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Leadership Styles Of Nurse Managers And Nurses Job Satisfaction

Leadership Styles Of Nurse Managers And Nurses Job Satisfaction

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Leadership Styles Of Nurse Managers And Nurses Job Satisfaction


This study looked at nurse managers’ leadership styles and how they influenced nurse job satisfaction at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital in ItukuOzalla, Enugu.

The specific objectives were to: determine the perceived leadership styles (Transformational, Transactional, and Laisser-faire) used by nurse managers at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH); determine the level of job satisfaction of nurses at UNTH; and assess the relationship between leadership styles and job satisfaction at UNTH.

Three hypotheses were developed to guide the investigation. The related literature was reviewed under conceptual and empirical research. The study used a descriptive correlational research design rather than an experiment.

A validated questionnaire was utilised to administer the instruments to 228 respondents, and the 205 accurate replies were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study found that job satisfaction among study participants was higher than average (60%). All of the leadership styles analysed had a substantial association with respondents’ job satisfaction.

Transformational and transactional leadership styles correlated positively with job satisfaction, with mean scores of 2.40 + 0.49 and 2.31 + 0.39, respectively. The laissez faire leadership style exhibited a negative link with job satisfaction, with a mean score of 2.30 + 0.46. It was suggested that nurses be included in all levels of hospital policy formulation, as well as an adjustment in reward system to promote proactive nurses.


Background for the study
Today’s nursing practice is influenced by a variety of elements, including a continually changing health care environment, advanced technology, and the high cost of care giving.

In today’s competitive and evolving healthcare environment, hospitals must strategise to attain their goals. This frequently entails ongoing organisational change to address new health-care concerns.

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