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area.

1.5 Research Hypotheses.

Ho: Leadership has little effect on cooperative promotion in Enugu state’s Nkanu West LGA.

H1: Leadership has a substantial impact on cooperative promotion in the Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State.

Ho: Leadership has no influence on cooperative growth in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area.

H1: Leadership influences cooperative growth in Enugu state’s Nkanu West LGA.

Ho: Leadership has no part in the formation of a cooperative in Enugu’s Nkanu West Local Government Area.

H1: Leadership is important in the creation of cooperatives in the Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State.

Ho: There are no leadership issues in forming a cooperative in Enugu State’s Nkanu West Local Government Area.

H1: The development of a cooperative in Enugu state’s Nkanu West Local Government Area presents numerous leadership obstacles.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Any human endeavor’s significance is determined by its relevance to human problem solving. This research will benefit the following:

The researcher will benefit from broadening his thoughts and developing his investigation skills, as well as being able to obtain a Higher national certificate in corporative economics and management.

Government: It would serve to educate government policymaking while also reducing the level of leadership conflict among corporative societies.

To co-operatives: Especially in Nkanu West L.G.A., they must constantly be attentive when interacting with external organisations (government and other institutions).

1.7 Scope of Study

The scope of this study would be Nkanu West L.G.A in Enugu state due to Nigeria’s large size.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

In order to do this research, the researcher was confronted with difficulties of time, finance, and visitation. As a student, the researcher had challenges that can absorb her time and finances, such as attendance at lectures, class assignments, and seminars, as well as other school activities. She also had to deal with issues like distributing and collecting questionnaires from people in the research region.

Finally, all of the hurdles were overcome, and the research was completed successfully. Throughout the study, the researcher met numerous obstacles and limits. Among them are:

People’s responsibility to share information.

Most participants approached by the researcher with the goal of gathering information for the study were hesitant to provide the requested information.

The researcher later discovered through the interviews she conducted with them (the respondents) that their names had been made public or misquoted by the researcher.

Well-equipped libraries

The majority of the libraries the researcher visited for information were inadequately prepared. Some of them lacked access to current textbooks, periodicals, and other sources of knowledge on the subject under study.

As a result, the researcher spent a significant amount of time and money collecting the data required for this study. Regardless of the hurdles posed by the researcher, she was able to make effective use of the study materials at her disposal.

1.9 Definition of Terms.

It is necessary to provide a brief definition of the following essential terms in order to understand the meaning of the key concept and some terminology used in the research project.

DEVELOPMENT: Todarro 1977 defines development as a multifaceted process that includes changes in structure, institutions, and attitudes, as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the elimination of inequality, and the abolition of hunger and poverty in a society.

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